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[SOLVED] Upgrading from PHP 5.1.6 to PHP 5.2.4 VS. Configure Command

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Recently, I had purchased a server from Godaddy with a bunch of software installed but, of course, nothing you get is perfect, thats why I ended up at this spot.


Currently PHP version 5.1.6 is installed and running nicely, except without the mycrypt extension. I followed a tutorial that at the end bits of it required me to recompile the source code after I run the Configuration Command. The problem is, I could not for the love of God find where the source code is on the server! And I could not find it at the most usual places (/usr/src/) or anywhere else (or may be I just didn't look right? any suggestions would be appreciated.). So I decided since it is a pretty new machine, might as well upgrade the stuff on it!


I have dealt with adding extensions, libraries, packages so I have some OK background on installing stuff (though I still consider myself novice). Some folks were mentioning something about Apache when upgrading from older PHP versions, I'm not quite sure how that will help but the server has Apache 2.0 installed. I have access as root.


Questions I have:

1- What files do I need to back up before I compile (I'm guessing configure, make and make install) the new PHP version's source code?

2- Is that the right way of installing it or should I follow a different procedure?

3- Should I go through all of that trouble when all I really need is to add a quarter length of a line to the Configure Command? Or, is there any other way than having to recompile the source code?


Any feedback will be much appreciated,



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3- Should I go through all of that trouble when all I really need is to add a quarter length of a line to the Configure Command? Or, is there any other way than having to recompile the source code?


Really depends on what distribution of Linux you're using. If you are using one with package management(and good repositories) then you maybe able to save yourself having to go through recompiling. So do you know which distribution you're using?


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Yup! Yum is good! I had to install other dependencies before I could actually get it completely installed. While I was at it, I found an RPM that upgrades FC6's PHP from 5.1.X to 5.2.4. I could have went through that but I decided to just update the one I have, so I had to:


yum install mhash
yum install libmcrypt
yum install mcrypt
yum install php-mcrypt


each asked for an RPM which I got from http://rpm.pbone.net/ (my new favorite site).


Restarted Apache.


And thats it!


Sometimes Linux makes you feel stupid!


Many thanks for you input! Much appreciated.

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