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only allow x number of items to be checked


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I have a function that renders out tag categories, and then all the tags within said category.


Each tag has a checkbox beside it, i am wondering if it's possible to only allow a user to check 4 tags.


Here is the function:


                $select_tags_query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `tag_category`');
                while($tag_category = mysql_fetch_row($select_tags_query))
                    echo '<div class="tag_cat">';
                    //renders out the category name
                    echo '<h2>' . $tag_category[1] . '</h2>';
                    $tags_query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `tags` WHERE `cat_id` = ' . $tag_category[0] . '');
                    //renders out each tag in the category
                    while($tags = mysql_fetch_row($tags_query))
                        echo '<p><input type="checkbox" />' . $tags[1] . '</p>';
                    echo '</div> <!-- tag_cat div -->';


This is what is outputs:



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I have encountered another problem.


When I post the form, this is what i get when i print_r($_POST):


Array ( [tag20] => on [tag81] => on [change_tags] => true )


How can I figure out, out of 200 tags, which 2 have been chosen, because the $_POST[tagx] will change depending on which tags are chosen?!





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the trick to this is Make creation and processing one in the same

$fields = array(
"Mens Apparel" => array(),
"Womans Apparel" => array()
$i  = 0;
foreach($fields as $key => $value){
echo "<b>".$key."<b/>";
foreach($value as $value2){
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fields[".$i."]" />";


then they have a counting system in the multi d array and you can pull it off that.

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I've figured it out:


            if($_POST[submit] == "true"){
                $tag = $_POST['tag'];
                foreach ($tag as $tagid)
                    //inserts the chosen tags into the database
                    $insert_tags_query = mysql_query('INSERT INTO `store_tags` (`store_id`, `tag_id`, `order_id`) VALUES (\'' . $au[member_id] . '\',\'' . $tagid . '\',\'0\')');

                //do nothing


I am, however, back to my original problem.


Javascript wont work because each checkbox doesn't have a unique ID.


Anyone know a work around to this?





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