desicube Posted April 12, 2006 Share Posted April 12, 2006 Hi I am running an Image Hosting Script at [a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a]I am using Php Image Host Script v1.0I have more than 750 members & 7000 images on my server. Everything is working fine.The Only thing is that I want to customise my Script so that if give a code for the thumbnail & whenever user clicks on the thumbnail on the forums. He is able to view image on my custom page, which will have header and footer so that I can display google ads on them.The Output of the Script should be like this... eg gives the code like this.[a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a]& not like this which gives[a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a]I am attaching some of the files and database.. plz suggest me what changes should I make or pm me.The Sql database of Script can be downloaded at[a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a]Here is my images.php Page.[code]<?php/**/// include general site config / initialization stuffrequire_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/');// include and initialize an instance of the images utility classrequire_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/classes/images.class.php');$images =& new images($ace);$images->setuser($user);$message = '';// include the site headerrequire_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/header.php');if( $banned ){ $pagecontent->display('IP Banned'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/footer.php'); exit();}elseif( !$loggedin ){ // the user must be logged in to access this page. // if not logged in, tell them so, display the login form and exit. $pagecontent->display('Images - Not Logged In'); require(dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/');}// check if a gallery has been selected...$gallery = 0;$g = $ace->getint('g', $_REQUEST, -1);if( !isset($user->galleries[$g]) ){ if( $g > 0 ) $g = 0;}else{ $gallery = $user->galleries[$g];}// display the intro text for the managing your images page$pagecontent->display('Images');// initialize variables used to determine which images to list / order to list them in, which page of images to display, etc.$orderby = $ace->getstr('o', $_REQUEST, 'date');$orderdir = $ace->getstr('od', $_REQUEST, 'desc');if( !in_array($orderby, array('name', 'uploaded') ) ) $orderby = 'uploaded';if( !in_array($orderdir, array('asc', 'desc') ) ) $orderdir = 'desc';$ids = array();$msg = '';$emails = array();for( $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++) $emails[$i] = '';$modified = false;if( $ace->getstr('delete', $_POST) != '' ){ // user wants to delete some of their images $ids = isset($_POST['ids']) ? $_POST['ids'] : array(); $deleted = $images->deleteimages($ids, $userid); if( $deleted ){ $message = $deleted.' image(s) deleted.'; $user->images -= $deleted; $modified = true; if( $user->images < 0 ) $user->images = 0; }}elseif( $ace->getstr('send', $_POST) != '' ){ // user wants to email links to their images to their friends.. $ids = isset($_POST['ids']) ? $_POST['ids'] : array(); $imgs = $images->getimages(array('ids'=>$ids, 'user_id'=>$userid)); if( count($imgs) ){ $emails = array(); $sentto = array(); for( $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++){// $emails[] = $i; if( isset($_POST['to'][$i]) ){ $email = trim(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1 ? stripslashes($_POST['to'][$i]) : $_POST['to'][$i]); $emails[$i] = $email; if( $email != '' ){ if( $ace->validateemail($email) ){ $sentto[] = $email; }else{ $images->errors[] = 'The address "'.htmlspecialchars($email).'" is not a valid email address.'; } } } } if( count($sentto) > 0 ){ $msg = $ace->getstr('message', $_POST); if( strlen($msg) > 255 ){ $images->errors[] = 'Your message can only contain a maximum of 255 characters. It currently contains '.strlen($msg).'