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Help with school project


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Hello, I am working on a project for my server scripting class, and I need some help.


First off, I want to show you what we already know in this class so you don't say to do some crazy thing we haven't learned yet.

  • If Else statements
  • Variables
  • Arrays
  • For loops

I think thats mostly what we know except for a few basic things.


What I am trying to do is to output a specified letter through asterics.  Here is are a few examples of outputs.


*****    *****    *****

*    *    *      *    *

*****    *****    *

*    *    *      *    *

*    *    *****    *****

    A          B          C


now a few things come to mind when you think about this.  The first is probably just saying if ($letter=="a"){echo "Asterics for A";}


I already am aware of this method and I am wondering if there is a way to do this with an array or with a for loop.



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that is hard to do with loop (very loooong)or array but if its ok not to use them then maybe you can try this

$a5 = '*  *'
$a6= '  *';

//print A then 
echo $a1.'<br>';
echo $a5.'<br>';
echo $a1.'<br>';
echo $a5.'<br>';
echo $a5.'<br>';

you cant have your code dynamic but like one loop to cover all letter you have to have a code for each letters



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$output = "abcdefghi";

$letterTemplate[1] = '*****';
$letterTemplate[2] = '*      *';
$letterTemplate[3] = '*        ';
$letterTemplate[4] = '       *';
$letterTemplate[5] = '      **';
$letterTemplate[6] = '***    ';
$letterTemplate[7] = '*   &nbsp**';
$letterTemplate[8] = '    *    ';

$letterLayout['a'] = '12122';
$letterLayout['b'] = '12121';
$letterLayout['c'] = '13331';
$letterLayout['d'] = '12221';
$letterLayout['e'] = '13131';
$letterLayout['f'] = '13633';
$letterLayout['g'] = '13721';
$letterLayout['h'] = '22122';
$letterLayout['i'] = '18881';

$outputLetters = str_split($output);

foreach( $outputLetters as $letter ) {

$lines = str_split( $letterLayout[strtolower($letter)] );

foreach( $lines as $line ) {
	echo $letterTemplate[$line] . '<br />';

echo "-----<br />";



Just continue to fill out the arrays for the templates and the layouts and it will print any combination of letters you would like. You probably want to wrap the letter output in a dive or a table in order to make it go horizontal across the page, other then that the code should work flawlessly. Any questions just let me know.

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