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Can't Figure out Failure to Redeclare Function


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I keep getting this error when I call a certain function but I don't get the error message when I call it on other pages on my site.  I get this error:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare build_temp() (previously declared in C:\xampp\htdocs\voltbb\includes\functions.php:3) in C:\xampp\htdocs\voltbb\includes\functions.php on line 16


I don't think it's a problem with the function since I've used it on almost every other page on my site but here's the code for the page the error is occuring on:



// You are viewing the contents of the viewthread.php file.
// The content of this file is the sole property of the developer(s) of the VoltBB 
// project.  Any duplication or re-distribution of this file without the inclusion of this
// copyright is strictly prohibited and doing so will result in immediate legal action.
// Modification of this file requires a vast knowledge of the PHP and MySQL
// languages.  Edit this file at your own risk.

$action = $_GET["action"];
$tid = $_GET['id'];

//If the thread is viewed...

//update views in database
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE vbb_threads SET tviews = tviews+1 WHERE tid = $tid");


$forumid = mysql_query("SELECT tid FROM vbb_threads WHERE tid = $tid");



      $forumname = mysql_query("SELECT fid FROM vbb_forums WHERE fid = $fid");



      echo "<div><a href='index.php'>Index</a> > <a href='viewforum.php?id=$fid'>$fname</a> > <a href='viewthread.php?id=$tid'>$tsubject</a><br><br>

<a href='addreply.php?tid=$tid'>Add Reply</a></div>
        <table align='center' width='65%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='0'>
     <td align='center' colspan='2' width='100%' class='header'>Viewing $tsubject</td>

$bb_replace = array('[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]', '[u]', '[/u]');
$bb_replacements = array ('<b>', '</b>', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>');

//Word filters
$badwords = array('fuck', 'shit', 'pussy', 'dick', 'ass');
$replacements = array('make love', 'poop', 'vagina', 'penis', 'butt');

$ecodes= array('' => '<img src="images/sad.png" alt="sad">');
$images = array('<img src="images/sad.png">');

$threads = mysql_query("SELECT tid,tcreator,tcontent,tdatetime,tsubject FROM vbb_threads WHERE tid = $tid") or die("Error: ".mysql_error());



   if($perm == "1"){


} else { 

    $author_ip = "";


   //Is author a registered member?
$author = "SELECT uid,username FROM vbb_members WHERE uid = '$tcreator'";
              $authorresult = mysql_query($author) or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
              $final = mysql_num_rows($authorresult);

    if($final == 1){



      $getuserthreads = "SELECT tid FROM vbb_threads WHERE tcreator = '$tcreator'";
              $threadresult = mysql_query($getuserthreads) or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
              $numthreads = mysql_num_rows($threadresult);

          $getuserreplies = "SELECT replyid FROM vbb_replies WHERE rauthor = '$tcreator'";
              $repliesresult = mysql_query($getuserreplies)  or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
              $numreplies = mysql_num_rows($repliesresult);

        $postcount = $numthreads + $getuserreplies;


    $tcontent = str_replace($bb_replace, $bb_replacements, $tcontent);
        $tcontent = str_replace($badwords, $replacements, $tcontent);
              $tcontent = str_replace($ecodes, $images, $tcontent);

         $temps = array(
                   'THREAD_ID' => $tid,
                   'THREAD_NAME' => $tsubject,
                   'THREAD_CREATOR' => $tcreator,
                   'THREAD_DATETIME' => $tdatetime,
                   'MESSAGE' => $tcontent,
                   'U_REG_DATE' => $regdate,
                   'U_MEMBER_NO' => $memno,
                   'U_LOCATION' => $location,
                   'U_WEBSITE' => $website,
                   'U_AIM_ADDRESS' => $aim,
                   'U_MSN_ADDRESS' => $msnm,
                   'U_ICQ_NUMBER' => $icq,
                   'U_POSTCOUNT' => $postcount,
} else {

  	   	$temps = array(
  	   			       'THREAD_ID' => $tid,
                   	   'THREAD_NAME' => $tsubject,
                   	   'THREAD_CREATOR' => $tcreator,
                   	   'THREAD_DATETIME' => $tdatetime,
                   	   'MESSAGE' => $tcontent


 $bulidthread = build_temp($file, $temps);

 echo $buildthread;


        $replies = "SELECT * FROM vbb_replies WHERE tid = $tid ORDER BY rid DESC";

              $repliesresult = mysql_query($replies) or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
              $numreplies = mysql_num_rows($repliesresult);




   if($perm == "1"){


  } else {

   $rauthor_ip = "";


   $rcontent = str_replace($bb_replace, $bb_replacements, $rcontent);
   $rcontent = str_replace($badwords, $replacements, $rcontent);
   $rcontent = str_replace($ecodes, $images, $rcontent);



echo "</table>";





Thanks for any help.

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