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[SOLVED] Very odd Session_Start() Problem. I'm Stumped. ..


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Ok, I'm using PHP5.1xxxx, on Apache.. I don't know what could be causing this but,


On one certain script, everytime I call Session_Start(); I get the 'headers already sent out', error... However, There is most Definitely nothing being outputted to the page beforehand. I can't figure this out, everything is working fine elsewhere..


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/j/s/c/jscix/html/echains/register/index.php:1) in /home/content/j/s/c/jscix/html/echains/register/index.php on line 2


You can see it here:





This the the script, nothing comes before this.

include "../includes/DBClass.php";
$Submited = ($_POST['submit']);
$errors = Array();
etcetc .. so on and so fourth..



.... *Scratches head*

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Hi, I guarantee you that you do have something output before the session_start(), otherwise you would not get that warning.


Any hidden characters, spaces, HTML, etc. before "<?php" could cause this warning. Also, if there's any output (echo/print) inside the PHP tags before the session_start() would do it too.


I know you say that's the script and nothing else, but please double check. Make sure each include file you're using doesn't have any spaces before "<?php" or after ending tag "?>".


If you can't find the  problem, the way to get around this is to use output buffering, but you should think of that as a band-aid and not the real solution. Use ob_start() before the session_start(). PHP.net page:







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