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[SOLVED] Image Upload store reference in mysql db


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Hello, first I want to thank you guys for all of your help. I am new to php and I am having a problem uploading an image and storing a reference to the image name in a mysql database. I know my code may not be the best but if you could tell me what is wrong it would be greatly appreciated.


The problem I am having, is that the image is never uploaded and no error is generated. Also the record is never inserted into the databae either. What am I doing wrong?


here is my code..... also, the very bottom line which displays a link, never gets rendered to the browser leading me to believe there is an error but I can't see what it is....


I am hosting this site on yahoo servers and am not sure if perhaps there is a permissions issue on the target forlders? But why won't the query insert records into the database either?




header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

include '../connection.php';


//This gets the information from the form





if($weblink = "")


$weblink = "none"



//We are uploading a picture

if($pic != "")


//This is the directory where images will be saved

$target = "../../brand_images/";

$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['Image']['name']);



//Writes the information to the database

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `brands` (Name, Weblink, Image) VALUES ('$name', '$weblink', '$pic')")

or die(mysql_error());  


//Writes the photo to the server

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Image']['tmp_name'], $target))



//Tells you if its all ok

echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory";


else {


//Gives and error if its not

echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.";



else //No picture being uploaded


//Writes the information to the database

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `brands` (Name, Weblink, Image) VALUES ('$name', '$weblink', 'noimage.png')")

or die(mysql_error());  




<br />

<center><a href="brand_list.php">Back</a></center>


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Check this...


header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
include '../connection.php';

//This gets the information from the form

if($weblink = "")
   $weblink = "none"

//We are uploading a picture
if($pic != "")
   //This is the directory where images will be saved
   // how many folders up are you going... 
   $target = "brand_images";
   $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['Image']['name']);
$fileUploaded = TRUE;
   //Writes the information to the database
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO `brands` (Name, Weblink, Image) VALUES ('$name', '$weblink', '$strfile')")
   or die(mysql_error());  
   //Writes the photo to the server
   if($fileUploaded = TRUE)
   //Tells you if its all ok
   echo "The file has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory";
   else {
   //Gives and error if its not
   echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.";
//////////////CHECK HERE //////////////////////
you don't have to save other picture path in the db, while fetching in front end you can check if the path is empty or not and if it is empty  you can show this noimage.png so this query will not be needed .... 
else //No picture being uploaded
   //Writes the information to the database
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO `brands` (Name, Weblink, Image) VALUES ('$name', '$weblink', 'noimage.png')")
   or die(mysql_error());  

<center><a href="brand_list.php">Back</a></center>

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I don't see your form post code, where is the code for post

// here sub is the name of the submit button 
// or you can write this one 


And check your form too...

<form name="frm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

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Here is the form page code....



<form name=form1 enctype="multipart/form-data" action="add.php" method="POST" onsubmit="return frmValidate();">

<table align=center>


<div class="box">

<div class="bi">

<div class="bt"><div></div></div>

<div class="left"><h1>Add Brand Record</h1></div>


<table align=center>



<td><input type=text name=Name style="width:300" maxlength:200 /></td>




<td><input type=text name=Weblink style="width:300" maxlength:200 /></td>




<td><input type=file name=Image style="width:300" /></td>




<div class="bb"><div></div></div>





<td align=right>

<input type=button value="Cancel" class=btn onClick="document.location.href='brand_list.php'" />

<input type=submit value="Save" class="btn" />






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not sure if this helps but here is the directory structure....


the scripts to upload and add to db are located here...




the images are being uploaded to here....




There seems to be something wrong with the query as even when I only try to insert a record....using only the insert query...same result...blank page and bottom link doesn't get rendered


I'm sure there is something very simple that I am doing. Also important to note that in the same brand directory is a script that uses the same connection include and it connects to the db and displays a listing of brands without a problem.


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Try this


header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
include '../connection.php';

//This gets the information from the form

if($weblink = "")
   $weblink = "none"

//We are uploading a picture


if($pic != "")
   //This is the directory where images will be saved
   // how many folders up are you going... 
   $target = "brand_images";
   $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['Image']['name']);
	$fileUploaded = TRUE;
   //Writes the information to the database
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO `brands` (Name, Weblink, Image) VALUES ('$name', '$weblink', '$strfile')")
   or die(mysql_error());  
	   //Writes the photo to the server
	   if($fileUploaded = TRUE)
	   //Tells you if its all ok
	   echo "The file has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory";
   			//Gives and error if its not
		echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.";





And in your input button keep this

<input type="submit" name="sub" value="Save" class="btn" />



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