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it writes the line or lines to be deleted correctly into issues_deleted.txt which is line fwrite($file_contents_deleted, $value);

and when it refreshes the line still exists in banip.txt it does echo out the line as well just doesnt remove it

from banip.txt anyone know why?



$file_contents = fopen("banip.txt", "r+"); // the file
$file_contents_deleted = fopen("issues_deleted.txt", "r+"); // the file
if($_POST['action'] == "delete"){ // delete triggered
$arrToDelete = $_POST['todelete']; // assign checked items array to var
if($arrToDelete != "") { // if the array isnt open proceed
foreach($arrToDelete as $key => $value) { // assign a key and value to
//each checked item
#$file_contents_deleted[count($file_contents_deleted)] = $file_contents[$key];
$file_contents_deleted[] = $file_contents[$key];
array_splice($file_contents, $key, 1, "");// assign null value to each  
print("Deleted ".$value."");
fwrite($file_contents_deleted, $value); 
for($i = 0; $i < count($file_contents); $i++) { // loop through the new 
if ($x == "file_contents_deleted") //or whatever, it's your comparison to see if this is a line to keep 
$cow .= $x . "\n";

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There are a few problems in your code. Try:


$ban_ips     = array_map('trim', file('banip.txt'));
$deleted_ips = file('issues_deleted.txt');


// delete triggered
if($_POST['action'] == "delete")
    // if the array isnt open proceed
    if(isset($_POST['todelete']) && !empty($_POST['todelete']))
        $arrToDelete = $_POST['todelete']; // assign checked items array to var

        $handle['issues'] = fopen("issues_deleted.txt", "r+");

        // assign a key and value to
        foreach($arrToDelete as $key => $ip2del)
            if(in_array($ip2del, $ban_ips))
                $banip_key = array_keys($ban_ips, $ip2del);

                // remove banned ip from ban_ips array

                print('Deleted: ' . $ip2del . "<br />\n");

                // write deleted banned ip to issues_deleted.txt
                fwrite($handle['issues'], $ip2del ."\n");


        // open banip.txt and remove existing ips
        $handle['banip'] = fopen("banip.txt", "w");

        // rewrite banip.txt with undeleted ips
        foreach($ban_ips as $ip)
            fwrite($handle['banip'], $ip . "\n");


What's happening when you run the script? Is it adding anything to any files. Need more info. Also could you post some code for your form. So I can understand how  $_POST is formatted. I'm assuming your using checkboxs in your form which is named todelete[] for choosing which banned ips to delete from banip.txt. And that each ip address is one its own line in banip.txt

it's not writing to any files atm .. this is the form :)


<?php    // [ READ & OUTPUT FILE CONTENTS ]    ?>

<!-- The Form & Table -->

<form name="frmls" method="POST" action="<?php $PHP_SELF ?>" style="margin:0;">

<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete">

<table width="780" height="0" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="tablehead">


<td align="center" width="1%" class="rowA"><input name="chkAll" type="checkbox" id="ids[]" value="1" onClick="CheckAll();" title="Select All"></td>

<td align="center" width="5%" class="rowA"><strong>IP</strong></td>

<td align="center" width="5%" class="rowA"><strong>Date/Time</strong></td>

<td align="center" width="5%" class="rowA"><strong>Browser</strong></td>

<td align="center" width="5%" class="rowA"><strong>Hostname</strong</td>



$file_contents = file("banip.txt"); // the file

foreach($file_contents as $key=>$value){ // assign a key to each line in the file

list($entry[0],$entry[1],$entry[2],$entry[3]) = split('[,|]',$value);

$entries[]=array('key'=>$key, 'ip'=>$entry[0], 'date'=>$entry[1],

'hostname'=>$entry[2], 'browser'=>$entry[3]);

print "<table width=\"780\" height=\"0\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" class=\"tablehead\">


<td align=\"center\" width=\"1%\" class=\"rowB\"><input name=\"todelete[$key]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"ids[]\" value=\"$value\" onClick=\"this.form.chkAll.checked=false; \"></td>

<td align=\"left\" width=\"5%\" class=\"rowB\"><strong>".$entry[0]."</strong></td>

<td align=\"left\" width=\"5%\" class=\"rowB\"><strong>".$entry[1]."</strong></td>

<td align=\"left\" width=\"5%\" class=\"rowB\"><strong>".$entry[2]."</strong></td>

<td align=\"left\" width=\"5%\" class=\"rowB\"><strong>".$entry[3]."</strong></td>






<td colspan="8" align="center" class=\"rowB\"><input type="submit"

onClick="CheckIfChecked();" value="Remove IP"></td>







example data for banip.txt ... its in another folder the banip.txt would it matter?

i changed these values back of course in my file in your code., 09.09.2007  01:41:18, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), host-65-125-151-21.lextron

ip                        date    time          browser                                      host




example data for banip.txt ... its in another folder the banip.txt would it matter?

Yes it would! What is the path to banip.txt and the path to the script you place my code in? Both files will have to be in the same folder as each other or you'll need to specify the path to banip.txt (and issues_deleted.txt) in my script for the file() and fopen() functions.


Also with that example data my code works no problem. The issue is to do with the script not finding banip.txt if its in a different folder than the script.

Not sure whats going on. Added in some echo's to see what is going on during script execution.

