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[SOLVED] Please help me. Going bold over this problem


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Hi guys!


I've been pulling my hair so much I'm going bold now. For some reason this wont work.


The error message I get is:

Warning: opendir(/prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in G:\www\mms\vis_thumbs.php on line 6


The code I use is:


$vis = $_GET['galleri'];
$galleri = "/prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";

if ($handle = opendir($galleri)) {
	$i = 1;
	echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="98%">';
	if ($file !== "." && $file !== "..") {
		while (false !== ($file == $readdir($handle))) {
			echo '<tr><td>';
			echo '<img src="'.$file.'" border="0">';
			if ($i == 6) {
				echo '</td></tr><tr><td>';
				$i = 1;



I tried copy paste the path printed into the URL, and it went directly into the folder..


Thanks In Advance

- Clown

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I think you making the mistake by opening the $galleri variable with a slash. This way PHP searches the directory from the root. Try removing that slash. If that doesn't work, explain a bit about your directories' structure.



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hmm... didnt follow you on that one... so I'ma just post the dir structure...




- img (dir)

-- "lots of images"


- includes (dir)

-- header.php

-- footer.php


- prosjekter (dir)

-- 001-vikhammer

--- images

--- thumbs


- style (dir)

-- main.css


- vis_thumbs.php (file)



did that help you any?

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depending on where this file sits, I can't always do "/" to go to the root, so what i have been doing lately, is doing the "../../../" method.


$galleri = "../prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";



If you don't know what "../" is well... it does something like this:


say your file is sitting here: http://mysite.com/folder1/folder2/folder3/myfile.php


and you want to go to a file in folder2, you would do this:


folder2 = "../file.php"

folder1 = "../../file.php"


for every "../" you move up one directory.

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that fixed that problem, but gave me a fatal error... but i fixed that one... but now all I get is a blank page...


this is how my codes looks now:


$vis = $_GET['galleri'];
$galleri = "prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";

if ($handle = opendir($galleri)) {
	$i = 1;
	echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="98%">';
	echo "<tr><td>";
	while (false !== ($file == readdir($handle))) {
		/*if ($file !== "." && $file !== "..") {
			echo '<tr><td>';
			echo '<img src="'.$galleri."/".$file.'" border="0">';
			if ($i == 6) {
				echo '</td></tr>';
				$i = 1;
			echo $file;
		echo $file;
		echo "test";
	echo "</td></tr>";
	echo "</table>";


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Try this:


I didn't test it, so there may be a few bugs

$vis = $_GET['galleri'];
$galleri = "prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="98%">';
foreach (glob($galleri.'/*.jpg') as $file) {
	echo '<tr><td>';
	echo '<img src="'.$file.'" border="0">';
	echo '</td></tr>';
	echo $file;
echo $file;
echo "test";

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Did you get my modifications to the code? I changed it, you may have copied it before i modified it.



so try this:


$vis = $_GET['galleri'];
$galleri = "prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="98%">';
foreach (glob($galleri.'/*.jpg') as $file) {
	echo '<tr><td>';
	echo '<img src="'.$file.'" border="0">';
	echo '</td></tr>';
	echo $file;
echo $file;
echo "test";

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this was the result


Array ( [0] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025782.JPG [1] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025783.JPG [2] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025784.JPG [3] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025785.JPG [4] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025786.JPG [5] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025787.JPG [6] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025788.JPG [7] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025789.JPG [8] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025790.JPG [9] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025791.JPG [10] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025792.JPG [11] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025793.JPG [12] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025794.JPG [13] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025795.JPG [14] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025796.JPG [15] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025797.JPG [16] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025798.JPG [17] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025799.JPG [18] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025800.JPG [19] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025818.JPG [20] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/S5025819.JPG [21] => prosjekter/001-vikhammer/thumbs/Thumbs.db )

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thanks Little Guy... just modified some of your codes and now it works perfect...


the final result:

$vis = $_GET['galleri'];
$galleri = "prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";
$files = glob($galleri.'/*');

echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" width="98%">';
echo '<tr>';
foreach ($files as $file) {
	$ext = explode(".", $file);
	if ($ext[1] == "JPG") {
		echo '<td><img src="'.$file.'" border="0"></td>';
		if ($i == "6") {
			echo '</tr><tr>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';


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This works on my server:

$vis = $_GET['galleri'];
$galleri = "prosjekter/".$vis."/thumbs";
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="98%">';
foreach (glob($galleri.'/*') as $file) {
	echo '<tr><td>';
	echo '<img src="'.$file.'" border="0">';
	echo '</td></tr>';
	echo $file;
echo $file;
echo "test";

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