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TRUE/FALSE or MySQL issue?

The Little Guy

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OK, the problem is where I create the $imID and the $imID2. Where it says $row['id'];, it is placing the last number in the database... which it is what I want, but why Is it placing the same id in both $row['id'];?


as you may notice, if $twoUp is false, $imID2 should not be set. but if it is true, then $imID2 should be set.


$twoUp = FALSE;
foreach ($_FILES["file"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
//Some more PHP Here
//Start of problem
mysql_query("INSERT INTO guest_images (`directory`,`file`) VALUES ('$savelocation','$saveFile')");
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM guest_images WHERE `directory`='$savelocation' AND `file`='$saveFile' LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
	$imID2 = '&imageID2='.$row['id'];
	$imID2 = '';
	$imID1 = '?imageID='.$row['id'];
		$twoUp = FALSE;
		$twoUp = TRUE;

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Can you give a concrete example about what goes in, what you expect to happen (with real values as examples), and then what actually happens?


I am not sure I understand the problem exactly from your description, but I am usually pretty good at catching bugs like this.  Also, make sure all the loop conditionals, etc., are doing what you expect them to.  Sometimes that is the issue.

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OK... The example:


on the home page, the user has two file boxes, so he/she can upload one or two images. next they press upload.


$_FILES['file']['name'][1] contains the file name of the image such as: flowers.jpg

When It goes through the loop once, $twoUp is set to false. when It gets to the if/else statement (if(empty($_FILES['file']['name'][1])){) that checks to see if there is a second image, if there is, then it sets $twoUp to true, otherwise it sets it to false.


That works all fine and dandy, but where it says: $row['id'] it will set them BOTH to the very last ID value in the table (a.ka. the largest value).



this an example result I am getting:

$imID1 = '?imageID=23';

$imID2 = '&imageID2=23';


And this is an example result I am expecting:

$imID1 = '?imageID=22';

$imID2 = '&imageID2=23';


I think that covers it all...

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Okay, I see.  If that is the case, the code we would need to see is probably above that.  I would say to spit out the query as text for each one so you can see what you are doing.  You are probably not changing the $savefile variable correctly, and it is asking for the same file twice.  If so, then the code is simply doing what you are asking it to do, but the logic is wrong. 


You can also try running them through phpMyAdmin to get a better handle on what is happening.


If that does not work, make sure to dump the $_FILES array and to make sure the upload is what you expect.  It could be a form error, but I would try the php stuff first.


There is also the mysql_insert_id function.  If you are not using that, it might help as well, assuming that the id column is a primary key auto_increment field.


Let me know what you find.

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OK... Here is the entire page:

$a = 1;
$twoUp = FALSE;
foreach ($_FILES["file"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
	$tmp_name = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"][$key];
	$name = $_FILES["file"]["name"][$key];
	$file = getext($name);
	$time = time();
	$string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
	$randnum = '';
		$pos = rand(0,36);
		$randnum .= $string{$pos};
	$dirarr = array();
	foreach(ListDescendantDirectories('guest_images') as $dir){
	$filee = array_rand($dirarr);
	$savelocation = $dirarr[$filee];

	#1 equals overwrite
	$guestTypes = array(".jpg",".gif",".png");
		move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $savelocation."/".$time.$randnum.$name);
		createThumbnail($savelocation, $time.$randnum.$name, $savelocation.'/thumbs', 120, 80);
		$_SESSION['guestfile'.$a] = "http://tzfiles.com/$savelocation/".$time.$randnum.$name;
		$_SESSION['guestfile'.$a.'error'] = 1;
		$saveFile = $time . $randnum . $name;
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO guest_images (`directory`,`file`) VALUES ('$savelocation','$saveFile')");
		$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM guest_images WHERE `directory`='$savelocation' AND `file`='$saveFile' LIMIT 1");
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
			$imID2 = '&imageID2='.$row['id'];
			$imID2 = '';
			$imID1 = '?imageID='.$row['id'];
				$twoUp = FALSE;
				$twoUp = TRUE;
		$_SESSION['guestfile'.$a.'error'] = 2;
			$_SESSION['guestfile'.$a.'error_txt'] .= '<span style="color:red">Incorrect File Type .jpg, .gif, .png only</span>';
header("Location: guestImage.php".$imID1.$imID2);

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