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Problem with Kollection3 automated scripting

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Okay.  First, system setup:

Windows XP Pro, running WAMP5(1.7.3), Apache, MySQL and MSSQL 2005 with webpages edited in Dreamweaver 8 with Kollection3 Pro, PHAkt 3.7.1, and MX Ajax Toolbox 1.0.0.


I know coding by hand is better, but I'm teaching myself as I go, and trying to eke out extra money putting things together while I go.  The problem is - most of my work has been in PHP and MySQL which was easy with Dreamweaver.  DW did most of the routine stuff I had already learned but didn't have time to hand code, and of course some of the more advanced stuff I haven't learned yet.


Unfortunately, my part-time employer asked me to create a database for implementation on their system - Windows with MSSQL 2000.  I have run into problems with the code created by DW for interacting with the MSSQL database - the code generated by DW uses just table names, and I get 'unknown object' errors.  If I replace the table name with 'db.table' then everything works.  The next problem is some of the already-created code uses several includes and other files from the Kollection and PHAkt suites.  I am trying to find a quick way to change (in as few files as possible) where the DB code needs to be altered, but I keep finding more and more files (connection includes, log includes, etc). 


My question is this:  Is there one place to make this change, or can I upgrade ADODB to make this work without having to make tons of changes to code I've already written/created?  Any ideas other than start over and code everything by hand?  I know that would work, but I'm in a time crunch right now.  Any ideas would be appreciated.


Thanks!  :)



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