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[SOLVED] Removing a Single Value From $_SESSION array.


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Ok here we go...




What I have here is three select boxes one for all the tables in the db, one listing the table columns in that table and a third to collect the table columns selected stored in a session called $_SESSION['collections'].  Up to this point all that works beautiful the session stores the selected collections.


But heres what I want to be able to do: I want to remove single values from the $_SESSION['collections'].  How do I do that?



Currently it posts the value I want to remove just as it collects the values in the collections select box.  But how do I remove that single element from the array?


//----------------------DATABASE ABOVE THIS LINE----------------//

	// Sesssion Start and Session Counter
	$counter = $_SESSION['counter']++; 
	// ----------------------------//

	//-Get Database Table--//
	if($_GET['table']) {
	$tables = $_GET['table'];
	else {
	$tables = 'project';
	$query = 'select * from '. $tables;
	$result = mysql_query($query, $link);

	//Store Session Collection Values
	$_SESSION['collections'][$counter] = $_GET['collections'];

	$sql1 = "SHOW TABLES FROM $dbname";
	$result1 = mysql_query($sql1);

	echo '<table>';
	echo '<tr>';

	echo '<td valign="top">';		
	echo '<form method="GET" action="">';

	print '<select multiple  name="table" onBlur="window.location.href=\'testing.php?table=\' + this.value">';
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
			for($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($result1);$i++) {
			print  '<OPTION VALUE='.$row[mysql_field_name($result1, $i)].'>'.$row[mysql_field_name($result1, $i)].''; 
	echo '</select>'; 

	echo '</td>';
	echo '<td valign="top">';

		print '<select multiple name ="collections" onBlur="window.location.href=\'testing.php?collections=\' + this.value"" >';
	for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) { 
	print  '<OPTION VALUE='.mysql_field_name($result, $i).'>'.mysql_field_name($result, $i).''; 
	echo '</select>';
	echo '</td>';

	echo '<td valign="top">';
	print '<select multiple  name="collections" onBlur="window.location.href=\'testing.php?unset=\' + this.value"" >';
	foreach($_SESSION['collections'] as $key => $value) {
	print  '<OPTION VALUE='. $value .'>'. $value .'';

	echo '</select>';
	echo '</form>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '</tr>';
	echo '</table>';




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Have you tried replacing the unset($_SESSION['COLLECTIONS'][$unset]); with unset($_SESSION['collections'][$_GET['unset']]);


The $unset you are trying to use there currently is not defined anywhere, as MmmVomit said. In addition, do note that those array keys are case sensitive. You were trying to use upper case in this particular piece, while rest of the code uses lower case.

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Tried it no change




Theoretically it should work.. or at least I think so :)


unset($_SESSION['collections'][$_GET['unset']]); realy = unset($_SESSION['collections']['value_in_collection']];


seems logical.... but nada!

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Hmm.. perhaps you have error in the following line


print  '<OPTION VALUE='. $value .'>'. $value .'';


Perhaps this should rather be:


print  '<OPTION VALUE='. $key .'>'. $value .'';


If you are using the $value as the value, instead of the $key, then only the value of the session variable is sent to the unset (assuming the script works as I expect it to). However, then you are trying to unset the session variable by the value, rather than the key, which obviously wont work (unless they are the same).


If this is not the case, however, I would recommend putting var_dump($_GET); before the unsetting if clause to make sure that the correct variable exists and has value you expect it to have.

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