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Problem with the code tag?

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Hey all,


I just signed up because I wanted to reply to some comments on some tutorials. Anyhow if you look at my response on http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/44/5.php?topic_id=6568#top then you'll see the 'code' section screwed up. It should've looked like proper XML;





but it hasn't saved/displayed the < > tags correctly, or the quotes. Presumably this is down to some functions trying to stip HTML on saving, but then not displaying it correctly when within code tags as it uses a < pre > tag. If you look in the source you can see it is actually rendering '&lt;' therefore it renders & as & and is left with lt; which means nothing in html so it just displays the text. Somewhere the < has been saved as < and then that has been saved as &lt;.


Could this be corrected please? If not, could you remove that response of mine and I'll repost later without using the code tag.


Oh I'd also really appreciate a preview option when posting comments!




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