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Hi all,


i'm new to PHP and SQL, and i've been having some trouble writing a script. A friend told me this is the place to ask, so here I am!


Basically I have a form where a user enters their username. After they click submit I want the next page to display their records from the database BASED ON the username they entered. I also want them to be able to submit the form back to update their info, but that can come after I get the first part sorted out.


Now don't laugh at my crappy coding! :P As I said, i'm new to this, and any tips or nudges in the right direction would really be appreciated!


Here's what I have so far -


	<form action="username.php" method="post" name="UsernameSearchForm">
		Username: <input type"text" name"ForumUsername">
				  <INPUT type="submit" name="Update" value="Update">



$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "*******", "*******");


$query = ("SELECT * FROM FBI_Applications WHERE $ForumUsername='ForumUsername'");


echo "$ForumUsername";
echo "$Name";



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Your html is fine. The problem is to to do with your php code.


Line6 is incorrrect:


You are using $_GET to retrieve data submitted from your form. However in your html code for the form you use the POST method for submitting the form. You should change $_GET to $_POST. You use $_GET to retrieve data from the url not $_POST


The next problem is line8:

$query = ("SELECT * FROM FBI_Applications WHERE $ForumUsername='ForumUsername'");

The problem here is with the WHERE clause. You have your fieldname and value round the wrong way. It should be:

$query = "SELECT * FROM FBI_Applications WHERE ForumUsername='$ForumUsername'";

Also no need for the parenthesis '(' and ')'.


From then onwards the code is completely incorrect. Code with amendments:


$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "*******", "*******");
@mysql_select_db("FBI_Order", $db);

// I haved added mysql_real_escape_string to the POST variable below to protect against SQL Injection
$ForumUSername = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ForumUsername']);

$query  = "SELECT * FROM FBI_Applications WHERE ForumUsername='$ForumUsername'";
$result = mysql_query($query);

// check that a result was returned and that there is only 1 match
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
    // match found!
    // Lets get the data from the returned record set:
    // In order to get data out of a record set we must use one of the 
    // mysql_fetch_* functions (* standing for row, array or assoc)
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    // display data stored in the record set
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($row, true) . '</pre>';
// No matches returned
   echo 'Sorry user login invalid';

// You dont have to specify mysql_close at the end of your scripts.
// PHP automatically closes the connection at the end of script execition


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Ah, that makes sense! I wasn't expecting anyone to write the whole thing for me, but thank you! That's fantastic!  :D


It works perfectly ;)


How would I change it so it only outputs select fields from each record? I.e. if it has 'name' 'phone' and 'email', I only want it to return 'name' and 'phone'? I assume I wouldn't use an array in this case? Or can I use a conditional array? And is there a way to place the returned data into variables then display them in text boxes?

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If you only want to your query to select data from specific columns within a table then don't use * within the Select clause. Instead list the columns you wish to be returned. So if you only want the name and email columns returned from the FBI_Applications table then use the following as the query:

$query  = "SELECT name, email FROM FBI_Applications WHERE ForumUsername='$ForumUsername'";


Then use $row['name'] and $row['email'] to retrieve the data (after $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); line), eg:

if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
    // match found!
    // Lets get the data from the returned record set:
    // In order to get data out of a record set we must use one of the 
    // mysql_fetch_* functions (* standing for row, array or assoc)
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    echo '<h1>Login successful!</h1>

<h2>Your details:</h2>
<b>Name:</b> ' . $row['name'] . '<br />
<b>Email:</b> ' . $row['email'];

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