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[SOLVED] INSERT in MySQL problem... My code is not working?


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My code is not working. But it DOES NOT return any errors... It's weird. The pages loads fine and I checked all of the varibles by echoing them into the page for me to see and make sure they were good... but when I check to see if the data is in the database (mysql), nothing is there... Need help with this.


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = "1";
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES (" 
		. GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . intval($qty) . ")");
	//header("Location: cart.php");
} else {
	$ihateyou = "I HATE YOU";		


Anyone see anything thats maybe wrong... and  could cause this.


FYI: GetCartId() just returns the session ID ... which currently for me when echo is: f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016

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first things first..

lets add some error capturing..


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = "1";
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		$query = "INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES (" 
		. GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . intval($qty) . ")";
		mysql_query($query) or die("query='$query '<br>".mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
} else {
	$ihateyou = "I HATE YOU";		


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Here u go:


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = "1";
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tblshoppingcart` (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES (" 
		. GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . intval($qty) . ")") or die (mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
} else {
	$ihateyou = "I HATE YOU";		

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if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = 1;
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES (" 
		. GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . $qty . ")") or die (mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
	$ihateyou = $_POST['AddToCart'];
} else {


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Use this:


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = 1;
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) {
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tblshoppingcart` (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES ('" . GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . $qty . ")") or die (mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
	$ihateyou = $_POST['AddToCart'];
} else {



If that doesnt work, its something to do with the info being sent.

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I changed the code to this:


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = 1;
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		$insertquery = "INSERT INTO `tblshoppingcart` (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES (" 
		. GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . $qty . ")";
		mysql_query($insertquery) or die ("query= `$insertquery` <br />" . mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
	$ihateyou = $_POST['AddToCart'];
} else {



Here is the query and error message I got.

query= `INSERT INTO `tblshoppingcart` (Cookie_ID, Product_ID, Component_ID, qty) VALUES (f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016, 1, 13, 1)` 
Unknown column 'f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016' in 'field list' 

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Okay cool thanks... I put in the error code...


Here is the error I got:


Unknown column 'f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016' in 'field list'


i know you will get that error  ;D


error means your inserting int into character field or vise versa

@unidox missed '


'" . GetCartId() . "'


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Okay.. try this update..


is it possible to the error..

the part thats starts

query='INSERT INTO ...etc..'


as the field are all static its kinda a strange message..


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = "1";
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		$query = "INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (`Cookie_ID`, `Product_ID`, `Component_ID`, `qty`) VALUES ('" . GetCartId() . "', " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . intval($qty) . ")";
		mysql_query($query) or die("query='$query '<br>".mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
} else {
	$ihateyou = "I HATE YOU";		


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Try this


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = 1;
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (`Cookie_ID`, `Product_ID`, `Component_ID`, `qty`) VALUES (" 
		. GetCartId() . ", " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . $qty . ")") or die (mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
	$ihateyou = $_POST['AddToCart'];
} else {


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you should of got a error message like this

query='INSERT INTO blar blar '

Unknown column 'f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016' in 'field list'

can you post the blar blar part


also did you try the last code set i posted.. i know with every man, woman & dog posting it can get confusing..

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MadTechie <<<<<<<<<<<


Your code worked it updated the MySQL database...


Here is your code...


if (isset($_POST['AddToCart'])) {
$qty = "1";
	foreach ($_POST["Component_ID"] as $type => $component) { 
		// mysql_select_db($database_DM_database, $DM_database) or die(mysql_error());
		$query = "INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (`Cookie_ID`, `Product_ID`, `Component_ID`, `qty`) VALUES ('" . GetCartId() . "', " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . intval($qty) . ")";
		mysql_query($query) or die("query='$query '<br>".mysql_error());
	//header("Location: cart.php");
} else {
	$ihateyou = "I HATE YOU";		



What did you do or change to make it work?????

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New problem...


My time stamp is set to update on create ... but its not updating ???



f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016 1 13 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00

f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016 1 15 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00

f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016 1 16 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00

f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016 1 13 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00

f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016 1 15 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00

f765354f720f0d73ac26194fe47fb016 1 16 1 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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used backtick as i was confused why you was getting a Field error.. but the key was

VALUES ('" . GetCartId() . "', "

GetCartId() is a string thus must be quoted the others are int's so no quotes were needed


TimeStamp fix

option #1 (via PHP code)

$query = "INSERT INTO tblshoppingcart (`Cookie_ID`, `Product_ID`, `Component_ID`, `qty`, `Cart_Date`) VALUES ('" . GetCartId() . "', " . intval($ProductID) . ", " . intval($component) . ", " . intval($qty) . ", NOW())";


EDIT: option #2 (auto via MySQL)

from phpMyAdmin run SQL


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okay okay ...


I see now... Wild... I have been trying to figure this out for a while.


I was starting to think I was going PHP dumb! :) hahahaha ... I even pulled out the beginner tutorials to see if I forgot something...


Man thanks... :D


I also go the time_stamp working :)



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