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php contact form


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been struggling with this. i'm testing with safari + firefox on mac. the page loads fine (no errors) and shows the form. but when submitted, it doesn't display the errors if those fields aren't filled in.


$form_block = "
<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<form method=\"post\" action=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]\">

<tr><td>Name</td><td><input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$name\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Email</td><td><input name=\"email\" type=\"text\" value=\"$email\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Phone</td><td><input name=\"phone\" type=\"text\" value=\"$phone\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Company</td><td><input name=\"company\" type=\"text\" value=\"$company\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Street Address</td><td><input name=\"address\" type=\"text\" value=\"$address\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>City, State, Zip</td><td><input name=\"city\" type=\"text\" value=\"$city\" size=\"15\" /><input name=\"state\" type=\"text\" value=\"$state\" size=\"3\" /><input name=\"zip\" type=\"text\" value=\"$zip\" size=\"5\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Office Trailer Address</td><td><input name=\"traileraddress\" type=\"text\" value=\"$traileraddress\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Office Trailer City, State, Zip</td><td><input name=\"city2\" type=\"text\" value=\"$city2\" size=\"15\" /><input name=\"state2\" type=\"text\" value=\"$state2\" size=\"3\" /><input name=\"zip2\" type=\"text\" value=\"$zip2\" size=\"5\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>What size  trailer do you think will be most appropriate for you?</td><td><input name=\"trailersize\" type=\"text\" value=\"$trailersize\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Would you like to lease or purchase the  trailer?</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"lease\" value=\"$lease\" />Lease <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"purchase\" value=\"$purchase\" /> Purchase</td></tr>

<tr><td>If lease, how long do you anticipate needing the trailer?</td><td><input name=\"lease2\" type=\"text\" value=\"$lease2\" size=\"30\" /></td></tr>

<tr><td>Questions/Comments:</td><td><textarea name=\"qc\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"6\" value=\"$qc\"></textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ds\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Quote Request\" /></td><td> </td></tr>


if ($op != "ds") {

echo "$form_block";
} else if ($op == "ds") {

if ($name == "") {
$name_err = "<font color=red>please fill in your name</font><br>"; 
$send = 0;
if ($email == "") {
$email_err = "<font color=red>please fill in your email</font><br>";
$send = 0;
if ($phone == "") {
$phone_err = "<font color=red>please fill in your phone</font><br>";
$send = 0;
if ($city == "") {
$city_err = "<font color=red>please fill in your city</font><br>";
$send = 0;
if ($state == "") {
$state_err = "<font color=red>please fill in your state</font><br>";
$send = 0;

if ($send != "0") {
$msg .= "name: $name\n";
$msg .= "email: $email\n";
$msg .= "phone: $phone\n";
$msg .= "company: $company\n";
$msg .= "street address: $address\n";
$msg .= "city: $city\n";
$msg .= "state: $state\n";
$msg .= "zip: $zip\n";
$msg .= "traileraddress: $traileraddress\n";
$msg .= "trailer city: $city2\n";
$msg .= "trailer state: $state2\n";
$msg .= "trailer zip: $zip2\n";
$msg .= "trailer size: $trailersize\n";
$msg .= "lease or purchase: $lease $lease2 $purchase\n";
$msg .= "questions/comments: $qc";    
$to = "test@test.com";
$subject = "test";

mail($to, $subject, $msg);

echo "Thank you for your interest. We will be in contact with you shortly.";

} else if ($send == "0") {
echo "$name_err";
echo "$email_err";
echo "$phone_err";
echo "$city_err";
echo "$state_err";
echo "$form_block";  

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Try playing around with array variables.


if(!$this){ //$this is not set
$err[] = "Errror One";

if(!$that){ //$that is not set
$err[] = "Error Two";


  foreach($err AS $errors){
    echo "<font color=\"red\">$errors</font><br />\n";
}else {
echo "OMG IT WORKED.\n";

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ok got it working except for the checkbox. need to have it see which one was checked then print that in the email. any ideas?


<tr><td>Would you like to lease or purchase the container?</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"lease\" value=\"lease\" />Lease <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"purchase\" value=\"purchase\" /> Purchase</td></tr>


$msg .= "lease or purchase: $_POST[lease] $_POST[lease2] $_POST[purchase]\n";

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