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my own facebook


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If you don't know any php then don't do it, learn php first then attempt your life programing goal, it will be to frustarting if you don't understand the langauge and just try to use it first. The main things you need to know are








Proper Query Structure



and more I can't think of

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You shouldn't need to much coding level


You will need PHP,SQL, HTML, CSS and possibly javascript


Most of the basic functions

using functions

storing/extracting data from database efficiently

for, foreach, while loops


Thats all i can think of for now


~ Chocopi

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Ever read Harry Potter?


There is a part where he looks in a magic mirror and is given a stone. He got the stone because he was the only one who wanted to have the stone for the sake of having it, not for what it could do for him.


If you really want to be able to program facebook, you need to want to learn programing for the sake of learning it. If you don't want to learn programing, and you just want to get a site up, then don't even try to write it yourself. Go get a 3rd party script you can just setup, or if you want a little more control, go get a CMS like Joomla, and tweak it until it works like facebook.


Just my advice.

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Hi there!

Thanks everyone for the replies.

I forgot to say that i do have a programing background, actually on C++.

I am thinking to use flash (so it can be a little graphical- almost childish -, php and html).

From what i saw, looks like, hopefully, is not gonna be that bad.

What about time?

Any idea?

4 months on hard working?

Cheers agian



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a Bridge between PHP and Flash can be made using a different part of the HTTP portion of the Application layer in OSI.


Flash => Client Input => Post/Get => Php => Database => Php => http => Back to client(flash).



This chain is really a circle  and is how many dynamic flash applets are used injunction with php/mysql

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Before you even worry about coding you need to put together a good plan. I usually start with a "brain dump" of all my thoughts and features I'd like to have. I then widdle it down to essential features for an initial release. You eventually need to derive a set of defined requirements for the first release. If you can do some forward thinking at the database level it might help downstream.


After you've done that think through all the pages you're going to need to make that happen. Leave nothing out, it's kind of a sitemap of sorts. After you've done this create a data model of all the supporting data you will need to accommodate the requirements sitemap you've put together.


After you've got this all in place you're at a decent place to start worrying about the coding. Build out or adopt any core functionality you need, then build out the interfaces. Start hooking up the backend, etc.


That'd be my approach. If you don't believe me pick up a copy of Rapid Development by Steve McConnell. It really harps on the importance of a good plan and design.

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Looks a nice adea to have a Socity Site like facebook,

For me when i want to programe a site,

I think for the services I am offering in that site, and i make a text filewith all of the field names that i am going to use for each section, its good for me as a referance, than i move on to the folders i create

- admin (for admin section)

- includ (for classes and config)


tnen i make files with the name of each service


like if i am offering news/events service the files structure will be like this



- admin

-- news

-- events



-- config

-- dbclass


and the user interface will be


- index

- news

- events

- show (to show the record details)


after all i build the DataBase , and start programing from the admin moving to the user interface while testeing every function, and finaly work on the design and how to show the data to users.


i know it might be a long way, but with this i am decreasing the coding time beacuse im am testing every single pice of record before finaly using it..












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I must say that i am very thankfull to all of you for ur replies. I am getting lots of important info about how to start this crazy idea.

Now, one last thing...

What about the server? We (the group that i belong) of buying a server and run it from home. How big (RAM, space, processor) must it be?

I saw that facebook alows people to upload their pics and some videos also. So i guess the facebook server must be quite big...



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I must say that i am very thankfull to all of you for ur replies. I am getting lots of important info about how to start this crazy idea.

Now, one last thing...

What about the server? We (the group that i belong) of buying a server and run it from home. How big (RAM, space, processor) must it be?

I saw that facebook alows people to upload their pics and some videos also. So i guess the facebook server must be quite big...




Dont start with all of facebook services, do it one by one,

at the moment am working on a city gude website, but am not offering "User Accounts" and "User Groups" not even "Comments" and "Rates"

I will firest start my site as VERSION 1.0 and let the users test it with me and get back by contacting me telling me what does they think, and in case there is any errors..

after that I will start adding the other services one by one and letting the users test it with me ..

its good to do like that because you will get more feedbacks from many users around the world ..



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Hi there.

I am trying to create my own facebook, very basic version. So i was wondering how much of PHP i am gonna need and if i will need anyother programing language.





Best of Luck !!!


After you succeed in making this site, then make it Open Source so everyone can use it.. ;)


BTW: Have you started ?

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A huge site will need a cluster of servers


maybe 2 servers to handle database requests

1 server to handle file serves like images and text, php processing

maybe another one to host large files, videoes, uploads etc


Dont quote me on this but Im sure myspace have around 400 servers


300unix and 100 windows


178 million users, what do you expect

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I must say that i am very thankfull to all of you for ur replies. I am getting lots of important info about how to start this crazy idea.

Now, one last thing...

What about the server? We (the group that i belong) of buying a server and run it from home. How big (RAM, space, processor) must it be?

I saw that facebook alows people to upload their pics and some videos also. So i guess the facebook server must be quite big...




Facebook is hosted in a data centre, which is a building full of rack servers. They are probably running on about 350 servers by now.


I would suggest just buying some decent hosting. The cost of the hosting will be less than the cost of running your own server, with electricity bills etc.


Ask your members to donate to the costs of running the site, or create premium membership that they need to pay for.

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I'd just develop the application in such a way that you don't lock yourself down to hardware at day 1. A good application should be able to move to different environments. Ultimately, yes you will need multiple servers.... I'd question the 350 - 400, but that's okay. The initial release certainly doesn't need a bunch of powerhouse servers. Just develop with growth in mind and come up with a contingency plan for how you might accommodate this downstream.

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I must say i am impressed with the help of this forum... thanks u all for ur posts.

One last thing...

Any suggested, tutorials, readings that i must take prior my endeavour?

I know, so far, that i am going to need, PHP, HTML and FLASH... what else?

FREE tutorials or readings... no money to buy books, for now...

Thanks again.



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