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Dissapearing Borders?


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This isnt necessarily a PHP question, but it only seems to effect my PHP pages so I was wondering if anyone has encountered anything like this before. I have several things pulled from a DB and put on a table. However, sometimes the borders on the table go crazy. Heres an image of said problem:




The weird thing is is that its not predictable, it just happens sometimes. When you refresh sometimes it is fine, and sometimes its fucked up again. I was wondering if anyone has encountered anything like this? I can paste my CSS code and HTML code if people are interested in helping me and need more specifics. 

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<table width=400 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=0 bordercolor=black class=black3 align=center>
<tr align=center>
	<td class=header colspan=3><b>User profile:</b></td></tr>
<tr class=text>
	<td width=100>Name:</td>
	<td><a href=sliced.php?page=smartysite/messaging/send&person=$user>$user</a></td>
	<td width=301 rowspan=$rowspan><img src=$img name=profile_image width=300 height=300>    
<tr class=text>
<tr class=text>
<tr class=text><td>Rank:</td>
<td >$rank2</td>
<tr class=text><td>Rank Position:</td>
<td >$rank</td>
<tr class=text><td>Gender:</td>
<td >$gender</td>
<tr class=text>
<td >$wealth</td>
if($parent != 'none'){ echo "<tr class=text><td>Parent:</td><td><a href=sliced.php?page=view&user=$pid>$parent</a></td></tr>"; }
echo "
<tr class=text>
  <td>Family: </td>	
<td>"; if($family != 'none'){ echo "<a href=sliced.php?page=viewfam&fam=$famid>$family</a>"; } else { echo"$family"; } echo"</td>
<tr class=text>
	<td>Start date:</td>
if($timenow < $safetime){ echo "	<tr class=text>
	<td><font color=blue>Safety</font></td>
} echo "
<tr class=text>
	<td><img src=$fampic width=300 height=50></td>
<tr class=text><td height=10>Quote:</td>
<td colspan=2 rowspan=2>"; echo nl2br(str_replace('\\', "", "$row_Recordset1[text]")); echo "</td>
<tr class=text>
  <td> </td>
<object classid=clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width=0 height=0>
<param name=movie value=$music>
<param name=play value=true>
<param name=loop value=true>
<param name=quality value=high>
<embed src=$music width=0 height=0 play=true loop=true quality=high>


CSS for the black3:


table.black3 {    
margin-top : 15px;
margin-bottom : 15px;
font-size: 11px;  
font-family: verdana;
color: black;
width: 500px;

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