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[SOLVED] mysql date format to strotime function works in php5, not in php4


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i'm trying to create a list of distinct months where there are archived entries to a blog. it works on my localhost under php5, but it doesn't under php4 because the strtotime function won't understand that mysql is pulling a date in a different format. here is the sql statement:


SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(submitDate,'%Y-%m') AS date FROM table WHERE archived = 'y' ORDER BY date DESC


and the function that i'm tring to use to turn that into a different format


function monthYear($submitDate) {
$formattedDate = date("F Y", strtotime($submitDate));
return "$formattedDate";


in php5, i get a list that consists of


September 2007

August 2007


(which is correct, i only have two months with archived entries)


but in php4 i get


December 1969

December 1969


the reason why i'm using the date_format is because i need to transform it into two different forms - the kind above, and also into 09-2007 and 08-2007 for the actual url in the link. basically two functions turn the date_format version into this link:


<a href="/archive:09-2007/">September 2007</a>


how can i pull only a distinct MONTH and YEAR (don't want distinct dates, because i'll get a row for each DAY) and then turn that into the two desired formats in php4? i've tried tacking on a "-01" to the date to fool php4 into thinking that it's a full legitimate date, but that only freaks it out more. perhaps i'm just not adding it correctly...

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right, i understand why it's happening, i need to get around the "pickiness" or "limitations" (depending on how you see it) of php4's strtotime function and figure out a way to get to what i need.


i've tried variations of adding "-01" to the end of my date variable to try to fill it out into a full date, but to no avail. like this:


$row['date']-01 = $fauxDate;

"".$row['date']."-01" = $fauxDate;


and so on, but it's not working...

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