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how do i change it so when you select a category the sub category box below it is ungrey?


<SCRIPT language=javascript>


var blnIE;	//IE? for table highlighting etc...

var	strEmptyString;

var	strCatSelectedString;

var hexEnabled = "#ffffff";

var hexDisabled = "#dddddd";

var hexHighlightOn = "#FFB300";

var hexHighlightOff = "#ffffff";

//arrayLevel 0 for top level, 1 for next level down etc...

function populate(arrayLevel)


//get the value of the selected index (click)

strOptionValue = (docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].options[docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex].value);

//if value is 0 then is a spacer option - move their choice to the bottom option

if (strOptionValue == 0){

	if (docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex != 0){

		docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex	= docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex - 1;

		strOptionValue = (docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].options[docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex].value);


	//if they have clicked in an empty table then dont do anything

	else {




//get the option text so we can see if we have a leaf or a branch (" >")

strOptionText = (docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].options[docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex].text);

//clear lower level select boxes------------------------------------------

//outerloop through select boxes, starting from the one below this clickf

for (i = arrayLevel+1; i < intLevels; i++){

	//inner loop through the number of items in select boxes

	for (j = docSelectorArray[i].length-2; j >= 0; j--){

		docSelectorArray[i].options[j] = null;


	//keep box a consistent width

	docSelectorArray[i].options[0] = new Option(strEmptyString, "0");

	//disable and unhighlight

	if (blnIE){

		docSelectorArray[i].style.background = hexDisabled;

		docTableArray[i].style.background = hexHighlightOff;


	docSelectorArray[i].disabled = true;

	//docImageArray[i].src = docImageSrcOffArray[i];


//need another branch (branch or top level)-------------------------------

if ((strOptionText.indexOf(" >") != -1)){

	//clear any value from the category box

	category.value = "";

	//disable the next button

	submitButton.disabled = true;

	//get the next array and the number of options in it

	intNextArray = docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].options[docSelectorArray[arrayLevel].selectedIndex].value;

	//populate the next level if they didn't choose the "Select a Category" option

	if (intNextArray != 0){				

		//enable next arrayLevel

		docSelectorArray[arrayLevel+1].disabled = false;

		//IE only

		if (blnIE){

			docSelectorArray[arrayLevel+1].style.background = hexEnabled;		//color of next select box is now enabled

			docTableArray[arrayLevel].style.background = hexHighlightOff;		//this table now unhighlighted			

			docTableArray[arrayLevel+1].style.background = hexHighlightOn;		//next table now highlighted			

			docTableArray[intTableSubmit].style.background = hexHighlightOff;		//Next button table unhighlighted			


		//get the number of options for the next level and populate the options

		intNumberOptions = c[intNextArray].length;

		//populate array with options

		for (i = 0; i < intNumberOptions; i++){

			docSelectorArray[arrayLevel+1].options[i] = c[intNextArray][i];


		//put a new option at the end of the list so that we have a consistent size on the box

		docSelectorArray[arrayLevel+1].options[intNumberOptions] = new Option(strEmptyString, "0");

		//unhighlight any previous selection

		if (docSelectorArray[arrayLevel+1].selectedIndex != -1) {

			docSelectorArray[arrayLevel+1].selectedIndex = -1;




//have reached a leaf, populate the others with end text-------------------------------------------------

else {

	//get the option for this selection		

	if (strOptionValue != 0) {

		category.value = strOptionValue;


	//outerloop through select boxes, starting from the one below this click

	for (i = arrayLevel+1; i < intLevels; i++){

		//populate with end text

		docSelectorArray[i].options[0] = new Option(strCatSelectedString, "0");


	//enable and hightlight submit button

	submitButton.disabled = false;	

		//IE only

		if (blnIE){

			docTableArray[arrayLevel].style.background = hexHighlightOff;

			docTableArray[intTableSubmit].style.background = hexHighlightOn;		




//arrayLevel 0 for top level, 1 for next level down etc...

