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LOOP IN A LOOP help me for chocolate?


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So I am making a navigation system for a website and I want all the links to be in a table on a database so that the links can easily be added to or subtracted from when found necessary. 


The way the navigation works is that it is a horizontal navbar with drop down menus filled with sub categories


I have two tables set up


Table 1 is called categories  and includes a unique ID and a Link Name. for example


CID = 1

NAME = Houses


CID = 2

NAME = Apartments



I then have a second table called subcategories with 3 columns.  A unique ID a Link name and a third column which saves the CID of its parent category


for example:


SCID = 1


NAME = Big Apartments


SCID = 2


NAME = Small Houses



My Problem is that Im trying to set up my navigation and I think the issue is that I am trying to put a loop inside a loop and thats what is causing the error.  I don't know much about code - but I am a quick learner and can navigate my way around enough to understand what is going on. 


this is the code I have so far:


<?php do { ?>
  <li class="firstmenu"><a href="<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>" id="grab<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>" class="firstmenuHL">
  	<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CNAME']; ?></a>
        <ul onmouseover="document.getElementById('grab<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>').className='firstmenuDARK';" 
        	onmouseout="document.getElementById('grab<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>').className='firstmenuHL';">
          <li><a href='#'><?php echo $row_SubCategories['SCNAME']; ?></a></li>
          <!-- SUB CATEGORIES END HERE -->

  <?php } while ($row_TopCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($TopCategories)); ?></ul>



I thought I just had to do something like while( CID = CATREF) do{  ((i understand thats not probably coded - just conveying the idea))



So please help me figure this out - if you need more of my code please let me know!

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your code above has


do {


} while ($row_TopCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($TopCategories));


At the start of that loop you reference $row_TopCategories, but you don't assign anythig to it until the while() at the end of the loop.


Also you mention loop within loop. Where's the other loop?

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in that exact code I haven't put the second loop yet - I want the loop to appear where it says <! SUB CATEGORIES START HERE --> and end where it says it ends - the closest I have gotten to getting it to work is this:


  <?php if ($row_TopCategories['CATREF'] == $row_SubCategories['CATID']) do { ?>
          <li><a href='#'><?php echo $row_SubCategories['SCNAME']; ?></a></li>
           <?php } while ($row_SubCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($SubCategories)); ?>


But what this ends up doing is putting all of the submenu items into the first submenu and not dividing them up into their corresponding parent links-




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I've gotten closer- I now have the first submenu only populated with links that belong in it - but now all the submenus after it remain empty.


this is the code I have right now:


<?php do { ?>
  <li class="firstmenu"><a href="<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>" id="grab<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>" class="firstmenuHL">
  	<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CNAME']; ?><?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?></a>
        <ul onmouseover="document.getElementById('grab<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>').className='firstmenuDARK';" 
        	onmouseout="document.getElementById('grab<?php echo $row_TopCategories['CATID']; ?>').className='firstmenuHL';">
        <?php do { ?>
        	<?php if ($row_TopCategories['CATID'] == $row_SubCategories['CATREF']) { 
		echo "<li><a href='#'>".$row_SubCategories['SCNAME'].$row_SubCategories['CATREF'].$row_TopCategories['CATID']."</a></li>"; } ?>
           <?php } while ($row_SubCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($SubCategories)); ?>

  <?php } while ($row_TopCategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($TopCategories)); ?>


This is the code just for that main section - can anyone figure out why it only populates the first list?

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are you wanting something like this


$sql = "SELECT c.catid, c.cname , sc.scatid, sc.scname 
        FROM categories c
        INNER JOIN subcategories sc ON c.catid = sc.catref
        ORDER BY c.cid, sc.scid";
$res = mysql_query ($sql);

$prevcat = '';

echo '<ul>';
while (list($cid, $cat, $scid, $subcat) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
    if ($prevcat != $cid)
        if ($prevcat != '')
            echo '</ul>';
        echo "<li class="firstmenu"><a href='$cid' id='grab$cid' > $cat </a></li>";
        echo "<ul>";
        $prevcat = $cid;
    echo "<li><a href='$scid'> $subcat</a></li>";  
echo '</ul>';
echo '</ul>';


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