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PHP BBCODE [PHP] Function.


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function bbcode($var) {
$search = array(
$replace = array(
	'<img src="$1" />',
	'<a href="$1">$1</a>',
	'<a href="$1">$2</a>',
if(stristr($var, '[code=php:0]') == true){
	$search2 = array(
	$replace2 = array(
	$var = preg_replace ($search2, $replace2, $var);
	//$var = preg_replace ("/javascript:/i","http://javascript*******",$var);
	return $var;
	$var = preg_replace ($search, $replace, $var);
	$var = preg_replace ("/javascript:/i","http://javascript*******",$var);
	return $var;


Well i'm trying to help oujt my friend but I know the answer but I don't have time to do it, I understand that the way he wrote his function is beyond me and would require me to rewrite it, But I don't feel like rewriting it, So could you guys help me out and find a solution?

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sorry let me POST the original source and ill explain, I'm sorry I forgot xD.


$search = array(

$replace = array(
	'<img src="$1" />',
	'<a href="$1">$1</a>',
	'<a href="$1">$2</a>',
	'<center><table style="border-style: dashed; background-color: #FFF; border-width: thin;" align="left"><tr><td>
	<?php highlight_string(\' ?>$1<?php \'); ?></tr></td></table></center>'


Well He's tryting to get the highlight_string(); to work inside of an array and its not working, At all. and well I know it wouldn't I took and checked other popular forums that use

 tag. and checked them out, They make a function specially for the [code=php:0] BBcode. 
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You'll want to use the e pattern modifier if you want to call a function in the replacement. However you cannot have html and php code in the replacement together if you use this modifier. That is why other third party apps use functions for parsing php code.


Working example:


$search = array( '/\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]/is',

$replace = array( '<s>$1</s>',
                  '<img src="$1" />',
                  '<a href="$1">$1</a>',
                  '<a href="$1">$2</a>',

function highlightPHP($code)
    $html = '<table style="border-style: dashed; background-color: #FFF; border-width: thin;" align="center">
<tr><td align="left">' . highlight_string($code, true) . '</tr></td></table>';

    return $html;

$text = 'Hello [i]world[/i]


echo \'hello\';





$html = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);


echo nl2br($html);



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Your example doesn't work me when I try to intergrate.


function bbcode($var) {
$search = array( '/\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]/is',

$replace = array( '<s>$1</s>',
	'<img src="$1" />',
	'<a href="$1">$1</a>',
	'<a href="$1">$2</a>',

	//$var = preg_replace($search, $replace, $var);
	//$var = preg_replace ($search, $replace, $var);
	//$var = preg_replace ("/javascript:/i","http://javascript*******",$var);
	$htmlx = preg_replace($search, $replace, $var);
	//echo nl2br($htmlx);
	return $htmlx;

function highlightPHP($code)
    $html = '<table style="border-style: dashed; background-color: #FFF; border-width: thin;" align="center">
<tr><td align="left">' . highlight_string($code, true) . '</tr></td></table>';

    return $html;


D: tell me what I did wrong here. it just add's < /BR> tag's.

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echo "Hello world!";


EDIT: somewhere in this file,


//  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____ 
// (_  _)(  _ \(_  _)(  _ \(  _ \
//  _)(_  ) __/  )(   ) _ < ) _ <
// (____)(__)   (__) (____/(____/
//			LITE Version 0.5.0
// IPTBB is free software.
// http://iptbb.org/LICENSE.txt
//Include the mysql files, and functions

//Get the settings
$setting = array();
$sql = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM `iptbb_settings` ");

while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $sql ) ){
$setting["{$row['name']}"] = $row['value'];

//Include the template maker
$tpl = new template;
$fileurl = 'templates/';
$template = $setting['template'] . '/';

//Set some links
$links = '<a href="index.php">Index</a> · <a href="memberlist.php">Member List</a>';

//Check if they are logged in or not.
if( isset($_COOKIE['username']) AND isset($_COOKIE['password']) ){
//Select the user from the database
$login_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_users` WHERE `username` = '$user' AND `password` = '$pass' " );
$login_rows = mysql_num_rows($login_query);

if($login_rows > 0){
	//If they are logged in
	$login_row = mysql_fetch_array( $login_query );