. Please reduce your message length.'; }elseif( strlen($msg) == 0 ){ $images->errors[] = 'You must enter a message to send.'; }else{ $headers = "From: {$user->email}\r\nReply-To: {$user->email}\r\nErrors-To: {$config->admin_email}\r\nReturn-Path: {$config->admin_email}"; $tpl = $config->email_images_template; $imagelinks = array(); foreach( $imgs as $i ){ $imagelinks[] = $i->image_url; } $s = array('{sitename}', '{siteurl}','{message}', '{imagelinks}'); $r = array($config->sitename, $config->siteurl, $msg,join("\n\n", $imagelinks)); $tpl = str_replace($s, $r, $tpl); foreach($sentto as $email ){ @mail($email, $config->email_images_subject, $tpl, $headers); } $msg = ''; for( $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++) $emails[$i] = ''; $message = 'An email containing your message and links to your images has been sent to '.join(" and ", $sentto).'.'; } }else{ $images->errors[] = 'You must enter an email address to send the images to.'; } }else{ $images->errors[] = 'You need to check the checkboxes next to the images you want to send.'; } if( count($images->errors) > 0 ) $images->errors[] = '<br />Please correct these errors and resubmit the <a href="#email">email form</a>.';}elseif( $ace->getstr('addtogallery', $_POST) != '' ){ $ids = isset($_POST['ids']) ? $_POST['ids'] : array(); $added = $images->addtogallery($ids, $ace->getint('gallery_id', $_POST)); if( count($images->errors) > 0 ){ $errors= $images->errors; }else{ $message = "$added image(s) have had their gallery changed."; }}if( $modified ) $user = $users->getuser(array('id'=>$user->user_id));$criteria = array('user_id'=>$userid);if( $gallery != 0 ){ $criteria['galleryid'] = $gallery->gallery_id; $criteria['count'] = true; $user->images = $images->getimages($criteria); $criteria['count'] = false;}$page = $ace->getint('p', $_REQUEST, 1);if( $page < 1 ) $page = 1;$perpage = $user->images_per_page;$totalpages = ceil($user->images / $perpage);if( $page > $totalpages ) $page = $totalpages;$first = ($page -1 ) * $perpage;$last = min($first+$perpage,$user->images);$imgs = $images->getimages($criteria, $orderby, $orderdir, $first, $perpage);$purl = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?o='.$orderby.'&od='.$orderdir.'&p={page}&g='.$g;if( $message != '' ){?><div class="message"><?php echo $message;?></div><?php}// any error messages? display themif( count($images->errors) > 0 ){?><div class="errors">Please correct the following errors:<br /><br /><?php echo join("<br />\n", $images->errors);?></div><?php}if( count($imgs) > 0 ){?><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>" method="post"><div class="imagelist"><?php // if the user has uploaded more images than their account allows (only possible if they previously // had a paid account which expired, or the admin has reduced the number of images allowed), then display a message if( $user->images > $user->max_images && $user->max_images > 0 ){?><div class="errors">You are currently exceeding the uploaded image allowance for your account.<br />Your <?php echo htmlspecialchars($user->type_name);?> account allows you to have<?php echo $user->max_images;?> images at a time.<br />Please delete at least <?php echo ($user->images-$user->max_images);?> of your images or<a href="upgrade.php">upgrade your account</a>.</div><?php } // now list all their images, x to a page, with options to order by name or date uploaded. // images are displayed with a thumbnail (click for full size), and urls to use to link to the image.?><table class="imagetable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="3" style="text-align: center;"> Images in order of <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?o=name&od=asc&g=<?php echo $g;?>">Name (a-z)</a> | <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?o=name&od=desc&g=<?php echo $g;?>">Name (z-a)</a> | <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?o=uploaded&od=desc&g=<?php echo $g;?>">Newest first</a> | <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?o=uploaded&od=asc&g=<?php echo $g;?>">Oldest first</a><?php if( count($user->galleries) > 0 ){?><br />Galleries:<?php $ng = 0; foreach( $user->galleries as $id=>$gal ){// if( $ng < count($user->galleries)) echo ', '; $ng++;?><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>?g=<?php echo $id;?>"><?php echo $gal->gallery_name;?></a><?php echo ', '; }?><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>">All Images</a><?php }?