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PHP page not showing in IE but it is in Firefox


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Can anyone please tell me why this script will not display the form in IE but it works fine in Firefox, other than of course IE is ***** any help much appreciated



<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



Test Page


<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">


function popup(mylink, windowname)


if (! window.focus)return true;

var href;

if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')




window.open(href, windowname, 'width=500,height=200,scrollbars=yes');

return false;





<body style="font-family: verdana, arial; font-size: 10pt;">








<a href="somewhere.com">Reload</a>





#                                                                            #

#                                PHP Net Tools                                #

#                      Copyright © 2005 Eric Robertson                      #

#                            h4rdc0d3@gmail.com                              #

#                                                                            #

#                                  -------                                  #

#                                                                            #

#  PHP Net Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      #

#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #

#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          #

#  (at your option) any later version.                                        #

#                                                                            #

#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            #

#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #


#  GNU General Public License for more details.                              #

#                                                                            #

#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          #

#  along with this program; if not, please visit http://www.gnu.org          #

#                                                                            #

#                                  -------                                  #

#                                                                            #

#  You are permitted to edit and redistrubute this code as you wish,          #

#  as long as you give credit where due and include a copy of the GPL.        #

#                                                                            #

#  PHP Net Tools includes the following functional and configurable features: #

#    Resolve host/reverse DNS lookup, find the country in which the target    #

#    host is located, ip whois, domain whois, ns lookup, dig, ping,          #

#    traceroute, tracepath, portscan, nmap, and info logging.                #

#                                                                            #

#  Please see the help option ([?]) for more information on each function.    #

#                                                                            #

#                                  -------                                  #

#                                                                            #

#  last revision: 10.20.2005 (v2.7.0)                                        #

#  see changelog.txt                                                          #

#                                                                            #




// Set script version number

$version = '2.7.0';


// Log information of anyone visiting the site? (default = FALSE)

$enable_log_user = FALSE;


// Declare some globals

global $ip, $host_name, $host_ip;


// Shorten the variable names from submitted form elements - also initializes the variables for security

$host = $_POST['host'];

$resolve = $_POST['resolve'];

$ip_to_country = $_POST['ip_to_country'];

$whois_ip = $_POST['whois_ip'];

$whois_ip_server = $_POST['whois_ip_server'];

$whois_domain = $_POST['whois_domain'];

$whois_domain_server = $_POST['whois_domain_server'];

$ns = $_POST['ns'];

$dig = $_POST['dig'];

$dig_class = $_POST['dig_class'];

$dig_server = $_POST['dig_server'];

$ping = $_POST['ping'];

$ping_count = $_POST['ping_count'];

$trace = $_POST['trace'];

$tracepath = $_POST['tracepath'];

$portscan = $_POST['portscan'];

$ports = $_POST['ports'];

$scan_timeout = $_POST['scan_timeout'];

$nmap = $_POST['nmap'];

$nmap_options = $_POST['nmap_options'];


// Function to find the ip address of the user

function get_ip()


if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {


elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {


else {

$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; }


return $ip;



// Function to log information of the person browsing the site (date, time, IP, host, what they scanned).

//  Saved in a comma separated text file which allows it to be opened as a spreadsheet

function log_user($host)


global $ip;


// Current Date and Time

$log_date = date('Y.m.d');

$log_time = date('H:i:s');


// Create a variable holding the information to be saved

$log_info = "$log_date,$log_time,$ip," . gethostbyaddr($ip) . ",$host\r\n";


// If the "log.csv" file already exists ...

if (file_exists('log.csv'))


// ... open the file ready to add the info to the end ...

$handle = fopen('log.csv', 'a');


// ... otherwise, ...