	$now = time();
	$insertuser = useronline($user, $now);

	if( $login_row['level'] == '2' ){
		//If they are an admin
		$links .= ' · <a href="admincp.php">Admin CP</a>';
	$links .= ' · <a href="usercp.php?act=home">User CP</a> · <a href="logout.php">Logout</a>';
} else {
	//If they are not in our user list
	$links .= ' · <a href="register.php">Register</a> ';
} else {
//If they have no cookies set
$links .= ' · <a href="register.php">Register</a> ';

//Get the topic deatils
$topic_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_topics` WHERE `tid` = '$tid' " );
$topic_row = mysql_fetch_array( $topic_query );

//Create the webpage
    'title' => $setting['title'] . ' - Viewing Topic: ' . $topic_row['title'],
'template' => $setting['template'],
'description' => $setting['description'],
'keywords' => $setting['keywords'],
'author' => $setting['author'],

//Display the login box
if( ($login_rows <= 0) OR ( !isset($_COOKIE['username']) OR !isset($_COOKIE['password']) ) ){

//Display the menu
'menu' => $links,

//Display the announcement box
if( ($setting['news_show'] == '1') AND ($setting['global_news'] == '1') ){
	'announcement' => $setting['news'],

//Display forum
$fid = $topic_row['fid'];
$starter = $topic_row['starter'];

//Set the views
$views = $topic_row['views'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `iptbb_topics` SET `views` = '$views' WHERE `tid` = '$tid' ");

//Get the forum details
$forum_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_forums` WHERE `fid` = '$fid' " );
$forum_row = mysql_fetch_array( $forum_query );
$cid = $forum_row['cid'];

//Get the category details
$category_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_categories` WHERE `cid` = '$cid' " );
$category_row = mysql_fetch_array( $category_query );

//Get the user details
$user_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_users` WHERE `id` = '$starter' " );
$user_num = mysql_num_rows( $user_query );
$user_row = mysql_fetch_array( $user_query );

if( $user_num > 0 ){

//If the user exists
if( $user_row['avatar'] == '' ){
	//If the avatar does not exist
	$avatar = ''.$fileurl.$template.'images/default_avatar.png';
} else {
	//If the avatar exists
	$avatar = $user_row['avatar'];
$posts = $user_row['posts'];
$name = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $user_row['id'] . '">' . $user_row['username'] . '</a>';
$user = $user_row['username'];
if( $user_row['sig'] == '' ){
	//If there is no signature
	$signature = '';
} else {
	//If there is a signature
	$signature = '<hr size="1" width="25%"  align="left" />' . nl2br($user_row['sig']);

//Get the level
if( ($user_row['level'] == 1) OR ($user_row['level'] == 0)  ){
	$level = 'Member';
} elseif( $user_row['level'] == 2 ){
	$level = 'Administrator';

} else {

//If the user does not exist
$avatar = ''.$fileurl.$template.'images/default_avatar.png';
$posts = 'N/A';
$name = $starter;
$signature = ' ';
$user = $topic_row['starter'];


//Check what level the viewing user is
if( $login_row['level'] >= 0 ){

$reply = '<a href="createreply.php?tid='.$topic_row['tid'].'&pid=0">Reply</a>';

if( ($login_row['id'] == $user_row['id']) OR ($login_row['level'] >= 2) ){

	$edit = '<a href="edit.php?tid='.$topic_row['tid'].'&pid=0">Edit Topic</a> ·';

	if( $login_row['level'] >= 2 ){

		$delete = '<a href="delete.php?tid='.$topic_row['tid'].'&pid=0">Delete Topic</a> ·';

	} else {
		$delete = '';
} else {
	$edit = '';
	$delete = '';	
} else {
$reply = '';
$edit = '';
$delete = '';

if( $topic_row['edituser'] == '0' ){
$mod = '';
} else {
$user_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_users` WHERE `id` = '$topic_row[edituser]' " );
$user_row = mysql_fetch_array( $user_query );
$mod = 'Last edited on ' . time_date( $topic_row['editdate'] ) . ' by ' . $user_row['username'] . '.';

