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persistent connections and temporary tables?


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hello all!


I'm having a heck of time understanding the way a few things work, or at least, the proper way to do them.


To start off, I have a mysql 5 database that's loaded up with lots of stored procedures I've written for handling a firewall log table.  When I started on my project, I didn't worry about things like multiuser ability, or pagination.  Now that I've got a lot of the backend work done, I'm trying to improve the front end.


My stored procs return their results in the form of a temporary table (engine=memory);  as I understand the mysql documentation, a temporary table stored in memory exists only while the database connection is open, and is discarded once the connection closes.  So that started me on a quest to maintain my connection to the database persistently across multiple page loads.  This is were I start pulling my hair out.


First I find that some group of developers in their infinite wisdom have decided to not support persistent connections in the mysqli (mysql improved) functions, to that end, there is no mysqli_pconnect function.  I've tried mysql_pconnect, but the (old fashioned) mysql functions don't understand stored procedures, and I get an error back from mysql that the result cannot be represented (or something like that).  So I started searching for alternatives.  At first, I considered switching to postgres instead of mysql; pg offers sprocs and the php functions for it offer persistent connections.  Rather than go the route of reconfiguring everything, I kept searching.  I then came across the php odbc functions.  They seemed pretty straight forward, and functionally similar to the mysqli functions.  So, I installed an odbc connector on my server, and changed my code to use odbc instead of mysqli.


Now I have odbc working correctly, the same way mysqli did previously.  So now, I want to try to maintain a persistent connection.


According to the php docs, I need to call odbc_pconnect first to setup the connection, and then when I want to re-use that connection, I can call it again with the same dsn, username and password. 


So lets say I visit index.php, which asks for a username and password, and then opens a connection to the database via odbc.  I store the username and password in a session variable, which is subsequently checked by an include in all my other pages.  The include grabs the u/p from the session array, and fires off another odbc_pconnect, presumably to reopen the db connection.


So far so good; its all working.


Now I decide to test if my db connection is actually being maintained, or just recreated.  I fire off a stored proc using odbc_exec($link_id,"CALL mydb.myproc()") , followed by a query to grab results from the temporary table using odbc_exec again.  This works as expected.  However, in my code, I also set a session variable to indicate the sp has been run, so when I refresh the page, the sp will not be called, just the query on the temp table.  This is where it breaks down.


Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.22]Table 'ulogdb.summary_results' doesn't exist, SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in /var/www/html/db/new_summary2.php on line 29


The table summary_results should still be there if my db connection had been preserved, however, it seems the db connection was closed somewhere along the way, and mysql destroyed the table.


On a side note, odbc_pconnect causes apache to segfault if it passes an incorrect username or password to the odbc connector.


Here's my scripts:


<?php session_start(); ?>
<html><head><title>Connections Summary</title>
include 'styleref.php';

// Report all PHP errors (bitwise 63 may be used in PHP 3)
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

$limit = 100;



// run SP to generate table of in/out traffic over the last n hours
$starttime = microtime(true);
if($_SESSION['summary'] != "yes" || $_GET['refresh'] == "yes"){
$result = odbc_exec($link_id, "CALL new_summary($my_hours,'$my_trafdir')");
if (!$result) {
	echo odbc_error($link_id) ." : ". odbc_errormsg($link_id);
$_SESSION['summary'] = "yes";
$endtime = microtime(true);
$sproctime = $endtime - $starttime;

$starttime = microtime(true);
$result = odbc_exec($link_id, "SELECT * FROM summary_results ORDER BY 'time' DESC");
if (!$result) {
	echo odbc_error($link_id) ." : ". odbc_errormsg($link_id);
	$_SESSION['summary'] = "no";
$endtime = microtime(true);
$querytime = $endtime - $starttime;

$totalrows = odbc_num_rows($result);
$fields_num = odbc_num_fields($result);

$starttime = microtime(true);
if($my_trafdir == "out"){$direction = "Outbound to";}else{$direction = "Inbound from";}
echo "<h1>Packets $direction Internet</h1>\n";
echo "<h3>click on anything for detailed accounting</h3>\n";
echo "<h3>data returned from the past ";
if($my_hours > 1){echo "$my_hours hours</h3>\n";}
else{echo "hour</h3>\n";}

// generate table header based on field names from query

// fetch row as an array which accepts a name based index
// index is case sensitive!
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($result))
// this variable contains the rule action obtained from the database
// it must be defined to something, even it it's not being used
$ruleaction = $row['rule'];

