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equal padding on repeating tables


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ok I need help with this one :o


Anyway, I want to have all the tables that my loop produces be the same height - so I thought adding padding to the bottom would be the easiest way. The problem is that I populate these tables base on a db field and I dont let the table have more than 15 check boxes


Here is my code for populating the tables:

			$max_per_col = 15;
			$current_type = "";
			$feature_num = 0;

			echo '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><tr>';

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsAllFeatures)) {

  //If new type show new type header
  if ($current_type != $row['Type']) {

    //If not first type close previous type
    if ($current_type != "") {
      echo "</table><table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='left' style='padding-bottom:2em'>\n";
  $feature_num = 0;

    $current_type = $row['Type'];
    echo "\n\t<tr><td class='sb' width='125' >$current_type:</td></tr>\n";

echo "<tr><td style=\"font-size:9px\" width='125' ><input onClick=\"changeColor(this.id, '#009900');\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"FeatureId[]\" id=\"FeatureId$row[FeatureId]\" value=\"$row[FeatureId]\"";
					foreach($ItemsFeatures as $FeatureId){
							echo "checked";
				echo ">";
echo "<label id=\"LabelFeatureId".$row['FeatureId']."\" for=\"FeatureId".$row['FeatureId']."\">".$row['Name']."</label></td></tr>\n";
  //echo $row['Name'] . "<br>\n";

  //If the 15th item close td and start new one
  if ($feature_num >= $max_per_col) {
    echo "</table><table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='left' style='padding-bottom:2em'>\n";//"</td><td>\n";
    $feature_num = 0;


echo "</td></tr></table>\n";?>


Any Ideas how to determine the extra padding needed at the end of each table?


possibly a count of some sort??


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yes, except I start a new table if the "type" is different.


I have a $feature_num but all my declarations are for starting the new table or tr - so if I say:

    if ($current_type != "") {
      $pad = 15 - $feature_num;
		echo "</table><table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='left' style='padding-bottom:".$pad."em'>\n";
  $feature_num = 0;


I get the padding that should apply to the previous table not the current one.


Will I have to restructure my loops?

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I think the best way to do it is to increment a counter ever time a row (<tr>) is printed in the current table. When you go to a new table, use that counter to print extra rows if it stops before that number. You can set a static height for all the rows or just put a   in the empty rows. If you don't want to add extra rows, I would still use the counter, but you would have to figure out a relation between padding and the number of rows in the previous table.

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