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

$banip_file = '../banip/banip.txt';
$delip_file = '../banip/issues_deleted.txt';

if(file_exists($banip_file)) {
    echo $banip_file . ' exists';
    if(is_readable($banip_file)) echo ' and is readable'; else die(' is not readable');
    if(is_writable($banip_file)) echo ' and writable'; else die(' is not writable');
} else { die($banip_file . ' does not exist in ' . dirname(__FILE__)); }

if(file_exists($delip_file)) {
    echo "\n<br />" . $delip_file . ' exists';
    if(is_readable($delip_file)) echo ' and is readable'; else die(' is not readable');
    if(is_writable($delip_file)) echo ' and writable'; else die(' is not writable');
} else { die($delip_file . ' does not exist in ' . dirname(__FILE__)); }

    echo "\n<p>Opening $banip_file<br />\nFile contents:\n";
    $ban_ips     = array_map('trim', file($banip_file));
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($ban_ips, true) . "</pre></p>\n<p>Opening $delip_file<br />\nFile contents:\n";
    $deleted_ips = file($delip_file);
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($deleted_ips, true) . "</pre></p>\n";


    // delete triggered
    if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "delete")
        echo '<p>Entered delete routine<p><pre>' . print_r($_POST, true) . "</pre></p>\n";

        // if the array isnt open proceed
        if(isset($_POST['todelete']) && !empty($_POST['todelete']))
            $arrToDelete = $_POST['todelete']; // assign checked items array to var

            echo '<p>Opening ' . $delip_file . '</p>';
            $handle['issues'] = fopen($delip_file, "r+");

            // assign a key and value to
            foreach($arrToDelete as $key => $ip2del)
                if(in_array($ip2del, $ban_ips))
                    echo '<p><b>' . $ip2del . '</b> exists in <b>' . $banip_file . "</b><br />\n";
                    echo 'Getting key from $ban_ips<br />';

                    $banip_key = array_keys($ban_ips, $ip2del);
                    echo 'key retrived - Key:' . $banip_key[0] . "<br />\n";

                    // remove banned ip from ban_ips array

                    echo 'Deleted: ' . $ip2del;

                    // write deleted banned ip to issues_deleted.txt
                    fwrite($handle['issues'], $ip2del ."\n");

                    echo ' and has been written to ' . $delip_file . "</p>\n";


            echo "<p>Closed $delip_file</p>\n<p>Opening $banip_file</p>\n<p>";

            // open banip.txt and remove existing ips
            $handle['banip'] = fopen($banip_file, "w");

            // rewrite banip.txt with undeleted ips
            foreach($ban_ips as $ip)
                echo "Writting $ip to $banip_file<br />\n";
                fwrite($handle['banip'], $ip . "\n");


            echo "</p>\n<p>Closing $banip_file</p>";
        echo 'No post data!<pre>' . print_r($_POST, true) . '</pre>';


ok here we go

also this code doesn't seem to echo out the line to the user that it's being deleted my original code did.


not sure why that is but may be a sign hinting its not getting somehing.


../banip/banip.txt exists and is readable and writable 
../banip/issues_deleted.txt exists and is readable and writable 
Opening ../banip/banip.txt
File contents: 

    ** REMOVED **

Opening ../banip/issues_deleted.txt
File contents: 


Entered delete routine

    [action] => delete
    [todelete] => Array
            [0] =>, 07.09.2007  23:01:40, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), NA



Opening ../banip/issues_deleted.txt

Closed ../banip/issues_deleted.txt

Opening ../banip/banip.txt


Closing ../banip/banip.txt



Umm... Change this line:

<td align=\"center\" width=\"1%\" class=\"rowB\"><input name=\"todelete[$key]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"ids[]\" value=\"$value\" onClick=\"this.form.chkAll.checked=false; \"></td>

in your form to this:

<td align=\"center\" width=\"1%\" class=\"rowB\"><input name=\"todelete[$key]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"ids[]\" value=\"" . trim($value) . "\" onClick=\"this.form.chkAll.checked=false; \"></td>


Also add the following lines:

                    echo '</b> does not exist in <b>' . $file['banip'] . "</b></div>\n";
                    echo '<p><b>' . $ip2del . '</b> exists in <b>' . $banip_file . "</b><br />\n";

After these lines:

// write deleted banned ip to issues_deleted.txt
                    fwrite($handle['issues'], $ip2del . "\n");

In banip.php. Re-run banip.php again.

it was deleted after all but doesnt echo out the line above the table still I think.

here is the read out


../banip/banip.txt exists and is readable and writable 
../banip/issues_deleted.txt exists and is readable and writable 
Opening ../banip/banip.txt
File contents: 

    ** REMOVED **

Opening ../banip/issues_deleted.txt
File contents: 


Entered delete routine

    [action] => delete
    [todelete] => Array
            [0] => xx.xxx.xxx.x, 07.09.2007  23:01:40, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), NA


Opening ../banip/issues_deleted.txt

x.xxx.xxx.x, 07.09.2007 23:01:40, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), NA exists in ../banip/banip.txt
Getting key from $ban_ips
key retrived - Key:0
Deleted: x.xxx.xxx.x, 07.09.2007 23:01:40, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), NA and has been written to ../banip/issues_deleted.txt

Closed ../banip/issues_deleted.txt

Opening ../banip/banip.txt


Closing ../banip/banip.txt[code]



Its now found a match for the selected ip(s) to delete as it is reporting it in the debug information:

Opening ../banip/issues_deleted.txt, 07.09.2007 23:01:40, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), NA exists in ../banip/banip.txt

Getting key from $ban_ips

key retrived - Key:0

Deleted:, 07.09.2007 23:01:40, Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en), NA and has been written to ../banip/issues_deleted.txt


Closed ../banip/issues_deleted.txt


has issues_deleted.txt and banips.txt been updated now?

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