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[SOLVED] php trouble with access database


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I am having real trouble with my php code, it all looks correct and i have had several people look at it and not see anything wrong with it.

I have got a register page where people fill out their details, but when i click submit it seems like it has worked as there was no error messages, but no data actually appears in the database.

Can anyone help me, as i have been getting really annoyed at it as i cant think why it isn't working.


Please help


Zodiac :(

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lol, yea sorry,





$Title = $_POST['title'];

$Forename = $_POST['forename'];

$Surname = $_POST['surname'];

$JobTitle = $_POST['jobtitle'];

$AreaCoverage = $_POST['areacoverage'];

$Email = $_POST['email'];

$UserType = $_POST['usertype'];

$MobileNumber = $_POST['mobilenumber'];

$Username = $_POST['username'];

$txtPassword = $_POST['txtpassword'];


// creates a new Common-Object-Model (COM) connection object

$adoCon = new COM("ADODB.Connection");


$thisfolder = dirname(__FILE__);


// opens the connection using a standard Access connection string



"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=$thisfolder/scheduler.mdb");


catch(Exception $e)

{ die('Sorry - There was a problem with opening the database.<br />'); 




{ $adoCon->Execute  //query to put data from textboxes to the database table


([Employee title], [Employee surname], [Employee forename], [Job title], [Area coverage], )


('$Title', '$Forename', '$Surname', '$JobTitle', '$AreaCoverage', '$Email');

INSERT INTO [user type]

([user type])




([Employee forename], [Employee surname], Username, Password)


('$Forename', '$Surname', '$Username', '$txtPassword');"



catch(Exception $e)

{ echo 'Sorry - There was a problem with adding the data to the database.<br />';


$adoCon->Close();  //close connections

$adoCon = null;



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And here is the form: it goes just before the php code


<form name="form1" method="post" action="Loginpage.php">        <!-- setting page to post form to self -->

      <table width="50%"  border="1">



        <td width="38%"><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Title:</strong></div></td>

        <td width="62%">

          <select name="select">








        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong><strong>Forename</strong>:</strong></div></td>


          <input name="forename" type="text" id="forename">




        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong><strong>Surname</strong>:</strong></div></td>

        <td><input name="surname" type="text" id="surname"></td>



        <td><span class="style2"></span></td>

        <td> </td>



        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Job title : </strong></div></td>


          <input name="jobtitle" type="text" id="jobtitle">




        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Area coverage :</strong></div></td>


          <input name="areacoverage" type="text" id="areacoverage">




        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Email address :</strong></div></td>


          <input name="email" type="text" id="email">




        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>User type :</strong></div></td>


          <select name="usertype" id="usertype">







        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Mobile number:</strong></div></td>


          <input name="mobilenumber" type="text" id="mobilenumber">




        <td> </td>





        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Username:</strong></div></td>


          <input name="username" type="text" id="username">




        <td><div align="right" class="style2"><strong>Password:</strong></div></td>


          <input name="txtpassword" type="password" id="txtpassword">




  <td> </td>


  <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit">





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humm, do you have other code that connect to the MDB (that works)?


i am not sure if you can send multiple statments to ADODB Connection...


i would normally write the code like so..


$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO"); 
// Microsoft Access connection string.
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$thisfolder/scheduler.mdb");
// SQL statement to build recordset.
$rs = $conn->Execute("INSERT INTO User
            (`Employee title`, `Employee surname`, `Employee forename`, `Job title`, `Area coverage`, `Email address`)
            ('$Title', '$Forename', '$Surname', '$JobTitle', '$AreaCoverage', '$Email');");


But i don't use PHP with MS access, so i am probably wrong!

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Yea, someone who has done some access said that i can insert into 3 tables, but to just use 3 insert into statements. My friend is having the same problem as me and she only has 1 insert into statement.

Just wondering if it is something in the access database stopping the data from going in.


The thing which is confusing me the most is the fact that no error messages are coming up, even though i have put some catch error code in there.

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hmmm...... still not putting the data into the database, or catching any error messages.


are you any good with logging in, as i have some php which is falling on the username and password part. I did have the code on the welcome page at the top and it did work, but since i have moved the code the bottom of the login page, it doesnt seem to work or even check the username or password before logging people in. This is the php and form on the login page:


<form action="scheduler.php" method="post" name="form1">
              <p align="center"><em><strong></strong></em></p>
              <p align="center" class="style12 style1"><u>Login Details</u><br><br></p>
              <p align="center"><strong>Username:
                <input name="Username" type="text" id="Username" size="16" maxlength="16">                    
                <br> Password:
    			<input name="txtPassword" type="password" id="txtPassword" size="16" maxlength="16">
              <div align="center"><strong>
                <input name="btnLogin" type="submit" class="style9" value="Log In">
              <form action="register.php" method="post" name="form2" class="style9">
                <div align="center">
                  <input name="btnRegister" type="submit" class="style9" value="Register">
            <p class="style9"> </p></td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>


$Username = $_POST['Username'];
$Password = $_POST['txtPassword'];

if( ( !$Username ) or ( !$Password ) )
	{ header( "Location:register.php" ); exit(); }

// creates a new Common-Object-Model (COM) connection object
$adoCon = new COM("ADODB.Connection");

$thisfolder = dirname(__FILE__);

// opens the connection using a standard Access connection string
		"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=$thisfolder/scheduler.mdb");

//Create sql query
$SQL="SELECT tblPassword FROM Login WHERE Username = '$Username'";

// execute query
	$rs = $adoCon->Execute($SQL);
catch(Exception $e)
	die( "Could not execute query" );

//if there isa match the log-in is authenticated
if(!$rs->EOF )
	if($Password == $rs->Fields('tblPassword')->Value)
	 $msg = "Welcome $Username.";

	//set cookie
	{ header( "Location:Loginpage.php" ); exit(); }
{ header( "Location:Loginpage.php" ); exit(); }

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this should work ok

if( isset($_POST['submit']) ) //added
$Username = $_POST['Username'];
$Password = $_POST['txtPassword'];

if( ( !$Username ) or ( !$Password ) )
	{ header( "Location:register.php" ); exit(); }

// creates a new Common-Object-Model (COM) connection object
$adoCon = new COM("ADODB.Connection");

$thisfolder = dirname(__FILE__);

// opens the connection using a standard Access connection string
		"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=$thisfolder/scheduler.mdb");

//Create sql query
$SQL="SELECT tblPassword FROM Login WHERE Username = '$Username'";

// execute query
	$rs = $adoCon->Execute($SQL);
catch(Exception $e)
	die( "Could not execute query" );

//if there isa match the log-in is authenticated
if(!$rs->EOF )
	if($Password == $rs->Fields('tblPassword')->Value)
	 $msg = "Welcome $Username.";

	//set cookie
	{ header( "Location:Loginpage.php" ); exit(); }
{ header( "Location:Loginpage.php" ); exit(); }

//put their where you like 
echo $msg;

<form action="scheduler.php" method="post" name="form1">
              <p align="center"><em><strong></strong></em></p>
              <p align="center" class="style12 style1"><u>Login Details</u><br><br></p>
              <p align="center"><strong>Username:
                <input name="Username" type="text" id="Username" size="16" maxlength="16">                    
                <br> Password:
    			<input name="txtPassword" type="password" id="txtPassword" size="16" maxlength="16">
              <div align="center"><strong>
                <input name="btnLogin" type="submit" class="style9" value="Log In">
              <form action="register.php" method="post" name="form2" class="style9">
                <div align="center">
                  <input name="btnRegister" type="submit" class="style9" value="Register">
            <p class="style9"> </p></td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>


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