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simple PHP search not searching


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Firstly, I need to point out, I'm a total PHP noob!  :P


I'm trying to put together a basic php search page, that just searches one table and then prints out the results. I had a look for tutorials here but couldn't find anything similar (unless I missed it).


I've put together the following code for the search script, and looked over it over and over again but can't seem to find out where it's wrong, or why it's not working.


I'm really hoping someone can help with this cos it's driving me mad!!





here's the code (I could post the form code if needed):


	// This is only displayed if they have submitted the form
	if ($searching =="yes") {
		print "<p><h2>Search Results</h2></p>";
		//If they did not enter a search term we give them an error
		if ($find == "") {
		print "<p>You forgot to enter a search term. Can't search without a 
		search term!</p>";

		// If they enter a search term connect to the database.

		// filter out white space, tags etc.
		$find = strtoupper($find);
		$find = strip_tags($find);
		$find = trim ($find);

		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$searchresults = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comic WHERE upper($field) LIKE '%$find%'");
		print $searchresults;
		// display the results
		while($result = mysql_fetch_array( $searchresults )) {
			print $result['ComicTitle'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ReleaseDate'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicPrice'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicDescription'];
			print "<br />";

		//This counts the number or results. If no result, they get the no matching entries message.
		if ($anymatches == 0) {
			print "You searched for " . $find . ". Sorry, no entries matched your 

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Thanks. I don't get any errors. The search page just loads up again, looking the way it did before hitting submit.


Here's the form code if it helps?


		<form name="search" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>">
		<p>Enter the comic you'd like to search for:</p>
		<p><input type="text" name="find" value="<?php print $find; ?>" /></p>
		<!-- <input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" /> -->
		<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" />

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Still a little unclear. The only thing i can assume is that the code you posted is all of your php code - in which case, im guessing that the problem is you've not retrieved the relevant variables from the $_POST array, and you server is set up with register_globals off (a good thing!)


So, try this code:


	// This is only displayed if they have submitted the form
	if (isset($_POST['search'])) {//this is a method people would use for checking to see if the form has been submitted
	//the name we use is the submit button's name - in this case, 'search'
		$find = $_POST['find'];//set $find to its value in the post array
		print "<p><h2>Search Results</h2></p>";
		//If they did not enter a search term we give them an error
		if ($find == "") {
		print "<p>You forgot to enter a search term. Can't search without a 
		search term!</p>";

		// If they enter a search term connect to the database.

		// filter out white space, tags etc.
		$find = strtoupper($find);
		$find = strip_tags($find);
		$find = trim ($find);

		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$searchresults = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comic WHERE upper($field) LIKE '%$find%'");
		print $searchresults;
		// display the results
		while($result = mysql_fetch_array( $searchresults )) {
			print $result['ComicTitle'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ReleaseDate'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicPrice'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicDescription'];
			print "<br />";

		//This counts the number or results. If no result, they get the no matching entries message.
		if ($anymatches == 0) {
			print "You searched for " . $find . ". Sorry, no entries matched your 


Notice the change to how you check if the form has been submitted - you don't need your hidden field.

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	// This is only displayed if they have submitted the form
	if ($searching =="yes") {
		print "<p><h2>Search Results</h2></p>";
		//If they did not enter a search term we give them an error
		if ($find == "") {
		print "<p>You forgot to enter a search term. Can't search without a 
		search term!</p>";

		// If they enter a search term connect to the database.

		// filter out white space, tags etc.
		$find = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags(strtoupper($find))));

		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$q = "SELECT * FROM comic WHERE upper($field) LIKE '%$find%'";
		$searchresults = mysql_query($q);
		// display the results
		while($result = mysql_fetch_array( $searchresults )) {
			print $result['ComicTitle'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ReleaseDate'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicPrice'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicDescription'];
			print "<br />";

		//This counts the number or results. If no result, they get the no matching entries message.
		if ($anymatches == 0) {
			print "You searched for " . $find . ". Sorry, no entries matched your 


I added and changed the following:

// filter out white space, tags etc.
$find = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags(strtoupper($find))));


Changed from this:

		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$searchresults = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comic WHERE upper($field) LIKE '%$find%'");
		print $searchresults;
		// display the results


To this:

		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$q = "SELECT 'ComicTitle','ReleaseDate','ComicPrice','ComicDescription' FROM comic WHERE $field LIKE '%$find%'";
		$searchresults = mysql_query($q) or die("I'm sorry, the query encountered an error.".mysql_error());
		// display the results

Changed from (*) to ('ComicTitle','ReleaseDate','ComicPrice','ComicDescription'), removed the upper($field) part and changed to $field [please check why you have upper(), since it's not a php function]



If you want error checking to see how the query in question is set-up, add an echo $q;


		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$q = "SELECT 'ComicTitle','ReleaseDate','ComicPrice','ComicDescription' FROM comic WHERE $field LIKE '%$find%'";
		$searchresults = mysql_query($q) or die("I'm sorry, the query encountered an error.".mysql_error());
		echo $q;//output query string to make sure it is set-up correctly
		// display the results


Your new code:


	// This is only displayed if they have submitted the form
	if ($searching =="yes") {
		print "<p><h2>Search Results</h2></p>";
		//If they did not enter a search term we give them an error
		if ($find == "") {
		print "<p>You forgot to enter a search term. Can't search without a 
		search term!</p>";

		// If they enter a search term connect to the database.

		// filter out white space, tags etc.
		$find = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(strip_tags(strtoupper($find))));

		// Search the database for the search term entered by the user.
		$q = "SELECT 'ComicTitle','ReleaseDate','ComicPrice','ComicDescription' FROM comic WHERE $field LIKE '%$find%'";
		$searchresults = mysql_query($q) or die("I'm sorry, the query encountered an error.".mysql_error());
		// display the results
		while($result = mysql_fetch_array( $searchresults )) {
			print $result['ComicTitle'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ReleaseDate'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicPrice'];
			print "<br />";
			print $result['ComicDescription'];
			print "<br />";

		//This counts the number or results. If no result, they get the no matching entries message.
		if ($anymatches == 0) {
			print "You searched for " . $find . ". Sorry, no entries matched your 

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