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[SOLVED] Trying To Convert Old PHP Syntax To New... Without Success! :(


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Hi All,


Your assistance would be apprciated. I'm attempting to convert old PHP syntax to the new PHP syntax. Previously this form worked like a charm, though now, it does nothing exciting at all.


Could you give me guidance as to how I might address some issues;


1 - I understand that variables from a POST method are now prefixed with $_POST (I've attempted to use this below). Is this usage correct?


2 - I'm not sure how to call/reference the variables created from the mySQL query - Is it $_SERVER?


3 - And now I've created new variables to check password, and user existance, should these be prefixed $_POST also?


Thank you in advance for your assistance!



    <title>Website Title</title>

					or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");
mysql_select_db("DBName") or die("Unable to select database");

$query = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE usrnme = $_POST['$usrnme']";
$fldchk = mysql_query($query) or die('mysql_error');

?> Past Connection<?

if (mysql_num_rows($fldchk) > 0)
	$pwchk = mysql_result($fldchk,0,"PWord");

	if ($pssword == $pwchk)
		$log_user = $_POST["$usrnme"];

		// Use the session variable utype to show or hide the Admin links
		$ordersite = "index1.php";

		$wrongpw = 1;
	$usrex = 1;



          <form method="post" action="index.php">

              <input type="text" name="usrnme" size="10" maxlength="10">
              <input type="password" name="pssword" size="10" maxlength="10">

              <a href="mailto:email@home.com"><small>Forgotten your password?</small></a>

              <input type="image" src="images/rings.jpg" name=login alt="Login">


if ($usrex == 1)
            This user is not in the system.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com">email us</a> for account enquiries.
if ($wrongpw == 1)
            Incorrect password for <strong><? echo $usrnme; ?></strong>.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com">email us</a> if you have forgotten your password.


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if (($_REQUEST=='POST')) // im not 100% sure about $_REQUEST
mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") // removed the p from pconnect
					or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");
mysql_select_db("DBName") or die("Unable to select database");

$query = "SELECT * FROM `tblUsers` WHERE `usrnme` =" . $_POST['$usrnme'] . ""; // added ` and added 
                                                                                                         // periods to concoct the $_POST 
$fldchk = mysql_query($query) or die('mysql_error');

?> Past Connection<?php

if (mysql_num_rows($fldchk) > 0)
	$pwchk = mysql_result($fldchk,0,"PWord");

	if ($pssword == $pwchk)
		$_SESSION["username"] = $_POST["$usrnme"]; // $_SESSION global is much more flexible then
                                                                                        // register function
		$log_user = $_POST["$usrnme"];

		// Use the session variable you type to show or hide the Admin links
		$ordersite = "index1.php";

		$wrongpw = 1;
	$usrex = 1;



          <form method="post" action="index.php">

              <input type="text" name="usrnme" size="10" maxlength="10">
              <input type="password" name="pssword" size="10" maxlength="10">

              <a href="mailto:email@home.com"><small>Forgotten your password?</small></a>

              <input type="image" src="images/rings.jpg" name=login alt="Login">


if ($usrex == 1)
            This user is not in the system.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com">email us</a> for account enquiries.
if ($wrongpw == 1)
            Incorrect password for <strong><? echo $usrnme; ?></strong>.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com">email us</a> if you have forgotten your password.


I think that should just about do it.  :)


Regards ACE



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You don't put a dollar sign for the value inside the brackets. Change it to



if (($_REQUEST=='POST'))

Instead of that, I would use

if (isset($_POST['usrnme']))


Other than that, I think MasterACE14 hit them all.


Thanks, completely missed the $ sign lol  :D

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Thanks all, appreciate your time. I've managed to now have the form 'work' however, if the incorrect information is entered, the errors are not showing.


if ($usrex == 1)
            This user is not in the system.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com">email us</a> for account enquiries.


