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SCP like file encryption


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transmit it from where to where? Javascript has no built in encryption functions, but php does:

--traditional method, uses the same key to encrypt/decrypt


--or use openSSL, the modern private/public key encryption system, uses different keys to encrypt/decrypt



free winzip has encryption built in, so you could winzip encrypt it and then upload it or send it as an email attachment, just send the password separately.


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basically I want to transfer a file from the client to the server. I wanted to use some type of encryption to deter packet sniffers.


I also wanted to bypass the need for an SSL key and keep the user at the http:// instead of https://


We use SCP to transfer between servers, I was hope to incorporate the same security into the client/server model.


I was hoping for a prewritten ajax and or PHP class/function that would handle this.




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there's no php function that can encrypt a file on the client before  uploading it.  Ajax is actually a part of  javascript and predefined functions in javascript are few.  As well, javascript has no power to access a file on the client(big security problem if it could do that), and therefore could not 'convert' it.  The only solution left would be have the person encrypt the file himself using some program on his local machine before upload. 

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