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Import Request Variables Command HELP


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I currently use flash to get the info and send it to php and mail it out. Now for some reason my information is not getting posted, I know someone told me was I needed to put Import Request Variables command since my server has Register Globals OFF. Here is my script. How do i add it on this. This is my sendmail.php


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Contact Us </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

// Your Email Address

// Message Send to Sender
$vtext="Thank you for contacting Us, Your e-mail has been recieved and we will get back to you as soon as possible! Thank You, Administration";

//The subject you recieve
$betreff="Email From Testing.com ";

// Information in the email you recieved.
$anrede="The Following Information was sent via web site:";

// Sending Confirmation to sender / subject line
$bestaetigung="Thanks for Contacting Testing.com";

//Do Not Touch
urlencode ($text);

//Do Not Touch
$report = "Email Sent Via:"."\n"."---------------------------------"."\n\n"."remote host: ".$REMOTE_HOST."\n".
"remote adr: ". $REMOTE_ADDR."\n"."browser: ". $HTTP_USER_AGENT."\n\n\n\n";

//Do Not Touch
$inhalt=$anrede."\n\n"."Name: ".$name."\n"."E-Mail: ".$email."\n"."Website: ".$website."\n"."Telephone: ".$telephone."\n"."Fax: ".$fax."\n"."Address1: ".$address1."\n"."Address2: ".$address2."\n"."City: ".$city."\n"."State: ".$state."\n"."Zip Code: ".$zip."\n"."Country: ".$country."\n"."Message: ".$message."\n\n\n\n".$report;

// Do not touch
mail($empf,$betreff,$inhalt,"From: ".$email);
mail($email,$bestaetigung,$vtext,"From: ".$empf);

// <---------------------- this is the end my friend ----------------------------->


Can any1 help me add this please.


Thank You


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Hi There,



2 helpful tips ::


1. remove all html from the page (unless you want the page to be displayed, if not just rip it out )

2. you need to get data from your flash into this page, you have two ways. either POST or GET


ex (assuming flash sends the $message var)


$message = $_GET['message']; // if you are passing that var via a string 
$message = $_POST['message']; // if you are posting that var to the page 
$message = $_REQUEST['message']; // if you don't know which one to choose 

// to see what is being passed to the page you can do this:
echo '<pre>';



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