Any ideas? If you require further information, I can provide :)


Try this web address to see output; http://www.internetfella.com.au/gift_registry/index.php

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Ok gents... thanks for your help again. I changed a few things;






$query = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE usrnme='" . $_POST['usrnme'] ."'";


Essentially, the $_SERVER request started to pass through the code. Came up with Query error. Checked the syntax of the query, and altered as above. Now it's returning goodness.


All - Thanks very much. You know this means there could be more queries coming from me?! :P

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OK can I unsolve?! Haha... ;)


Unfortunately, the error checking works, but the correct comparison doesn't. EG> Password matches that entered by the user.


Basically, I want the page to be redirected if it's the correct password for the user. Simple (so I thought). Ideas?


	$pwchk = mysql_result($fldchk,0,"PWord");

	if ($pssword == $pwchk)
		$_SESSION["usrnme"] = $_POST["usrnme"];

		$log_user = $usrnme;

		// Use the session variable utype to show or hide the Admin links
		$ordersite = "index1.php";

		$direct_site = "http://www.internetfella.com.au";


		document.location = '<?php echo $direct_site; ?>';

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its simple alright, you've just done it the hard way  ;D


this part:

		document.location = '<?php echo $direct_site; ?>';


change it to this:

header("Location: http://www.internetfella.com.au");


ps. I like your website, Im guessing you live down in Victoria? or not to far from it? I live in Sydney ^^

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Full code... Sorry for delay in posting.


    <title>Website Title</title>

mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");
mysql_select_db("database") or die("Unable to select database");

$query = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE usrnme='" . $_POST['usrnme'] ."'";

$fldchk = mysql_query($query) or die('mysql_error with query - '.$query);

if (mysql_num_rows($fldchk) > 0)
	$pwchk = mysql_result($fldchk,0,"PWord");

	if ($pssword == $pwchk)
		$_SESSION["usrnme"] = $_POST["usrnme"];

		$log_user = $usrnme;

		// Use the session variable utype to show or hide the Admin links
		$ordersite = "index1.php";

		$direct_site = "http://www.internetfella.com.au";

		header("Location: " . $direct_site . "");

		$wrongpw = 1;
	$usrex = 1;




          <form method="post" action="index.php">

              <input type="text" name="usrnme" size="10" maxlength="10">
              <input type="password" name="pssword" size="10" maxlength="10">

              <a href="mailto:user@home.com.au"><small>Forgotten your password?</small></a>

              <input type="image" src="images/rings.jpg" name=login alt="Login">


if ($usrex == 1)
            This user is not in the system.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com.au">email us</a> for account enquiries.
elseif ($wrongpw == 1)
            Incorrect password for <strong><? echo $_POST["usrnme"]; ?></strong>.
            Please <a href="mailto:user@home.com.au">email us</a> if you have forgotten your password.


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no problem  :)


before this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE usrnme='" . $_POST['usrnme'] ."'";


you should put this:

if(!isset($_POST['usrnme']) || $_POST['usrnme'] == '') { die("please enter a username"); }


or better yet, replace this:



with what I said above. That may fix the problem. Because then your starting Form Validation before anything has happened. Further more increasing your security, and stopping any unneccesary MySQL queries from happening.



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you could also double up with the validation right at the start like this:

if(!isset($_POST['usrnme']) || $_POST['usrnme'] == '') && if(!isset($_POST['pssword']) || $_POST['pssword'] == '')
{ die("please enter a username and password"); }


I found the problem with the password part, you haven't put the password $_POST into a common variable, you have if ($pssword == $pwchk) but their is no $pssword = $_POST["pssword"];


so put in what I've typed above, and put in the $pssword variable sometime before it is used.


and I think that may just fix your problem  ;)


Regards ACE

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Ok, past that issue because of a silly $_POST being left out. Little things. :S


Now... the next part was to redirect the user. The below is the code I'm using, however, is not redirecting the page. Ideas?


		$direct_site = "http://www.internetfella.com.au";

		header("Location: " . $direct_site . "");

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