> </td></tr><tr> <td class="imagetitle"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--document.writeln('<input type="checkbox" onClick="check(this.form, this.checked);" />');//--></script><noscript> </noscript> </td> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"> Images <?php echo $first+1;?> to <?php echo $last;?> of <?php echo $user->images;?><?php if( $gallery ) echo ' in gallery "'.$gallery->gallery_name.'"';?>. Page <?php echo $page;?> of <?php echo $totalpages;?> <br /><?php if( $page > 1 ){?> <div style="float: left;"> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="<?php echo str_replace('{page}', ($page-1), $purl);?>">< Previous</a> </div><?php } if( $page < $totalpages ){?> <div style="float: right;"> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="<?php echo str_replace('{page}',($page+1), $purl);?>">Next ></a> </div><?php }?> </td></tr><?php$tr = 1;foreach( $imgs as $i ){?><tr class="tr<?php echo ($tr+1);?>"> <td class="tdcheck"><input type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php echo $i->image_id;?>" <?php if( in_array($i->image_id, $ids) ) echo ' CHECKED ';?>/></td> <td class="tdthumb"> <a onClick="return si('<?php echo $i->image_url;?>', <?php echo $i->width;?>, <?php echo $i->height;?>);" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $i->image_url;?>"><img border="0" class="thumb" src="<?php echo $i->thumb_url;?>" alt="" /></a> <br /> (<?php echo $i->width.'x'.$i->height;?>) <?php echo number_format($i->filesize/1024, 1).'k';?> <br /> Bandwidth:<?php if( $i->bandwidthr > (1024*1024) ){ echo $i->bandwidth.'mb'; }elseif( $i->bandwidthk > (1024*1024) ){ echo number_format($i->bandwidthr/(1024*1024*1024),2).'gb'; }else{ echo $i->bandwidthk.'k'; }?><?php if( $user->resize_images || $user->rename_images ){ ?> <div class="infolabel" style="text-align: center;"><?php if( $user->rename_images ){ ?> [<a href="rename.php?i=<?php echo $i->image_id;?>">Rename</a>]<?php } ?><?php if( $user->resize_images ){ ?> [<a href="resize.php?i=<?php echo $i->image_id;?>">Resize</a>]<?php } ?> </div><?php } ?> </td> <td class="tdinfo"> <b><a onClick="return si('<?php echo $i->image_url;?>', <?php echo $i->width;?>, <?php echo $i->height;?>);" target="_blank" href="<?php echo $i->image_url;?>"><?php echo $i->name.'.'.$i->type;?></a></b> <br /> <div class="infolabel">URL</div> <div class="infotext"><input onFocus=";" class="urlinput" type="text" value="<?php echo $i->image_url;?>" /></div> <div class="infolabel">HTML <img></div> <div class="infotext"><input onFocus=";" class="urlinput" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities('<img src="'.$i->image_url.'" alt="image hosting by '.$ace->config->siteurl.'" />');?>" /></div> <div class="infolabel">BB Code</div> <div class="infotext"><input onFocus=";" class="urlinput" type="text" value="[img]<?php echo $i->image_url;?>[/img]" /></div> <div class="infolabel">Uploaded on the <?php echo date('jS F Y', strtotime($i->uploaded));?></div><?php if( $i->gallery_id != 0 ){?> <b>In Gallery: <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?g='.$i->gallery_id;?>"><?php echo $i->gallery_name;?></a></b> [<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $ace->config->siteurl.'gallery.php?g='.$i->gallery_name.'&u='.$user->username;?>">View</a>]<?php } ?> </td></tr><?php $tr = 1 - $tr;}?><tr> <td class="imagetitle"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--document.writeln('<input type="checkbox" onClick="check(this.form, this.checked);" />');//--></script><noscript> </noscript> </td> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><?php if( $page > 1 ){?> <div style="float: left;"> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="<?php echo str_replace('{page}', ($page-1), $purl);?>">< Previous</a> </div><?php } if( $page < $totalpages ){?> <div style="float: right;"> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="<?php echo str_replace('{page}',($page+1), $purl);?>">Next ></a> </div><?php }?> <br /> Images <?php echo $first+1;?> to <?php echo $last;?> of <?php echo $user->images;?><?php if( $gallery ) echo ' in gallery "'.$gallery->gallery_name.'"';?>. Page <?php echo $page;?> of <?php echo $totalpages;?> </td></tr><?php if( $user->email_friends > 0 ){ ?