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Making PHP auto increment table rows


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I'm a bit over my head today and need some help.

I have info that I am pulling from multiple databases and then joining into an array to make the data appear as a single row.

//data query

function getZoneQuery(){
$this->sql = sprintf("SELECT insp_config.label AS inspType, asset.fleet AS assetName, zone_status.inspid AS inspID, operator.fname || ',' || operator.lname As operator,
				 TO_CHAR(zone_status.insp_date, 'DD Mon YYYY') AS date, TO_CHAR(zone_status.insp_date, 'HH:MM:SS'), zone.name	 
				 FROM zone_status 
				 JOIN inspection_record ON (inspection_record.id = zone_status.inspid)
			 JOIN operator ON (operator.id = inspection_record.operatorid) 
				 JOIN insp_config ON (insp_config.id = inspection_record.cfgid) 
				 JOIN asset ON (asset.id = zone_status.assetid) 
				 JOIN zone on (zone.id = zone_status.zoneid)
				 " );

  //printf("SQL: %s <br>", $this->sql);

//count query

function countAll(){
$this->sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inspection_record 
JOIN insp_config ON (insp_config.id = inspection_record.cfgid)");
  function runQuery(){
    $this->total_count = pg_result($this->result, 0, 0);


    $inspID = pg_result($this->result, $i, 2);
    $data['inspType'] =  pg_result($this->result, $i, 0);
    $data['assetName'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 1);
    $data['inspID'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 2);
    $data['operator'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 3);
    $data['date'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 4);
    $j =1;

    for($i=0;$i< pg_numrows($this->result);$i++){

      if ($inspID != pg_result($this->result, $i, 2)){
        $this->data[] = new ZoneTypeEntry($data);
//        echo "<pre>$i"; print_r(current($this->data)); echo "</pre>";

        $j = 1;

        $inspID = pg_result($this->result, $i, 2);
    $data = array();
        $data['inspType'] =  pg_result($this->result, $i, 0);
        $data['assetName'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 1); 
        $data['inspID'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 2); 
        $data['operator'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 3);
        $data['date'] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 4);
      $data["timestamp$j"] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 5);
      $data["zonename$j"] = pg_result($this->result, $i, 6);
//    echo "<pre>"; print_r(current($this->data)); echo "</pre>";

    $this->data[] = new ZoneTypeEntry($data);


Now since I am creating custom rows I can't use sql to actually set row limits per page so I need to write a custom script to only show 20 rows of data per page until the rows end.


Currently I have a varibles set and I am trying to finish it off


function rowCountLabel(){
  if($this->result_count == 0){
                  ($this->startrow + 1),
                  ($this->startrow + $this->count),

$this->offset = 20;
$this->count = 20;


This gives the row counts and total counts . I also have the offset and count limit but I'm not sure from where to go from here to limit by page.


any help would be great

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