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[SOLVED] UTF-8 = MB String?


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So..  are there any special steps I need to take when dealing with them? I've noticed all the chars are 1 byte with exception to a few which are 2 bytes long, it's really messing with me since I can't figure out how to tell which are the 2 byte vs 1 byte chars without dissecting the string..

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Either use the mb_* functions, or possibly decode the string first. My UTF-8 work with PHP has been minimal. What are you trying to do?


I'm grabbing a UTF-8 feed, parsing it's contents with mb_substr, and mb_strlen, but the one that's messing things up (i think, not sure) is wordwrap()..  It doesn't seem to be counting the bytes per line properly..

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How about something like this? I think it will cover marks and combining characters as well.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />


$mb_str = utf8_decode(utf8_encode("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn"));

$lines = preg_split('/(\X{5})/', $mb_str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

foreach ($lines as $line) {

echo utf8_encode($line);

echo '< br>';



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No good, the chars still get mashed..


this is the best example of it going sour.


each line should have exactly 10 chars.. but since they're unicode, it has less due to the double bytes..


echo utf8_decode(wordwrap(utf8_encode("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn"), 10, '<br />', true));


I need to find a utf8 version of wordwrap, or write on (ugg) myself.. :S

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Couldn't find a function anywhere so I wrote my own.


Here's a multibyte wordwrap:


function mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 70, $break = "\n", $cut = false)
	$return = '';
	$str_bytes = strlen($str);
	$first_char = true;

	$current_line = '';
	$current_line_char_count = 0;
	$current_word = '';
	$current_word_char_count = 0;

	for ($i=0; $i < $str_bytes; $i++)
		//get the next char (unicode or ascii)
		$char = $str{$i};
		$h = ord($char);
		if ($h <= 0x7F) 
		{ $char_code = $h; } 
		else if ($h < 0xC2) 
		{ $char_code = false; } 
		else if ($h <= 0xDF) 
			$c2 = $str{++$i};
			$char .= $c2;
			$char_code = ($h & 0x1F) << 6 | (ord($c2) & 0x3F); 
		else if ($h <= 0xEF) 
			$c2 = $str{++$i};
			$c3 = $str{++$i};
			$char .= $c2.$c3.$c4;
			$char_code = ($h & 0x0F) << 12 | (ord($c2) & 0x3F) << 6 | (ord($c3) & 0x3F); 
		else if ($h <= 0xF4) 
			$c2 = $str{++$i};
			$c3 = $str{++$i};
			$c4 = $str{++$i};
			$char .= $c2.$c3.$c4;
			$char_code = ($h & 0x0F) << 18 | (ord($c2) & 0x3F) << 12 | (ord($c3) & 0x3F) << 6 | (ord($c4) & 0x3F); 
			//unrecognized char, skip it

		//if it's a space, new word commencing
		if ($char_code == 32)
			//if line is too long, linebreak time!
			if ($current_line_char_count + $current_word_char_count >= $width) 
				if ($current_line_char_count)
				{ $return .= $current_line.$break; }

				//reset the current line
				$current_line = $current_word;
				$current_line_char_count = $current_word_char_count;
				//include a space at the front of the word if this isn't the first char
				//since we assume there was a space prior to this word except for the first word
				$current_line .= ($first_char ? '' : ' ').$current_word; 
				$current_line_char_count += $current_word_char_count + ($first_char ? 0 : 1);				

			$current_word = '';
			$current_word_char_count = 0;

			$first_char = false;
		//if it's a char, add it to the word
			if ($cut)
				//check if this word is too long. if it is, slice it.
				if ($current_word_char_count >= $width)
					//clear the current line and word to the return value
					if ($current_line_char_count)
					{ $return .= $current_line.$break; }

					$current_line = $current_word;
					$current_line_char_count = $current_word_char_count;

					$current_word = '';
					$current_word_char_count = 0;

			$current_word .= $char; 

	//check for leftovers and add them to the string
	if ($current_word_char_count)
	{ $return .= $current_line.($current_word_char_count ? ($current_word_char_count + $current_line_char_count > $width ? "\n" : ' ').$current_word : ''); }

	return $return;

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