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[SOLVED] Function - MySQL Queries Incorrect...


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Evening folks, I have a function which is suppose to update the database depending on what "id" is passed in a $_POST, an Im having some strange results, my guess is I have a comma or double comma somewhere where it shouldnt or should be.


here's the code:

function supporterstatus() {

$con = mysql_connect("localhost","ace_ACE","shadow69");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db("ace_sl", $con);

// ---> Select Variables <--- 
$charactername_select = mysql_query("SELECT `charname` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$bank_select = mysql_query("SELECT `bank` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$maxmp_select = mysql_query("SELECT `maxmp` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$maxtp_select = mysql_query("SELECT `maxtp` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$maxhp_select = mysql_query("SELECT `maxhp` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$strength_select = mysql_query("SELECT `strength` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$dexterity_select = mysql_query("SELECT `dexterity` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$experience_select = mysql_query("SELECT `experience` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$auth_level = mysql_query("SELECT `authlevel` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");

if(substr($charactername_select, -4) == '~SS~'){
$redd = "";
$redd = " ~SS~";

    $charn = $charactername_select;
    $bank = $bank_select;
    $maxmp = $maxmp_select;
    $maxtp = $maxtp_select;
    $maxhp = $maxhp_select;
$strengthh = $strength_select;
$dexterityy = $dexterity_select;
$experiencee = $experience_select;
// remove verify crap
        $charn = $charactername_select.$redd;
        $bank = ceil($bank_select+2500);
        $maxmp = ceil($maxmp_select+25);
        $maxtp = ceil($maxtp_select+25);
        $maxhp = ceil($maxhp_select+25);
	$strengthh = ceil($strength_select+25);
	$dexterityy = ceil($dexterity_select+25);
	$experiencee = ceil($experience_select+100);

    mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `charname`='$charn' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `bank`='$bank' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `maxmp`='$maxmp' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `maxtp`='$maxtp' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `maxhp`='$maxhp' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `strength`='$strengthh' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `dexterity`='$dexterityy' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `experience`='$experiencee' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");
mysql_query("UPDATE `sl_users` SET `authlevel`='3' WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'")
or die ("MYSQL ERROR: ".mysql_error()."");


echo "Custom: ".$_POST["custom"];

if($_POST["custom"] == '60') {

echo "<br><br><b>Function Executed Successfully</b><br><br>";

echo "Running Function...<br>";
echo "Function Complete!<br><br>";

echo "<u>Variables - Before</u><br>";
echo '$charactername_select: '.$charactername_select."<br>";
echo '$bank_select: '.$bank_select."<br>";
echo '$maxmp_select: '.$maxmp_select."<br>";
echo '$maxtp_select: '.$maxtp_select."<br>";
echo '$maxhp_select: '.$maxhp_select."<br>";
echo '$strength_select: '.$strength_select."<br>";
echo '$dexterity_select: '.$dexterity_select."<br>";
echo '$experience_select: '.$experience_select."<br>";
echo '$auth_level: '.$auth_level."<br>";

echo "<hr>";

echo "<u>Variables - After</u><br>";
echo '$charn: '.$charn."<br>";
echo '$bank: '.$bank."<br>";
echo '$maxmp: '.$maxmp."<br>";
echo '$maxtp: '.$maxtp."<br>";
echo '$maxhp: '.$maxhp."<br>";
echo '$strengthh: '.$strengthh."<br>";
echo '$dexterityy: '.$dexterityy."<br>";
echo '$experiencee: '.$experiencee."<br>";
echo '$auth_level: '.$auth_level."<br><br>";

echo "Running Function...<br>";
echo "Function Complete!";

else {

echo "<br><br><b>Function Failed</b>";




here's what it displays:

Custom: 60


Function Executed Successfully


Running Function...

Function Complete!


Variables - Before










Variables - After











Running Function...

Function Complete!


Regards ACE

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You have some dodgy mysql code - you need to use mysql_fetch_row/array etc:


// ....
$charactername_select = mysql_query("SELECT `charname` FROM `sl_users` WHERE id='".$_POST["custom"]."'");
$tmparr = mysql_fetch_row($charactername_select);
$charn = $tmparr[0];


or better yet - use one query



$result = mysql_query("SELECT charname,bank..... FROM sl_users WHERE id='{$_POST["custom"]}'");
$tmparr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$charn = $tmparr["charname"];
$bank = $tmparr["bank"];


mysql_query("UPDATE sl_users SET charname='$charn',bank='$bank'..... WHERE id='{$_POST["custom"]}'");



... you following me?

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That works nicely, but the database has been updated at a higher amount then it was suppose to, something to do with the ceil() function, what I have in my script, has actually doubled and been put into the database.


this section here:

     $bank = ceil($bank_select+2500);
        $maxmp = ceil($maxmp_select+25);
        $maxtp = ceil($maxtp_select+25);
        $maxhp = ceil($maxhp_select+25);
	$strength = ceil($strengthh_select+25);
	$dexterity = ceil($dexterityy_select+25);
	$experience = ceil($experiencee_select+100);


HP, MP and TP were increased by 50 instead of 25, and experience was increased by 200 instead of 100, and bank was increased by 5000 instead of 2500. Any ideas why?



I've just noticed the ceil function rounds up integers and floats, so what function should I be using to just increase the current value by a certain number?

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you should be able to just:



$bank = $bank + 25;


... or even going back to my first answer, you can add them straight after reading from the db


$result = mysql_query("SELECT charname,bank..... FROM sl_users WHERE id='{$_POST["custom"]}'");
$tmparr = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$charn = $tmparr["charname"];
$bank = $tmparr["bank"] + 25;

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