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How to pick the closest number


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I've been wondering about this for a few days.


I have an array containing 4 numbers:


$listofnumbers = array(0,15,30,45);


Then there's a variable that could contain any number between 0 and 59.


$actualtime = date('i');


Using the above I want to find out which of the numbers in the array is numerically closest to the value of $actualtime.




if $actualtime = 34 then I want to return the number 30

if $actualtime = 11 then I want to return the number 15 etc.


I'm sure there's a simple solution but can't figure it out.



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$listofnumbers = array(0,15,30,45, 60);
$mindiff = 99;
$result = 0;
$var = date('i');

foreach ($listofnumbers as $n)
    $diff = abs($var-$n);
    if ($diff < $mindiff) 
        $mindiff = $diff;
        $result = $n==60 ? 0 : $n;
echo $result;

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