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I have this weird error:::

Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object .

code is the following:::

//connect to the DB
$connect = new mysqli("localhost","ics325sp0604", "13855", "ics325sp0604" );


//insert information captured

$query = "SELECT FROM carttemp WHERE carttemp_sess='$sessid'";
$results = mysqli_query($connect, $query);

//put data in the DB
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) { //line 105
$query4 = "INSERT INTO orderdet(
orderdet_ordernum, orderdet_qty, orderdet_prodnum)

The error is

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/students/ics325sp06/ics325sp0604/public_html/project4/checkout3.php on line 105
Step 1 - Please Enter Billing and Shipping Information
Step 2 - Please verify that your order is accurate
Step3 - Order Confirmation and Receipt

i tried several combination like:

$row = $connect->fetch_array($results)....
$row = $results->fetch_array()

But NO GO...
Can anybody help...

Thanks again

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Always check for errors before executing any subsequent mysql related commands. If you did that, you would see that you have not selected any columns, and hence that's your error in the SQL. Also, if you're going to use extract() might as well just use the fetch by association. Below I used "*" to retrieve all columns from the table.

$query = "SELECT * FROM carttemp WHERE carttemp_sess='$sessid'";
$results = mysqli_query($connect, $query) or die("SQL: $query Error: " . mysqli_error());

//put data in the DB
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) { //line 105
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toplay thanks for the prompt reply, however when i do what you suggested , the only info i get is :

Step 1 - Please Enter Billing and Shipping Information
Step 2 - Please verify that your order is accurate
Step3 - Order Confirmation and Receipt


//connect to the DB
$connect = new mysqli("localhost","ics325sp0604", "13855", "ics325sp0604" );

//declare the necessary variables
$firstname = $_POST['firtsname'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastsname'];
$add1 = $_POST['add1'];
$add2 = $_POST['add2'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];
$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$fax = $_POST['fax'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$shipfirst = $_POST['shipfirst'];
$shiplast = $_POST['shiplast'];
$shipadd1 = $_POST['shipadd1'];
$shipadd2 = $_POST['shipadd2'];
$shipcity = $_POST['shipcity'];
$shipstate = $_POST['shipstate'];
$shipzip = $_POST['shipzip'];
$shipphone = $_POST['shipphone'];
$shipemail = $_POST['shipemail'];
$total = $_POST['total'];
$sessid = session_id();
$today = date("y - m- d");

// Assign a CU Number
$query = "SELECT FROM customers WHERE
    (customers_firstname = '$firstname' AND
    customers_lastname = '$lastname' AND    
    customers_add1 = '$add1' AND
    customers_add2 = '$add2' AND
    customers_city = '$city')";

$results = $connect->query($query);
$rows = $results->num_rows;

if ($rows < 1) {
    $query2 = "INSERT INTO customers (
        customers_firstname, customers_lastname, customers_add1,
        customers_add2, customers_city, customers_state,
        customers_zip, customers_phone, customers_fax,
        VALUES (

    $insert = $connect->query($query2);
    $custid = $connect->insert_id;


//CU exists ??

if ($custid) {
    $customers_custnum = $custid;

$shipping = $total * 0.25;

$query3 = "INSERT INTO ordermain (
    ordermain_orderdate, ordermain_custnum,
    ordermain_subtotal, ordermain_shipping,
    ordermain_shipfirst, ordermain_shiplast,
    ordermain_shipadd1, ordermain_shipadd2,
    ordermain_shipcity, ordermain_shipstate,
    ordermain_shipzip, ordermain_shipphone,
    VALUES (

$insert2 = $connect->query($query3);
$orderid = $connect->insert_id;

//insert information captured

$query = "SELECT * FROM carttemp WHERE carttemp_sess='$sessid'";
$results = mysqli_query($connect, $query);

//put data in the DB
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) {
    $query4 = "INSERT INTO orderdet(
    orderdet_ordernum, orderdet_qty, orderdet_prodnum)
    VALUES (

$insert4 = $connect->query($query4);


//delete from temp table

$query = "DELETE FROM carttemp WHERE carttemp_sess = '$sessid'";
$delete = $connect->query($query);

//Send Email

$to = "<" . $email .">";
$subject = "Order Confirmation";
$message = "
<title>Order Confirmation</title>
Your order as submitted<br><br>
Order date: ";
$message .=$today;
$message .= "
    Order Number: ";
$message .= $orderid;
$message .= "
    <table width=\"50%\" border=\"0\">
                <p>Bill to:<br>";
$message .= $firstname;
$message .= " ";
$message .= $lastname;
$message .= "<br>";
$message .= $add1;
$message .= "<br>";

if ($add2) {
    $message .= $add2 . "<br>";

$message .= $city . ", " . $state . " " . $zip;
$message .="</p></td>
    <p>Ship to:<br>";
$message .= $shipfirst . " " . $shiplast;
$message .= "<br>";
$message .= $shipadd1 . "<br>";
    if ($shipadd2) {
        $message .= $shipadd2 . "<br>";
$message .= $shipcity . ", " . $shipstate . " " . $shipzip;
$message .= "</p>
    <hr width=\"250px\" align=\"left\">
    <table cellpadding=\"5\">";

//insert into the message

$query = "SELECT * FROM orderdet WHERE orderdet_ordernum = '$orderid'";
$results = $connect->query($query);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results)) {
    $prod = "SELECT * FROM products
        WHERE products_prodnum = '$orderdet_prodnum'";
    $prod2 = $connect->query($prod);
    $prod3 = mysqli_fetch_array($results);
    $message .= "<tr><td>";
    $message .= $orderdet_qty;
    $message .= "</td>";
    $message .= "<td>";
    $message .= $products_name;
    $message .= "</td>";
    $message .= "<td align=\"right\">";
    $message .= $products_price;
    $message .= "</td>";
    $message .= "<td align=\"right\">";
    $extprice = number_format($products_price * orderdet_qty, 2);
    $message .= $extprice;
    $message .= "</td>";
    $message .= "</tr>";


    $message .= "<tr>
        <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\">
            Your Total before shipping is:
        <td align =\"right\">";
    $message .= number_format($total, 2);
    $message .= "
        <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\">
            Shipping costs:
        <td align=\"right\">";
    $message .= number_format(($total + $shipping), 2);
    $message .= "

$headers .=  "From:<lznaidi@hotmail.com>\r\n";

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

echo "Step 1 - Please Enter Billing and Shipping Information<br>";
echo "Step 2 - Please verify that your order is accurate<br>";
echo "<strong>Step3 - Order Confirmation and Receipt</strong><br><br>";

//echo $message;


i would appreciate if someone can point me to the right direction because i am loosing it with this code....
Thanks for the help
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