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[SOLVED] preg_replace/trim text file into mysql table

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I'm trying to use the text lists from the card game "Magic: The Gathering", and insert the data into a mysql table.  I found a basic script that is supposed to do it, I've modified it a little for some basic errors I found, but it's still not quite working.

Here's the first 2 records in the file so you can see how it looks to me:

Card Title: Air Elemental

Color: Blue

Card Type: Summon Elemental

Cost: 3UU

Pow/Tgh: 4/4

Card Text: Flying

Artist: Richard Thomas

Rarity: Uncommon 1


Card Title: Ancestral Recall

Color: Blue

Card Type: Instant

Cost: U

Pow/Tgh: n/a

Card Text: Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.

Artist: Mark Poole

Rarity: Rare 1

Here's the results/insert that I get when running the file:

Card Type: Summon Elemental

Cost: 3UU

Pow/Tgh: 4/4

Card Text: Flying

Artist: Richard Thomas

Rarity: Uncommon 1


Card Title: Ancestral Recall

Cost: U

Pow/Tgh: n/a

Card Text: Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards.

Artist: Mark Poole

Rarity: Rare 1


Now here's the file I'm using:

$db = "mtg_db";
$table= "mtg_table";
$user = "username";
$pass = "password";
// get info from text file and put it in a mysql table
// run it once only, otherwise you'll get duplicate records

$cards= 10; /*put the number of cards in the text file here*/

$fp=fopen("alpha-beta-unlm.txt","r") or die ("Couldn't open file: "); //the path and name of your text file here
if (! $link) die("couldn't connect to mysql");
mysql_select_db($db,$link) or die ("couldn't open $db ".mysql_error());

for ($i=0;$i<$cards;$i++)
if (fgets($fp,100)=="") continue; // fgets increments each time it's called.
if (fgets($fp,100)==" ") continue; // sometime you need this too.
  				/*preg_replace gets	rid of the extra text, 
			and trim gets rid of any spaces before and after the
			part you want. */
$card_name=trim(preg_replace("/Card Title:/","",$temp)); 
echo $card_name."<br>\n";
echo $card_color."<br>\n";
$card_type=trim(preg_replace("/Cart Type:/","",$temp));
echo $card_type."<br>\n";
echo $mana_cost."<br>\n";
echo $pow_tou."<br>\n";
$card_text=trim(preg_replace("/Card Text:/","",$temp));
echo $card_text."<br>\n";
echo $artist."<br>\n";
echo $set_rarity."<br>\n";
/*you can complete the rest of this yourself. Also, increase the limit of
characters for your card_text and flavor_text*/

$query="insert into $table (card_title, color, card_type, cost, pow_tou, card_text, artist, rarity) 
values ('".addslashes($card_name)."',
	'".addslashes($set_rarity)."') ";
if (!$result) die ("failed on insert ".mysql_error());


Any idea why I'm losing the Card Title and Cost on the first record?  If I include more data, it does the same thing every other record.


And while I'm thinking about it, how can I remove the "Cart Type:", "Cost:", etc,etc from the results and insert?  I've looked up preg_replace, but I don't quite understand how to make it work here.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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