// ... create a new file and add a line with the heading

$handle = fopen('log.csv', 'w');

@fwrite($handle, "DATE,TIME,USER IP,USER HOST,QUERY\r\n\r\n");



// Add user info to the log file and close it

@fwrite($handle, $log_info);




// Function to print the Resolve Host/Reverse Lookup option results

function resolve($host)


global $host_name, $host_ip;


echo "<a href=\"javascript:enter_ip('$host');\">$host</a> resolved to ";


if ($host == $host_name) {

echo "<a href=\"javascript:enter_ip('$host_ip');\">$host_ip</a><br><br>"; }

else {

echo "<a href=\"javascript:enter_ip('$host_name');\">$host_name</a><br><br>"; }



// Function to find the country location of the machine host/ip

function ip_to_country()


// Do a whois on the ip using "whois.arin.net" and store the results in $buffer

$buffer = nl2br(whois_ip('whois.arin.net', '-1', 'FALSE'));


// If the whois contains a line for a referral server, do a new whois using this server and store in $buffer

if (eregi("ReferralServer:[[:space:]]*[a-z]*(whois://)*([a-z0-9-][\.a-z0-9-]{2,})[:]*([0-9]+)*", $buffer, $regs))


$referral_host = $regs[2];

$buffer = nl2br(whois_ip($referral_host, $regs[3], 'FALSE'));



// If there is a line labeled "country", get its value and print it...

if (eregi("country:[[:space:]]*([a-z]{2,})", $buffer, $regs))


// Store the value of the "country" line from the buffer

$country = $regs[1];


// Caching of the country list:  If the file "list_file.txt" exists on the server, the country list was already cached,

//  so read it into the $list_file variable...

if (file_exists('list_file.txt'))


$list_file = @file_get_contents('list_file.txt');


// ...otherwise, download the country list and cache it on the server in the file "list_file.txt"



// The ISO standards website provides a free text file listing every country and it's 2 character country code -

//  download this file and store it in the $list_file variable

$list_file = @file_get_contents('http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1-semic.txt');


// Cache the country code list on the server

$handle = fopen('list_file.txt', 'w');

@fwrite($handle, $list_file);




// Convert the new line characters in the file contents to HTML line breaks and split it at each line into an array

$list_file_br = nl2br($list_file);

$list_rows = explode("<br />", $list_file_br);


// Define an array to store the country info

$country_list = array();


// Loop through each line in the file and save the 2 character country code and it's full name

//  in the $country_list array

for ($i = 1; $i < count($list_rows); $i++)


$row = explode(";", $list_rows[$i]);

$row_abbr = $row[1];

$row_name = ucwords(strtolower($row[0]));


$country_list[$row_abbr] = $row_name;



// If the country in the whois buffer is in the country_list array, print its full name...

if (array_key_exists($country, $country_list)) {

echo "Location:  <b>$country_list[$country]</b> ($country)<br><br>"; }

// ...otherwise, just print the 2 character country code listed in the whois buffer

else {

echo "Location:  <b>$country</b><br><br>"; }


// ...or if there is no "country" line, print location unknown

else {

echo 'Location:  Unknown<br><br>'; }



// Function to perform a whois lookup on the machine's ip address

function whois_ip($whois_ip_server, $whois_ip_port, $do_echo)


if (eregi("^[a-z0-9\:\.\-]+$", $whois_ip_server))


global $host_ip;


// The whois server "whois.arin.net" requires a "+" flag to get all the details

if ($whois_ip_server == 'whois.arin.net') {

$whois_ip_server .= ' +'; }


// Set a variable containing the command to be sent to the system

$command = "whois -h $whois_ip_server $host_ip";


// If we passed a specific port to this function to connect to, add the necessary info to the command

if ($whois_ip_port > 0) {

$command .= " -p $whois_ip_port"; }


// Send the whois command to the system

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


// If the $do_echo variable is set to "TRUE", send the results to the parse_output() function...

if ($do_echo == 'TRUE')


$output = '<b>Whois (IP) Results:</b><blockquote>';

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= '</blockquote>';




// ...otherwise, return the results in a variable (i.e. for the ip_to_country() function)

else {

return $fp; }




echo '<b>Whois (IP) Results:</b><blockquote>';

echo 'Invalid character(s) in the Whois (IP) Server field.';

echo '</blockquote>';