><tr> <td colspan="3" class="imagetitle"><a name="email"></a> </td></tr><tr> <td class="imagetitle"> </td> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="2"> <b>Email The Selected Images To Your Friends!</b> </td></tr><tr class="tr1"> <td class="tdcheck"> </td> <td class="tdinfo" style="text-align: right;">Friend's Email:</td> <td class="tdinfo"><?php for( $i = 0; $i < $user->email_friends; $i++){?> <input type="text" name="to[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($emails[$i]);?>" class="urlinput" /><br /><?php }?> <br /><?php if( $user->email_friends > 1 ){ ?>Enter the email address of each friend you want to send these images to in one of the boxes above.You can send the images to up to <?php echo $user->email_friends;?> email addresses at once.<?php }else{ ?>Enter the email address of the friend you want to send these images to.<?php } ?><br />We respect your privacy. We do not store the email addresses submitted via this form. </td></tr><tr class="tr1"> <td class="tdcheck"> </td> <td class="tdthumb" style="text-align: right;">Short Message<br />(max 255 characters)</td> <td class="tdinfo"><textarea name="message" class="urlinput" style="height: 60px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($msg);?></textarea></td></tr><tr class="tr1"> <td class="tdcheck"> </td> <td class="tdthumb"> </td> <td class="tdinfo"><input type="submit" name="send" value="Email The Selected Images" /></td></tr><?php }if( count($user->galleries) > 0 ){?><tr> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="3"> </td></tr><tr> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="3">Add The Selected Images To One Of Your Galleries</td></tr><tr class="tr1"> <td class="tdcheck"> </td> <td class="tdthumb"> </td> <td class="tdinfo"> <select name="gallery_id"> <option value="0">No Gallery</option><?php foreach( $user->galleries as $id=>$g ){ echo "<option value=\"$id\">{$g->gallery_name}</option>\n"; }?> </select> [<a href="galleries.php">Manage Galleries</a>]<br /> <input type="submit" name="addtogallery" value="Add Selected Images To This Gallery" onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to add the selected images to the selected gallery?');" /> </td></tr><?php}?><tr> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="3"> </td></tr><tr> <td class="imagetitle" colspan="3">Remove The Selected Images From Your Account</td></tr><tr class="tr1"> <td class="tdcheck"> </td> <td class="tdthumb"> </td> <td class="tdinfo"> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete The Selected Images" onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected images?');" /> </td></tr></table></div></form><?php}else{ // if the user hasn't uploaded any images ,display a message telling them this. $pagecontent->display('No Images');}// include the site footer.require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/footer.php');?>[/code]and this is my classes/images.class.php page.[code]<?php/**/class images{ var $errors = array(); var $orderbys = array('name'=>'Name', 'uploaded'=>'Uploaded', 'size'=>'File Size', 'format'=>'Format', 'bandwidth'=>'Bandwidth'); var $imagetypes = array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG=>'jpg', IMAGETYPE_PNG=>'png', IMAGETYPE_GIF=>'gif'); var $user = 0; function images(&$ace){ $this->ace =& $ace; } function setuser(&$user){ $this->user =& $user; } function resizeimage($src, $mwidth, $mheight, $destroy = false){ $w = imagesx($src); $h = imagesy($src); if( $w > $mwidth || $h > $mheight ){ $dx = (double)$w / (double)$mwidth; $dy = (double)$h / (double)$mheight; $d = $dx > $dy ? $dx : $dy; $nw = (int)((double)$w / $d); $nh = (int)((double)$h / $d); $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($nw, $nh); imagecopyresampled($dest, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $nw, $nh, $w, $h); if( $destroy ) imagedestroy($src); return $dest; } return $src; } function deleteimages($ids, $userid = 0){ $ids = $this->ace->getids($ids); if( count($ids) > 0 ){ $criteria = array('ids'=>$ids); if( $userid != 0 ) $criteria['userid'] = $userid; $imgs = $this->getimages($criteria); $iids = array(); if( count($imgs) > 0 ){ $userbandwidths = array(); foreach( $imgs as $i){ if( !isset($userbandwidths[$i->user_id]) ) $userbandwidths[$i->user_id] = 0; $userbandwidths[$i->user_id] += $i->bandwidthr; $iids[] = $i->image_id; $fname = $this->ace->config->image_folder.