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Hi all,

i am working on a script which will allow me to add, list, update, and remove recordsfrom database


Untile now i was able to add, but i cant delete..


the code usage


ADD: base.php?crl=rank.php&do=add



DELETE: base.php?crl=rank.php&do=delete&id=


sorry, its rank.php not ranl.php









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There's only code for add, just an empty handler for each of the other functions!


I got it,

you mean the $id


it was a typo, cause i got tired of trying so i changed $id to $zaim, any how i have updated the file


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rank.txt only contains two functions, add and remove. In order for  list and update to work you must add those functions in.


rank.txt calls either add, remove, update or list functions depending on what $_GET['do'] is set to.


rank.txt only contains two functions, add and remove. In order for  list and update to work you must add those functions in.


rank.txt calls either add, remove, update or list functions depending on what $_GET['do'] is set to.


Wide, i know that ..

The thing that the add works, but the remove is not working ..

i have used a java script to tell me that the remove was done, but it doesn't ...




Oh, I see. Maybe because your link is base.php?crl=rank.php&do=delete&id= and not base.php?crl=rank.php&do=remove&id=



Hi, I have done this

function remove ($id)
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['id'])) {
  $rank_id = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['id'] : addslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS['id']);
$remove="DELETE FROM ranks WHERE rank_id=$rank_id";


and changed the link to be



but it's stell not removing that record ...


Why are you retrieving the id from get in your function? The id already gets passed to the function from the code at the top of your script.


Change your function to:

function remove ($id)
    if (is_numeric($id)

        $sql= "DELETE FROM ranks WHERE rank_id=$id";

        if(mysql_query($sql, $db))
            echo 'Record deleted';
            echo 'Unable to delete record!<br />Query: ' . $sql . '<br /><br />' . mysql_error($db);
        echo 'id must only be a number!';

thanks, it works like a charm even i have added the function that will show ma a list with the modify/delete link so i will be able to do it..

now the thing in that i cant update the data, it show me the current data but when i change any thing in there it doesnt update the record and show me an error message


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i have tested it with echo to show me the values, and it was not having the record ID so it wasn't updating the data, i workes around it by adding a hidden field in the form whcih will contain the record ID and pass it to the SQL query..

and it works



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