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select Box with query


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I have a selection box showing a list of choices from a query but my page is completely blank and it isn't showing up on the page...also the rest of the form is also not showing and I do not know what could be causing it... here is the form :


<form name="" method="POST" action="businesslondonstage2.php" enctype="text/plain" id="Form1">
//generates a list box to display the rows of available business
$CountNames = ("SELECT *, count(BusinessType) as C FROM `businesses` GROUP BY BusinessType WHERE C < 3");
$findbusinessresult = mysql_query($CountNames) or die(mysql_error());

echo '</br></br><center><select name="businesslist" size=10>"></center>';
	Echo'<option value =""><b><u>Business Types</b></u></option>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($findbusinessresult)) {
        echo "<option value=\"{$row['BusinessType']}\">{$row['BusinessType']}</option>";
echo '</select>';


<input type="submit" id="Button1" name="Button1" value="Submit" style="position:absolute;left:358px;top:215px;width:75px;height:45px;z-index:1">
<input type="checkbox" id="Checkbox1" name="Checkbox1" value="" style="position:absolute;left:466px;top:232px;z-index:2">

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And your center codes..

echo '<br /><br /><center><select name="businesslist" size=10>"';
echo'<option value =""><b><u>Business Types</b></u></option>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($findbusinessresult)) {
        echo "<option value=\"{$row['BusinessType']}\">{$row['BusinessType']}</option>";
echo '</select></center>';

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Again i do not think its a html problem as the html isnt even showing in the page source, its a php problem which is jumping out due to an error but then not displaying an error. Im almost sure of it but can't think what it is. Most likely my query but I'll see if any can see a problem with my query....

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Ok, Ill rewrite your code then:

//generates a list box to display the rows of available business
$findbusinessresult = mysql_query("SELECT *, count(BusinessType) as C FROM `businesses` GROUP BY BusinessType WHERE C < 3") or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($findbusinessresult))
        $option .= "<option value=\"{$row['BusinessType']}\">{$row['BusinessType']}</option>";


<form name="" method="POST" action="businesslondonstage2.php" enctype="text/plain" id="Form1">
</br></br><center><select name="businesslist" size=10>"></center>
<option value =""><b><u>Business Types</b></u></option>
<?="$option"; ?>
<input type="submit" id="Button1" name="Button1" value="Submit" style="position:absolute;left:358px;top:215px;width:75px;height:45px;z-index:1">
<input type="checkbox" id="Checkbox1" name="Checkbox1" value="" style="position:absolute;left:466px;top:232px;z-index:2">

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are you connecting to your db; because I do see where your connecting

Then it should show an error

Same result.. :(



SELECT *, count(BusinessType) as C FROM `businesses` GROUP BY BusinessType WHERE C < 3



Do you think queries would know what C is or should it be $C ? :S

No, make sure you check your cases, 'c' is completely different too 'C'.

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umm is the C used correctly in the query ?


i made a new php script with the same query to test it and now it shows the problem:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE C < '3'' at line 1



were getting there but still not know what i got wrong =/

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Ok this is an example of what it's meant to do .



Say theres a table with field name "name" and all the records are these:


1. cheese

2. cheese

3. bacon

4. cheese

5. bacon

6. lettuce

7. bacon

8. orange

9. orange


The query is suppose to find all records where by there is less than 3 of the same field value...as shown 6. lettuce 8. orange and 9. orange would be the only one that would load in this case :) hope this helps.


MadTechie wrote the query for me as I was having difficulty working out how to get a query to do this :(


I tried your query poco but it says : Unknown column 'C' in 'where clause'

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Why didn't you continue with your last post about this? I thought MadTechie solved it with this solution


$CountNames = ("SELECT *, count(BusinessType) as C FROM `businesses` GROUP BY BusinessType HAVING C < 3");
$findbusinessresult = @mysql_query($CountNames) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($findbusinessresult); //<--missing
echo $row['BusinessType'];

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