$i->username.'/'.$i->name.'.'.$i->type; $tname = $this->ace->config->thumb_folder.$i->username.'/'.$i->name.'.jpg'; if( @file_exists($fname) ){ unlink($fname); } if( @file_exists($tname) ){ unlink($tname); } } $sql = "DELETE FROM images WHERE image_id IN (".join(",",$iids).") "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Delete Images'); $deleted = mysql_affected_rows(); $cnt = 0; foreach( $userbandwidths as $id=>$bw ){ if( $bw > 0 ){ $sql = "UPDATE {pa_dbprefix}users SET deleted_images_bandwidth=deleted_images_bandwidth+ $bw WHERE user_id=$id "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Update Bandwidth Used'); if( $cnt % 5 ) sleep(1); } } return $deleted; } } return 0; } function getimages($criteria = array(), $orderby = 'name', $orderdir = 'asc', $first = 0, $limit = 0){ $justcount = isset($criteria['count']) && $criteria['count'] == true ? true : false; if( $justcount ){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) "; }else{ $ipath = addslashes($this->ace->config->image_url); $tpath = addslashes($this->ace->config->thumb_url); $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.username,, g.gallery_name, "; $sql .="CONCAT('$ipath',u.username,'/',, '.', type) AS image_url, "; $sql .="CONCAT('$tpath',u.username,'/',, '.jpg') AS thumb_url "; } $sql .="FROM {pa_dbprefix}images i LEFT OUTER JOIN {pa_dbprefix}galleries g ON i.gallery_id=g.gallery_id, "; $sql .="{pa_dbprefix}users u "; $wheres = array("i.user_id=u.user_id "); foreach( $criteria as $c=>$v){ switch( $c ){ case 'ids': $ids = $this->ace->getids($v);$ids[] = 0; $wheres[] = " i.image_id IN (".join(",",$ids).") "; break; case 'name': $wheres[] = " LIKE '".str_replace("*", "%", addslashes($v))."' "; break; case 'uploaded': $wheres[] = " TO_DAYS(i.uploaded)+$v>=TO_DAYS(NOW()) "; break; case 'height': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = " i.height=$v "; break; case 'width': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = " i.width=$v "; break; case 'username': $wheres[] = " u.username LIKE '".str_replace("*", "%",addslashes($v))."' "; break; case 'userid': case 'user_id': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = " i.user_id=$v "; break; case 'format': $wheres[] = "i.type='".addslashes($v)."' "; break; case 'minsize': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = "i.filesize>=".($v*1024)." "; break; case 'maxsize': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = "i.filesize<=".($v*1024)." "; break; case 'uploadedbefore': $wheres[] = "date_format(i.uploaded, '%Y-%m-%d')<='".addslashes($v)."' "; break; case 'uploadedafter': $wheres[] = "date_format(i.uploaded, '%Y-%m-%d')>='".addslashes($v)."' "; break; case 'ip': $wheres[] = "i.ip LIKE '".addslashes(str_replace('*', '%', $v))."' "; break; case 'checked': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = "i.checked=$v "; break; case 'public': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = "i.public=$v "; break; case 'galleryid': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = "i.gallery_id=$v "; break; case 'galleryname': $wheres[] = "g.gallery_name LIKE '".addslashes(str_replace('*', '%', $v))."' "; break; case 'bandwidth': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = "i.bandwidth/(1024*1024)>=$v "; break; } } if( count($wheres) > 0 ) $sql .= "WHERE ".join(" AND ", $wheres)." "; if( !$justcount ){ $ob = ''; switch( $orderby ){ case 'bandwidth': $ob = 'i.bandwidth'; break; case 'name': $ob = ''; break; case 'uploaded': $ob = 'i.uploaded'; break; case 'format': $ob = 'i.type'; break; case 'size': $ob = 'i.filesize'; break; case 'username': $ob = 'u.username'; break; case 'random': $ob = 'RAND() '; $orderdir = ''; break; } if( $orderdir != 'desc' ) $orderdir = ''; $sql .= "ORDER BY $ob $orderdir "; if($limit > 0 ) $sql .= "LIMIT $first,$limit "; } $res = $this->ace->query($sql, 'Get Images'); if( $justcount ){ return mysql_result($res,0,0); }else{ $imgs = array(); while( $i = mysql_fetch_object($res) ){ $i->bandwidthk = number_format($i->bandwidth/1024,2); $i->bandwidthr = $i->bandwidth; $i->bandwidth = number_format($i->bandwidth/(1024*1024),2);// $i->storage = number_format($i->storage/(1024*1024),2); $imgs[] = $i; } return $imgs; } return 0; } function brand_image($img){ $font = '';//dirname(__FILE__).'