function prePopulate(mCat)


//check mCat is sane

if (mCat.length < 5) return;					//must be at least 2 levels

if (mCat.length % 5 != 0) return;				//each mCat is 5 chars long

if (mCat.charAt(mCat.length - 1) != '-') return;//last char of last mCat is '-'

var mCatArray = mCat.split('-');	//this is now an array of strings, mCatArray[0] = '0011' etc...

var intMcat							//integer from string mcat '0011' -> 11 etc...

var strOptionText					//text of option selected to see if we are a leaf or not

var intNextArray					//next array down from the one we are currently working on

var intNumberOptions				//number of options for the next level

//outer loop down through the levels

for (intArrayLevel = 0; intArrayLevel < (mCatArray.length - 1); intArrayLevel++){

	//set integer version of mCat

	intMcat = parseInt(mCatArray[intArrayLevel],10);

	//inner loop - find the matching mCat and set it

	for (intArrayOption = 0; intArrayOption < docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].length; intArrayOption++){

		//found a match

		if (docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].options[intArrayOption].value == intMcat){

			//so select the index and get the text

			docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].selectedIndex = intArrayOption;

			strOptionText = (docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].options[intArrayOption].text);

			//unset the selected image and table highlight for the current level

			//docImageArray[intArrayLevel].src = docImageSrcOffArray[intArrayLevel];

			if (blnIE){

				docTableArray[intArrayLevel].style.background = hexHighlightOff;


			//do we need another branch or have we reached the leaf?

			//need another branch (branch or top level)-------------------------------

			if (strOptionText.indexOf(" >") != -1){

				//set the selected image and table highlight for this next level

				//docImageArray[intArrayLevel+1].src = docImageSrcOnArray[intArrayLevel+1];

				if (blnIE){

					docTableArray[intArrayLevel+1].style.background = hexHighlightOn;	

					docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel+1].style.background = hexEnabled;


				//enable this next level

				docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel+1].disabled = false;

				//get the next array

				intNextArray = docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].options[docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].selectedIndex].value;

				//get the number of options for the next level and populate the options

				intNumberOptions = c[intNextArray].length;

				for (i = 0; i < intNumberOptions; i++){

					docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel+1].options[i] = c[intNextArray][i];


				//put a new option at the end of the list so that we have a consistent size on the box

				docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel+1].options[intNumberOptions] = new Option(strEmptyString, "0");

				//if we are 1 level from the end then check and select the next option if appropriate

				if (intArrayLevel == 2){

					//get last mCat

					intMcat = parseInt(mCatArray[intArrayLevel+1],10);

					//loop through the last category and find the appropriate category

					for (i = 0; i < intNumberOptions; i++){

						if (docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel+1].options[i].value == intMcat){

							//set the selected index and populate the category box

							docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel+1].selectedIndex = i;

							category.value = intMcat;

							//unset the selected image and table highlight for the current level

							//docImageArray[intArrayLevel+1].src = docImageSrcOffArray[intArrayLevel];

							//enable and highlight submit button

							submitButton.disabled = false;	

							if (blnIE){

								docTableArray[intArrayLevel+1].style.background = hexHighlightOff;								

								docTableArray[intTableSubmit].style.background = hexHighlightOn;									


							//break now to stop looping through the final box




					//found the final cat so stop here




			//have reached a leaf, populate the others with end text------------------

			else {

				//populate the category box

				category.value = docSelectorArray[intArrayLevel].options[intArrayOption].value;

				//outerloop through select boxes, starting from the one above this click

				for (i = intArrayLevel+1; i < intLevels; i++){

					//populate with end text

					docSelectorArray[i].options[0] = new Option(strCatSelectedString, "0");

					docSelectorArray[i].disabled = true;		


				//enable and highlight submit button

				submitButton.disabled = false;	

				if (blnIE){					

					docTableArray[intTableSubmit].style.background = hexHighlightOn;



			//break out of this loop, as we have found a match and do not need to continue checking






// -->


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