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[SOLVED] how to give alert msg


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Just a moment ago I saw this sticky thread/topic in the General Discussion > Miscellaneous forum:


How To Ask Questions:



4)  Get wordy. By this I mean you should not do short-text (do u no y i'm havin dis prob? lol!).  Not to say you do this often, but I have seen it some.  Also, get picky. Turn into that English teacher from high school you hated so much.  Run your paragraphs through a text editor if you must that will do a spell check and grammar check.  Also, make sure you use proper sentence structure and punctuation as much as possible.  I'm not a pro on commas, apostrophe's, and the likes, but I do know a question mark goes at the end of a question.  A suggestion on the spelling.  Get the newest release of FireFox and the Web Developer add on. I have those and misspelled words get underlined in red.  If you right click on the misspelled word it will give you a small list of possible corrections.


"Also, make sure you use proper sentence structure and punctuation as much as possible."


The above quote and the line in italic in particular describe what is wrong with your post / question beboo002. I simply did not (and still do not) understand what you were (and still are) asking about. This has both to do with your improper spelling, sentence structure and general description of your problem. Please try to rephrase your problem :)


I actually think the How To Ask Question topic should be made sticky in the PHP Help forum. As the quote says it is not very often I see posts/topics which I simply do not understand do to the language but it happens and more and more often.



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