/ARIAL.TTF'; if( $img == 0 || $this->user == 0 || $this->user->add_branding == 0 ) return false; $fg = $this->hextorgb($this->ace->config->branding_color); $bg = $this->hextorgb($this->ace->config->branding_bgcolor); $bgcol = imagecolorallocatealpha($img,$bg['red'], $bg['green'], $bg['blue'],($this->ace->config->branding_transparency)*1.27); $col = imagecolorallocate($img,$fg['red'], $fg['green'], $fg['blue']); if( function_exists('imagettfbbox') && $font != '' && @file_exists($font) ){ $bbox = imagettfbbox ( $this->ace->config->branding_size, 0, $font, $this->ace->config->branding_text); $width = $bbox[2] - $bbox[0]; $height = $bbox[1] - $bbox[7]; $xoff = $bbox[0]; $yoff = $bbox[1]; $x = imagesx($img)-$xoff-$width-5; $y = imagesy($img)-$yoff; imagefilledrectangle($img,0,imagesy($img)-$height, imagesx($img), imagesy($img), $bgcol); imagettftext($img, $this->ace->config->branding_size, 0, $x, $y, $col, $font, $this->ace->config->branding_text); }else{ $width = imagefontwidth(2)*strlen($this->ace->config->branding_text); $height = imagefontheight(2)+4; imagefilledrectangle($img,0,imagesy($img)-$height, imagesx($img), imagesy($img), $bgcol); imagestring($img, 2, imagesx($img)-$width-4, imagesy($img)-$height,$this->ace->config->branding_text, $col); } return true; } function addimage($fname, $userid, $file, $gallery = 0, $checked = 0){ if( $this->user == 0 ){ $this->errors[] = 'You must specify a valid user account.'; return 0; }elseif( $this->user->images >= $this->user->max_images && $this->user->max_images > 0 ){ $this->errors[] = 'You are already using all of your image storage allowance ('.$this->user->max_images.' images uploaded.)'; return 0; } settype($gallery, 'integer'); if( !isset($this->user->galleries[$gallery]) ) $gallery = 0; settype($checked, 'integer'); $ip = isset($_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = addslashes($ip); $userid = $this->user->user_id; if( @is_uploaded_file($file) ){ if( $fname == '' ) $fname = $file; $fname = strtolower($fname); $fname = preg_replace('/^.*[\/\\\]/i','',$fname); $fname = preg_replace('/\..*$/i', '', $fname); $fname = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $fname); if( $fname != '' ){ if( @filesize($file) <= $this->user->max_upload_size * 1024 ){ if( $this->user->storage == 0 || $this->user->storage_used < $this->user->storage ){ $image = $this->getimage(array('path'=>$this->user->username.'/'.$fname)); if( $image != 0 ){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images WHERE user_id={$this->user->user_id} AND name LIKE '".$fname."_%' "; $res = $this->ace->query($sql, 'Count Same Name Images'); $num = mysql_result($res,0,0); $fname .= "_".($num+1); } $fname = strtolower($fname); $name = $fname; $info = @getimagesize($file); if( $info ){ if( isset($this->imagetypes[$info[2]]) ){ $width = $info[0]; $height = $info[1]; $type = $this->imagetypes[$info[2]]; $size = @filesize($file); $imgfuncs = array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG=>'imagecreatefromjpeg', IMAGETYPE_PNG=>'imagecreatefrompng', IMAGETYPE_GIF=>'imagecreatefromgif'); $img = 0; $modified = false; // check dimensions... resize if neccessary $func = $imgfuncs[$info[2]]; $img = @$func($file); if( $img != 0 ){ if( $width > $this->user->max_image_width || $height > $this->user->max_image_height ){ if( $this->user->auto_resize == 1 ){ $img = $this->resizeimage($img, $this->user->max_image_width, $this->user->max_image_height, true); $modified = true; $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); }else{ $this->errors[] = 'Image "'.htmlspecialchars($fname).'" is too large ('.$width.'x'.$height.'). Max size allowed is '.$this->user->max_image_width.'x'.$this->user->max_image_height.'