// Function to perform a whois lookup on a domain

function whois_domain($host, $whois_domain_server)


if (eregi("^[a-z0-9\.\-]+$", $whois_domain_server))


global $host_name, $host_ip;


// Set the default value for a variable

$who_host = $host;


// Split the host into its domain levels

$split_host = explode('.', $host_name);


// If the host name contains "www", remove it

if ($split_host[0] == 'www')



$who_host = implode(".", $split_host);



// If searching a japanese whois server, use the "/e" switch to suppress japanese characters in the output

if (substr($whois_domain_server, -3) == '.jp') {

$who_host .= '/e'; }


// Send the whois command to the system

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("whois -h $whois_domain_server $who_host 2>&1");


// Save the results as a variable and send to the parse_output() function

$output = "<b>Whois (Domain) Results:</b><blockquote>";

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= "</blockquote>";






echo '<b>Whois (Domain) Results:</b><blockquote>';

echo 'Invalid character(s) in the Whois (Domain) Server field.';

echo '</blockquote>';




// Function to perform an NS Lookup on a host/ip

function nslookup($host)


// Set initial command to be run on the server

$command = "nslookup $host -sil";


// Send the nslookup command to the system

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


// Save the results as a variable and send to the parse_output() function

$output = '<b>NS Lookup Results:</b><blockquote>';

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= '</blockquote>';





// Function to perform a dig on a host/ip

function dig($host, $dig_class, $dig_server)


if (eregi("^[a-z0-9\.\-]*$", $dig_server))


// Set initial command to be run on the server

$command = "dig -t $dig_class $host";


// If a dig server has been entered, add the correct info to the command

if ($dig_server) {

$command .= ' @' . $dig_server; }


// Send the dig command to the system

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


// Save the results as a variable and send to the parse_output() function

$output = "<b>Dig Results ($dig_class):</b><blockquote>";

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= '</blockquote>';






echo "<b>Dig Results ($dig_class):</b><blockquote>";

echo 'Invalid characters in the Dig Server field.';

echo '</blockquote>';




// Function to perform a ping on a host/ip

function ping($host, $ping_count)


// Set initial command to be run on the server

$command = "ping -c $ping_count $host";


// Send the ping command to the system.

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


// Save the results as a variable and send to the parse_output() function

$output = '<b>Ping Results:</b><blockquote>';

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= '</blockquote>';





// Function to perform a traceroute on a host/ip

function traceroute($host)


// Set initial command to be run on the server

$command = "traceroute $host";


// Send the traceroute command to the system.

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


// Save the results as a variable and send to the parse_output() function

$output = '<b>Traceroute Results:</b><blockquote>';

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= '</blockquote>';





// Function to perform a tracepath on a host/ip

function tracepath($host)


// Set initial command to be run on the server

$command = "tracepath $host";


// Send the tracepath command to the system.

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


// Save the results as a variable and send to the parse_output() function

$output = '<b>Tracepath Results:</b><blockquote>';

$output .= nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

$output .= '</blockquote>';





// Function to perform a port scan on a host/ip

function portscan($host, $ports, $scan_timeout)


if (eregi("^[0-9\,\-]+$", $ports))


echo '<b>Portscan Results:</b><blockquote>';

echo "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";


// split the $ports variable into an array containing the port numbers to scan

$port_array = explode(",", $ports);


// Save the current time (for calculating how long the scan took)

$start_time = time();


// Loop through the ports and check to see if they are open or not

for ($i = 0; $i < count($port_array); $i++)


// If the current loop contains two sets of numbers with a dash separating them,

//  it is a range of ports, so create a new loop to scan and print out each one...

if (eregi("([0-9]+)[-]{1}([0-9]+)", $port_array[$i], $regs))


for ($x = $regs[1]; $x <= $regs[2]; $x++)


