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PHP and file_exists paranoia


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I have a code that's supposed to work in the following way:


Generate a random number, check if a file exists with that number as filename. If it exists, then sum one to the number until a filename with that number doesn't exist.


$new_name = rand(0,99999);
$ext = substr($origen,-4,4); //Retrieves file extension
while (file_exists($base.'images/'.$new_name.$ext)) {


Plain simple... well, the problem is that every some thousands, I get duplicated filenames, which shouldn't be possible.

Am I missing any scenario?


Thank you in advance.

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Well, the above code is in a function, and right before it's called the following is executed:


$rscimage = getimagesize($base.'images/'.$file);
     if ($rscimage[2] > 2) { //Delete if not GIF,JPG
$result = rand_rename($file,$rscimage); //That's the function above


Also in the original code(not simplified for posting), there's an escaped variable among the filename, maybe it has something to do?. Scopes are ok too.

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Also probably irrelevant but if you have an sql database, it's really easy to use a uniquely generated id for naming your images, everytime an image is uploaded, just add a new entry to your database, and wallah. a unique id. but since your doing it this way, you prolly not working with one?

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Yes, I could put it some other ways, it's just annoying that it doesn't work as should.

Actually its purpose is to generate non-consecutive/non-pattern filenames as to make it hard to guess(not that anything bad happens if someone does). Again, just annoyed.


Thank you  :D

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