.'; imagedestroy($img); return false; } } // create thumbnail $thumb = $this->resizeimage($img, $this->ace->config->thumbnail_width, $this->ace->config->thumbnail_height, false); }else{ $this->errors[] = 'Error reading image "'.htmlspecialchars($fname).'". '; return 0; } if( $this->user->add_branding == 1 && $this->ace->config->min_branding_width < imagesx($img) && $this->ace->config->min_branding_height < imagesy($img)){ if( !imageistruecolor($img) ){ $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($img), imagesy($img)); imagecopy($tmp, $img, 0, 0, 0,0,imagesx($img), imagesy($img)); imagedestroy($img); $img = $tmp; } $this->brand_image($img); $modified = true; } if( $this->user->auto_jpeg ){ $type = 'jpg'; }elseif($type == 'gif' && $modified ){ $type = 'png'; } $sql = "INSERT INTO images (name, user_id, type, width, height, "; $sql .="uploaded, filesize, ip, checked, gallery_id) "; $sql .="VALUES ('$fname', $userid,'$type', "; $sql .="$width, $height, now(),$size, '$ip', $checked, $gallery) "; $res = $this->ace->query($sql, 'Add Image'); $id = mysql_insert_id(); if( $id ){ if( $this->user->auto_jpeg == 1 ){ @imagejpeg($img, $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$fname.'.jpg', $this->user->jpeg_quality); }else{ if( !$modified ){ @move_uploaded_file($file, $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$fname.'.'.$type); }else{ if( $type == 'jpg' ){ @imagejpeg($img, $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$fname.'.jpg', $this->user->jpeg_quality); }else{ @imagepng($img, $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$fname.'.png'); } } } $iname = $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$fname.'.'.$type; chmod($iname, 0666); $fsize = @filesize($iname); $sql = "UPDATE images SET filesize=$fsize WHERE image_id=$id "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Set Image File Size'); $tname = $this->ace->config->thumb_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$fname.'.jpg'; @imagejpeg($thumb, $tname, $this->user->jpeg_quality); chmod($tname, 0777); return $id; }else{ $this->errors[] = 'A database error occurred whilst attempting to add the image "'.htmlspecialchars($name).'". Please try again later.'; } }else{ $this->errors[] = 'The file "'.htmlspecialchars($fname).'" is not a supported image format.'; } }else{ $this->errors[] = 'The file "'.htmlspecialchars($fname).'" is not a supported image format.'; } }else{ $this->errors[] = 'You do not have enough free storage space to upload this image. Please delete some existing images or upgrade your account.'; } }else{ $this->errors[] = 'The size of the file you uploaded exceeds the maximum file size allowed ('.($this->user->max_upload_size*1024).' bytes). Please try resizing your image or saving as a compressed jpeg before uploading again.'; } }else{ $this->errors[] = 'You must enter a name for your image. The name must only contain the characters a-z and 0-9.'; } }else{ } return 0; } function hextorgb($hex){ $hex = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-f]/i', '', $hex); $hex = str_pad($hex,6,'0'); $ret = array( 'red' => hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)), 'green' => hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)), 'blue' => hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)) ); return $ret; } function getimage($criteria = array()){ $ipath = addslashes($this->ace->config->image_url); $tpath = addslashes($this->ace->config->thumb_url); $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.username, "; $sql .="CONCAT('$ipath', u.username, '/',, '.', type) AS image_url, "; $sql .="CONCAT('$tpath', u.username, '/',, '.jpg') AS thumb_url "; $sql .="FROM images i, users u "; $wheres = array('i.user_id=u.user_id'); foreach( $criteria as $c=>$v ){ switch( $c ){ case 'type': $wheres[] = "i.type='".addslashes($v)."' "; break; case 'id': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[]=" i.image_id=$v "; break; case 'name': $wheres[] = "'".addslashes($v)."' "; break; case 'userid': settype($v, 'integer'); $wheres[] = " i.user_id=$v "; break; case 'path': $wheres[] = "CONCAT(u.username, '/','".addslashes($v)."' "; break; } } if( count($wheres) > 0 ) $sql .= "WHERE ".join(" AND ", $wheres)." "; $res = $this->ace->query($sql, 'Get Image'); $img = mysql_fetch_object($res); if( $img ){ $img->bandwidth = number_format($img->bandwidth/(1024*1024),2); } return $img; } function updateimages($ids, $vars){ $ids = $this->ace->getids($ids); if( !is_array($vars) ) $vars = array($vars); $ups = array(); foreach( $vars as $n=>$v ){ switch( $n ){ case 'status': $ups[] = "status=".