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Handy Cookie language setting


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This isn't really a problem, it works fine but I wanted to donate my noobie level script because I'm proud of it.

Though I would like to make it completely PHP based.


The page starts of as English or whatever you want to be default, Clicking on the flag sets a cookie to another language using Javascript which then reloads the page.


The language code is set in the variable $lang for whatever PHP to use.

It is mostly Javascript not PHP but I've used PHP wherever javascript is stupidly complicated.


This bit goes in the header or a separate file to be included

$lang = $_COOKIE["language"]; //this sets the cookies' info into a normal variable

$extrayear = (date('Y')+2); //sticks 2 years extra life on the cookie as it's not exactly sensitive information

echo ("
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
  function saveLang(lang) {
    expDate = \"1/01/" . $extrayear . " 00:00:00\" // expiry date
    document.cookie=\"language=\"+lang+\"; expires=\"+expDate+\";\" //sets cookie

    window.location.reload() // reloads page


This bit goes in the "Body" to choose language, it changes message/image depending on the current language.

You could either set these to any other two languages or use a form menu for many languages

  if ($lang=="jp") {
    echo ("<a href=\"javascript:saveLang('en')\" >
    <img src=\"../graphics/flag-uk.gif\" width=\"60\" height=\"40\" alt=\"Set Language to English\" border=\"0\" /></a>");
  } else {
    echo ("<a href=\"javascript:saveLang('jp')\" >
    <img src=\"../graphics/flag-jp.gif\" width=\"60\" height=\"40\" alt=\"日本語\" border=\"0\" /></a>");

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