// Create a connection to the port

$sock = @fsockopen($host, $x, $num, $error, $scan_timeout);


// If we can connect to the port, set the port status to "open",

//  otherwise, set the port status to "closed"

if ($sock) {

$port_status = "<font class='open_port'>open</font>";

fclose($sock); }

else {

$port_status = 'closed'; }


// Get the description of the port

$port_name = getservbyport($x, 'tcp');


// Print the port status

echo "<tr><td width='50%'>Port <b>$x</b> is $port_status.</td>";


// If the current port has a description/default use, print it

if ($port_name != NULL) {

echo "<td>[$port_name]</td>"; }


echo '</tr>';




// ...otherwise, if the current loop contains just numbers, it is a single port, so scan it

elseif (eregi("[0-9]+", $port_array[$i]))


// Create a connection to the port

$sock = @fsockopen($host, $port_array[$i], $num, $error, $scan_timeout);


// If we can connect to the port, set the port status to "open",

//  otherwise, set the port status to "closed"

if ($sock) {

$port_status = "<font class='open_port'>open</font>";

fclose($sock); }

else {

$port_status = 'closed'; }


// Get the description of the port

$port_name = getservbyport($port_array[$i], 'tcp');


// Print the port status

echo "<tr><td width='50%'>Port <b>$port_array[$i]</b> is $port_status.</td>";


// If the current port has a description/default use, print it

if ($port_name != NULL) {

echo "<td>[$port_name]</td>"; }


echo '</tr>';




// Save the current time again (for calculating how long the scan took)

$end_time = time();


// Calculate the elapsed time during the port scan

$time_diff = $end_time - $start_time;

$mins = date('i', $time_diff);

$secs = date('s', $time_diff);


// If the the elapsed time during the port scan was less than a second, set it as taking 1 second

//  (it obviously has to take some amount of time)

if (($mins == '00') && ($secs == '00')) {

$secs = '01'; }


// Print the elapsed time of the port scan

echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><br>Portscan completed in <b>$mins</b> minutes and <b>$secs</b> seconds.</td></tr>";

echo '</table></blockquote>';




echo '<b>Portscan Results:</b><blockquote>';

echo 'Invalid characters in the Portscan field.';

echo '</blockquote>';




// Function to perform an nmap on a host/ip

function nmap($host, $nmap_options)


if (eregi("^[a-z0-9 @_:,-\.\*\/]+$", $nmap_options))


// Set initial command to be run on the server

$command = "nmap $nmap_options $host";


// Send the nmap command to the system.

//  Normally, the shell_exec function does not report STDERR messages.  The "2>&1" option tells the system

//  to pipe STDERR to STDOUT so if there is an error, we can see it.

$fp = shell_exec("$command 2>&1");


echo '<b>Nmap Results:</b><blockquote>';

echo nl2br(htmlentities(trim($fp)));

echo '</blockquote>';




echo '<b>Nmap Results:</b><blockquote>';

echo 'Invalid characters in the Nmap field.';

echo '</blockquote>';




// Function to parse the results of various commands to create shortcut links

function parse_output($input)


// Create a regular expression to validate email addresses

//  (credit goes to "bobocop at bobocop dot cz" from "eregi" comments on php.net for this regular expression)

$user = '[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]';

$domain = '([a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?)';

$regex = $user . '+(\.' . $user . '+)*@(' . $domain . '{1,63}\.)+' . $domain . '{2,63}';


// Convert IP addresses to links

$parsed_ip = eregi_replace("([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})", "<a href=\"javascript:enter_ip('\\0');\">\\0</a>", $input);


// Convert email addresses to links

$parsed_email = eregi_replace($regex, "<a href=\"mailto:\\0\">\\0</a>", $parsed_ip);


// Print the results

$output = $parsed_email;

echo $output;





