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Messed up something on one of my site pages


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Modifying the look of the Inbox and Sent Mail folders (along with the page that shows up after sending a letter, nearly identical to the inbox), one of them now has a flaw.


1. A very few users complain of being able to see the navbar and another table, though nothing after the TH stuff in the actual mail table, the inbox.


  a. When logging into THEIR accounts, I have no trouble seeing the entire inbox.


2. What HAS gotten worse for me is this: Previously, I could stop page loading and get the most recent mail (avoiding loading all 200-some letters). Now stopping the process leaves me with zip, well, the navbar and top table, probably precisely what the few who get no mail are seeing.


After sending mail, as mentioned above a different page loads that shows the inbox. THAT page works perfectly for all involved.


Anyway, if anyone can figure it out, I am pasting the code below.


Still incable of writing php, I have learned enough to become dangerous. Consequently, I fooled around with column colors to finally make that place look more modern and more attractive. Added some javascript link color mods also, in order to lighten the links up against dark background.


All of that is working fine on the other pages. Correction, the other pages have varying colors, though (I think) virtually the same code changes.


If the images fail to show properly, I will try to post them in reply #1 or 2.


Modified to add: The stuff in BOLD below was not highlighted by me. It just posted that way for whatever reason.



The code:

<head><title>MeetChristians.com - Private Messages</title></head>

<div style="background-image:url(../pix/bg2.jpeg);">

background : white; color: mediumblue;


a.donkey:link {color: mintcream; text-decoration: underline; }
a.donkey:visited {color: gainsboro; font-decoration: underline; }
a.donkey:hover {color: mediumblue; background-color: lightcyan; }
a.donkey2:link {color: yellow; text-decoration: underline; }




scrollbar-face-color:#ffd700; <!--previously yellow-->




$inc_dir ="./incl";
require "$inc_dir/nav_bar.inc.php";
require "$inc_dir/mail.inc.php";

if ($sml != "")
$w = "waiting.";
if ($vmd != "")
$d = "deleted ";

  mail_options($sml, $vmd, $sms, $qmr, $tdy);

if ($sex == "M")
$msg_table = "M_msg";

elseif ($sex == "F")
$msg_table = "F_msg";

$and_condition = "AND deleted != 'Y'";
$query = "SELECT id, m_to, m_from, subject, DATE_FORMAT(sent_d, '%b %e, %Y'), if_read, replied, deleted, message, gto, gfr, to_id, TIME_FORMAT(sent_t, '%H:%i'), read_d, ers, d

		FROM $msg_table 
		WHERE m_to = '$session_username' $and_condition

if ($vmd != "")
$and_condition = "AND deleted = 'Y'";
$query = "SELECT id, m_to, m_from, subject, DATE_FORMAT(sent_d, '%b %e, %Y'), if_read, replied, deleted, message, gto, gfr, to_id, TIME_FORMAT(sent_t, '%H:%i'), read_d, ers, d
		FROM $msg_table 
		WHERE m_to = '$session_username' $and_condition

$result = mysql_db_query($db, $query);

$rows = mysql_num_rows($result); 

  if ($rows == 1)
$message_plural = "message";
$message_plural = "messages";
  if ($rows < 1)

print "<form action=m_delete.php>
	<input type=hidden name=tdy value=$tdy>


<font face=tahoma size=2>
<table bgcolor=gray cellpadding=5 border=4 bordercolorlight=#e6e6cd bordercolordark=#333333>

<font color=yellow><b>You have <font color=cyan>$rows <font color=yellow>$d $message_plural $w</b>



<font face=arial size=2>Click on the <b><font color=blue>sender</font></b> for a detailed view of that person.  Click on the <b><font color=blue>subject</font></b> to read the email</font></font><br>


Eliminated 2 tables here, combining them for the one that follows. See prior saved pages. 


	<table width=725 BGCOLOR=#C0FFFF borderColor=#666666 borderColorLight=#BBBBBB border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>


	if ($vmd == "T")

		print "

      		<td width=20%><b><font face=Arial,Helvetica size=2>To</b></td>";
		print "
      		<td width=20%><b><font face=tahoma color=cyan size=3>From</b></td>";

	if ($vmd != "T")
		print "
     		 <td width=5%><b><font face=tahoma color=cyan size=3>Select</b></td>";

print "

      <td><b><font face=tahoma color=cyan size=3>Subject</b></td>

      <td><b><font face=tahoma color=cyan size=3>Status</b></td>
      <td><b><font face=tahoma color=cyan size=3>Sent</b></td>


while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result))
        	$status = "<b><font color=red>NEW<font color=black></b>";

	if ($if_read == "Y")
		$status = "<font color=mediumvioletred>Viewed</font>";
	if ($replied != "")
		$status = "Replied";
	if ($deleted == "Y")
		$status = "$status and Deleted";
	$if_donated = "";
	if ($d == "Y")
		$if_donated = "<font size=5 color=gold><b> *";

            print "


            	<td bgcolor=steelblue><font face=arial size=-1><b>

<!-- bgcolor just above formerly dcffff -- >

		<a href=focus.php?tdy=$tdy&name=$m_from&g=$gfr class=donkey>$m_from</a> $if_donated</b></td>";

		$msg_lnk = "<a href=m_read.php?tdy=$tdy&id=$id&gfr=$gfr$del class=donkey>";

	if ($deleted != "Y")

		print "

		<td bgcolor=lightsteelblue valign=center><font face=arial size=-2><input type=checkbox name=item_to_delete[] value=$id></td>";

		print "

		<td bgcolor=steelblue><font face=arial size=-1> <b>$msg_lnk$subject</a></td>

                <td bgcolor=powderblue><font face=arial size=-1>$status</td>

      	                <td bgcolor=steelblue><font face=arial size=-1 color=greenyellow>$sent_d at $sent_t</td>



echo "<br><font face=tahoma><font size=3 color=red>Notice:</font> <font color=mediumblue>Messages more than 60 days old are subject to automatic deletion.</font><br><br>";

if ($sml != "")

	print "


<table width=2% cellpadding=3>
      <td bgcolor=red>
	<INPUT TYPE = submit NAME = delete_mail_button VALUE = \"Delete checked Message(s)\">

      <td bgcolor=purple >

<INPUT TYPE = submit NAME = send_mail_button VALUE = \"Send checked Message(s) to my real email address\">


print "

  document.write('<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"http://cbx.heartlight.org/cbx/eng_adcnet.php?uid=855&bres=1&bgrp=161&rn='+Math.random()+'\"><\/script>');

#  NO MAIL MESSAGE                         #

function no_mail_message($vmd)   #formerly no hits message
	  if ($vmd == "T")
		$bgcolor = "#FFFF80";
		$no_mail = "Sorry, I can't find any mail you've deleted";
		$bgcolor = "pink";
		$no_mail = "Sorry, you don't have any new mail";

   print "
	<center><table width=60% bgcolor=$bgcolor>
	<tr><td align=center><font face=arial size=2><b>



[attachment deleted by admin]

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