// this include applies a CSS class to each TR element in the table
// based on the action of the rule - current accept, deny and reject

// these variables are used by inter-links to build the various report
// links (hrefs)
// these varible must be defined to something, even if not used
$srcip = $row['srcip'];
$destip = $row['destip'];
$tcpport = $row['tcp'];
$udpport = $row['udp'];
$timestamp = $row['time'];

// this include builds hrefs based on the info above

echo "</TABLE>";

$endtime = microtime(true);
$disptime = $endtime - $starttime;
<h3><a class="hdr" href="new_summary2.php?trafdir=in&hours=<?=$my_hours?>">Inbound Summary</a> - <a class="hdr" href="new_summary2.php?trafdir=out&hours=<?=$my_hours?>">Outbound Summary</a></h3>
<h4>sproc: <?=round($sproctime,3)?> query: <?=round($querytime,3)?> display: <?=round($disptime,3)?></h4>


and opendb.php:

$db_dsn = 'Default';

   $form = '
       <form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">
       <input type="text" name="username">
       <input type="password" name="password"><br>
       <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit this">
if(isset($_SESSION['username']))	// is the username session variable set?
{								// the username variable is set, we're good
// force odbc connection to be a specific username and password for now
// thanks to the odbc_pconnect bug
$link_id = odbc_pconnect('Default','work','damnit');
   	else{$hm = "connected";}
echo "<h4>(welcome back ".$_SESSION['username'].")</h4>\n";
}else{								// nope?
if(isset($_POST['submit']))		// has the user submitted the form?
	{							// yes, they have!
	$user = $_POST['username'];
	$pass = $_POST['password'];
	$user = str_replace(" ", "", $user); //remove spaces
    	$pass = str_replace(" ", "", $pass); //remove spaces
    	$user = str_replace("%20", "", $user); //remove escaped spaces
    	$pass = str_replace("%20", "", $pass); //remove escaped spaces
    	// add slashes to escape things like quotes and apostrophes
    	// because they can be used to hijack SQL statements!
    	$user = addslashes($user);
    	$pass = addslashes($pass);

	// trial by fire, see if we can link up with the db server
	// force odbc connection to be a specific username and password for now
	// thanks to the odbc_pconnect bug
	$link_id = odbc_pconnect('Default','work','damnit');
    	if(!$link_id){$hm = "nope";}
    	else{$hm = "connected";}
	if($hm == "connected"){		// auth successful
		$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];
		echo "<h4>(welcome aboard ".$_SESSION['username'].")</h4>\n";
	}else{						// auth failed
		echo "<h4>(username / password not valid)</h4>\n";
		echo $form;
}else{							// default page load, display form
		echo "<h4>(please log in)</h4>\n";
		echo $form;			


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I didn't want the first post getting too long.  Here is the sproc in case it is relevant somehow.


DECLARE my_query1 TEXT;
DECLARE my_query2 TEXT;
DECLARE my_netdir TEXT;

/* first part of SQL statement */
SET my_query1 = "

max(ulog.`timestamp`) AS 'time',
inet_ntoa(ip_saddr) AS 'srcip',
proto.protocol AS 'proto',
inet_ntoa(ip_daddr) AS 'destip',
ulogdb.ulog.tcp_dport AS 'tcp',
ulogdb.ulog.udp_dport AS 'udp',
ulogdb.ulog.oob_prefix AS 'rule',
count(*) AS 'cnt'

FROM ulogdb.ulog
Left Join ulogdb.ip_protocols AS proto ON proto.ip_protocol = ulog.ip_protocol


/* second part of SQL statement */
SET my_query2 = "
GROUP BY ulog.ip_saddr, ulog.tcp_dport, ulog.udp_dport, ulog.ip_daddr, ulog.oob_prefix

ORDER BY 'time' DESC";

/* setup traffic direction */
IF trafdir = 'out' THEN /* display outgoing traffic */
SET my_netdir = "ulogdb.ulog.oob_out LIKE 'eth0' ";
ELSE		/* display incoming traffic */
SET my_netdir = "ulogdb.ulog.oob_in LIKE 'eth0' ";

SET @s = CONCAT(my_query1, 'ulogdb.ulog.`timestamp` >= SUBDATE(Now(), INTERVAL ', hourcount, ' HOUR) AND ', my_netdir, my_query2);

PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s;


EXECUTE stmt1;



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