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how to generate MIDI CC using PHP


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Hi there! I have done many searches and cannot find the information I'm looking for.  I'm a very beginner PHP user and would like to know if it's possible and how to generate specific MIDI CC's (so for example, note on information, specific CC#'s, etc).  I would really appreciate any insight you experts would have for me!!!  Feel free to email me as well at andrewgarcia86@gmail.com . 

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I too have thought of similar ideas with DMX protocols, what would be needed is some sort of medium between it

PHP -> Medium -> Output(Midi,DMX, Any protcol) which means you have to find software php could interact with, or libraries that could take the php and convert the output to binaries that are nessecary for these protocols.  The idea with this and MIDI wouldn't work as midi does produce errors and php can't recieve errors because its not a real time language.  It could work with a DMX protocol (I got php to interact with a ETC Unision rack one time) since DMX doesn't error, but that was using a USB-DMX medium.

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