// Set the default value for certain variables

if ($host == "") {

$host = 'Enter Host or IP'; }

if ($whois_ip_server == "") {

$whois_ip_server = 'whois.arin.net'; }

if ($whois_domain_server == "") {

$whois_domain_server = 'whois-servers.net'; }

if ($ping_count == "") {

$ping_count = '4'; }

if ($scan_timeout == "") {

$scan_timeout = '1'; }


// Call the get_ip() function and store the results in $ip

$ip = get_ip();







<title>PHP Net Tools</title>


<style type="text/css">


<script language="javascript">

function check_focus(val)


if (val.value == "Enter Host or IP") {

val.value = ""; }



function enter_ip(ip)


document.forms[0].host.value = ip;



function help(box_msg, box_title, box_width, box_height)


var box_left = (screen.width - box_width) / 2;

var box_top = (screen.height - box_height) / 2;


box_text = "<html><head><title>" + box_title + "</title></head><body bgcolor=\"#87E8EB\">";

box_text += box_msg;

box_text += "</body></html>";


var help_box = window.open('','help_box','width=' + box_width + ',height=' + box_height + ',left=' + box_left + ',top=' + box_top + ',toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=no,resizable=yes');







<form name="tools" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">



      <td height="100" class="options">

        <input type="checkbox" name="whois_domain">Whois (Domain)


        <input type="checkbox" name="whois_ip" <? if (isset($whois_ip)) { echo "checked"; }?>>Whois (IP)  






        <input type="checkbox" name="dig" <? if (isset($dig)) { echo "checked"; }?>>Dig  

          <select name="dig_class">



$dig_class_array = Array('ANY', 'A', 'IN', 'MX', 'NS', 'SOA', 'HINFO', 'AXFR', 'IXFR');


for ($i = 0; $i < count($dig_class_array); $i++)


echo "<option value=\"$dig_class_array[$i]\"";


if (!isset($_POST['dig_class'])) {

$dig_class = 'ANY'; }


if ($dig_class_array[$i] == $dig_class) {

echo ' selected'; }


echo ">$dig_class_array[$i]</option>";









    <td colspan="2" align="center" class="host">Host:   

        <input type="text" name="host" size="30" value="<? echo $host; ?>" onFocus="check_focus(this)">  

        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Get Info">













// If the user clicked the "Get Info" button...

if ($_POST['submit'])


// If no options were selected, print an error

if (!isset($resolve) && !isset($ip_to_country) && !isset($whois_ip) && !isset($whois_domain) && !isset($ns) && !isset($dig) && !isset($ping) && !isset($trace) && !isset($tracepath) && !isset($portscan) && !isset($nmap)) {

echo '<br><br>You must select at least one option to perform.';

exit; }


// If there was no host entered, print an error

if (($host == 'Enter Host or IP') || ($host == "")) {

echo '<br><br>You must enter a valid Host or IP address.';

exit; }


// If the value of $host begins with an alpha character, it must be a host name, so find its ip...

if(eregi("^[a-z]", $host))


$host_name = $host;

$host_ip = gethostbyname($host);


// ...otherwise, it must be an ip address, so find its host name



$host_name = gethostbyaddr($host);

$host_ip = $host;



// If the option is set to log the user info, call the log_user() function

if ($enable_log_user == TRUE) {

log_user($host); }



// If an option is set, call its respective function

if (isset($resolve)) {

resolve($host); }

if (isset($ip_to_country)) {

ip_to_country(); }

if (isset($whois_ip)) {

whois_ip($whois_ip_server, '-1', 'TRUE'); }

if (isset($whois_domain)) {

whois_domain($host, $whois_domain_server); }

if (isset($ns)) {

nslookup($host); }

if (isset($dig)) {

dig($host, $dig_class, $dig_server); }

if (isset($ping)) {

ping($host, $ping_count); }

if (isset($trace)) {

traceroute($host); }

if (isset($tracepath)) {

tracepath($host); }

if (isset($portscan)) {

portscan($host, $ports, $scan_timeout); }

if (isset($nmap)) {

nmap($host, $nmap_options); }










Thanks in Advance

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