//Display the start of the topic
'bName' => $setting['name'],
'dLink' => 'viewdir.php?id=' . $cid,
'dName' => $category_row['name'],
'fLink' => 'viewforum.php?id=' . $fid,
'fName' => $forum_row['name'],

'tName' => stripslashes($topic_row['title']),
'tContent' => bbcode(nl2br(stripslashes($topic_row['body']))),
'username' => $name,
'image' => $avatar,
'posts' => $posts,
'signature' => bbcode(nl2br(stripslashes($signature))),
'level' => $level,
'date' => time_date( $topic_row['date'] ),
'reply' => $reply,
'edit' => $edit,
'delete' => $delete,
'mod' => $mod

$post_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_posts` WHERE tid='$tid' ORDER BY `pid` ASC " );
while( $post_row = mysql_fetch_array( $post_query ) ){

//Get the user details
$user_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_users` WHERE `id` = '$post_row[user]' " );
$user_num = mysql_num_rows( $user_query );
$user_row = mysql_fetch_array( $user_query );

if( $user_num > 0 ){

	//If the user exists
	if( $user_row['avatar'] == '' ){
		//If the avatar does not exist
		$avatar = ''.$fileurl.$template.'images/default_avatar.png';
	} else {
		//If the avatar exists
		$avatar = $user_row['avatar'];
	$posts = $user_row['posts'];
	$name = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $user_row['id'] . '">' . $user_row['username'] . '</a>';

	if( $user_row['sig'] == '' ){
		//If there is no signature
		$signature = '';
	} else {
		//If there is a signature
		$signature = '<hr size="1" width="25%"  align="left" />' . nl2br($user_row['sig']);

	//Get the level
	if( $user_row['level'] == 1 OR $user_row['level'] == 0) {
		$level = 'Member';
	} elseif( $user_row['level'] == 2 ){
		$level = 'Administrator';

	//Check what level the viewing user is
	if( $login_row['level'] >= 0 ){

		$reply = '<a href="createreply.php?tid='.$topic_row['tid'].'&pid='.$post_row['pid'].'">Reply</a>';

		if( ($login_row['id'] == $user_row['id']) OR ($login_row['level'] >= 2) ){

			$edit = '<a href="edit.php?tid='.$topic_row['tid'].'&pid='.$post_row['pid'].'">Edit</a> ·';

			if( $login_row['level'] >= 2 ){

				$delete = '<a href="delete.php?tid='.$topic_row['tid'].'&pid='.$post_row['pid'].'">Delete</a> ·';

			} else {
				$delete = '';
		} else {
			$edit = '';
			$delete = '';	
	} else {
		$reply = '';
		$edit = '';
		$delete = '';

	if( $post_row['edituser'] == '0' ){
		$mod = '';
	} else {
		$user_query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `iptbb_users` WHERE `id` = '$post_row[edituser]' " );
		$user_row = mysql_fetch_array( $user_query );
		$mod = 'Last edited on ' . time_date( $post_row['editdate'] ) . ' by ' . $user_row['username'] . '.';

	//Display the normal template
		'tName' => stripslashes($post_row['title']),
		'tContent' => bbcode(nl2br(stripslashes($post_row['body']))),
		'username' => $name,
		'image' => $avatar,
		'posts' => $posts,
		'signature' => bbcode(nl2br(stripslashes($signature))),
		'level' => $level,
		'date' => time_date( $post_row['date'] ),
		'reply' => $reply,
		'edit' => $edit,
		'delete' => $delete,
		'mod' => $mod,

} else {

	//If the user does not exist
	$name = $post_row['user'];

	//Display the normal template
		'tName' => stripslashes($post_row['title']),
		'tContent' => bbcode(nl2br(stripslashes($topic_row['body']))),
		'username' => $name,
		'date' => time_date( $post_row['date'] ),
		'tid' => $topic_row['tid'],
		'id' => $post_row['pid'],

//Display the finishing of the table

//Displaying Statistics
if( ($setting['statistics'] == 1) AND ($setting['viewtopic_stats'] == 1) ){
include_once( 'statistics.php' );

//Display the footer
	'copyright' => $setting['copyright'] . '<br /> Powered by <a href="http://iptbb.org/">IPTBB</a> :: Version ' . $setting['version'],


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