(int)$v." "; break; case 'checked': settype($v, 'integer'); $ups[] = "checked=$v "; break; } } if( count($ids) && count($ups) ){ $sql = "UPDATE {pa_dbprefix}images SET ".join(",",$ups)." WHERE image_id IN (".join(",",$ids).") "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Update Images'); return mysql_affected_rows(); }else{ return 0; } } function setchecked($ids, $checked = 1 ){ $ids = $this->ace->getids($ids); settype($checked, 'integer'); if( count($ids) ){ $sql = "UPDATE {pa_dbprefix}images SET checked=$checked WHERE image_id IN (".join(",",$ids).") "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Set Image Status'); return mysql_affected_rows(); }else{ return 0; } } function setpublic($ids, $public = 0){ $ids = $this->ace->getids($ids); settype($public, 'integer'); if( count($ids) ){ $sql = "UPDATE {pa_dbprefix}images SET public=$public WHERE image_id IN (".join(",",$ids).") "; if( $this->user != 0 ) $sql .= "AND user_id={$this->user->user_id} "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Set Image Public'); return mysql_affected_rows(); }else{ return 0; } } function suspendusers($ids){ $ids = $this->ace->getids($ids); if( count($ids) > 0 ){ $sql = "UPDATE {pa_dbprefix}users SET status=2 WHERE user_id IN (".join(",",$ids).") "; $this->ace->query($sql, 'Suspend Users'); return mysql_affected_rows(); } return 0; } function resizeexistingimage(&$image, $newwidth, $newheight, $copy = false){ if( $newwidth == $image->width && $newheight == $image->height || ($newwidth == 0 && $newheight == 0)){ $this->errors[] = 'You must enter a new width and / or height for this image.'; return false; } if( $newwidth > $this->user->max_image_width || $newheight > $this->user->max_image_height ){ $this->errors[] = 'The maximum width and height you are allowed is '.$this->user->max_image_width.'x'.$this->user->max_image_height.'.'; return false; } $imgfuncs = array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG=>'imagecreatefromjpeg', IMAGETYPE_PNG=>'imagecreatefrompng', IMAGETYPE_GIF=>'imagecreatefromgif'); $iname= $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'.$image->name.'.'.$image->type; $info = @getimagesize($iname); if( $info != 0 ){ $width = $info[0]; $height = $info[1]; // get new width and height... // and check new width and height are ok... if( $newwidth == 0 ){ $d = (double)((double)$height / (double)$newheight); $newwidth = (int)((double)$width / $d); if( $newwidth > $this->user->max_image_width ){ $this->errors[] = 'The new height you entered results in a new width larger than your maximum allowed image width.'; return false; }elseif( $newwidth < 1 ){ $newwidth = 1; } }elseif( $newheight == 0 ){ $d = (double)((double)$width / (double)$newwidth); $newheight = (int)((double)$height / $d); if( $newheight > $this->user->max_image_height ){ $this->errors[] = 'The new width you entered results in a new height larger than your maximum allowed image height.'; return false; }elseif( $newheight < 1 ){ $newheight = 1; } } $lfunc = $imgfuncs[$info[2]]; $img = @$lfunc($iname); $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); imagecopyresampled($dest, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); imagedestroy($img); $savetype = $image->type; if( $image->type == 'gif' ){ $savetype = 'jpg'; } $name = $image->name; if( $copy == true ){ $name.= '_'.$newwidth.'x'.$newheight; } // check that the name is ok (and change it if it isn't ) $ex = $this->getimage(array('userid'=>$this->user->user_id, 'name'=>$name, 'type'=>$savetype)); if( $ex != 0 && $ex->image_id != $image->image_id ){ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images WHERE user_id={$this->user->user_id} AND name LIKE '".$name."_%' AND type='$savetype' "; $res = $this->ace->query($sql, 'Count Same Name Images'); $num = mysql_result($res,0,0); $name .= "_".($num+1); } $tpath = $this->ace->config->thumb_folder.$this->user->username.'/'; $ipath = $this->ace->config->image_folder.$this->user->username.'/'; // if j Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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