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Ok, I'm after some feedback on my first semi big project


What is it?

This is a iGoogle gadget that will show you your Quake Wars:Enemy Territory(QW:ET) stats.


Where can i get it?

I haven't looked in to making it an official iGoogle gadget yet so for now this is how you add it.

login to iGoogle

On the right hand side you will see a link that says "Add Stuff" click it

you will now see a bunch of iGoogle gadgets and a search bar. Next to the search bar you will see a small link that says "Add by URL" click it.

copy and past "http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/108532152840583416243/QWET3.xml" that link into the text field and click "Add".

now return back to your iGoogle page and you should see it in the top left hand corner.


Screen Shot


(i know its not the best looking thing atm.)


Any other question please ask and feedback is welcome(and wanted).


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that would have to be one of the coolest gadgets. I'm just wondering though, how are you going to grab the data from the game?


from there you just you php built in function to read the data.

I like your current design(in your screenshot) its nice and simple, and would integrate nicely into igoogle along side the other gadgets, this same idea would be great for a Google Desktop gadget.

I will look into making Google Desktop Gadgets at some point, But do you happen to know what language they use?

yep, Google Desktop Gadgets are made in XML and Javascript. In your case I think you would only have to print the rank, experience etc, and display the images all from the XML. Should be pretty simple.


That would be really cool.




-Clan Stats Tab(this tab will only show if a clan tag is present)

-Error handlers(This check that the user name entered is valid)

On the drawing board

-A friends tab for folks not in a clan, due to the area i have to work with and trying to keep the size down it will be one or the other.


If there are any other functions you would like to see added please let me know.


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