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[SOLVED] Pagination Help


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Hi Everyone,


I have this script which i got from PHPFreaks.com and im trying to print the results that are being shown the only way i can see doing it is like below but I cant see me coding that for every page. Has anyone got any better ideas?


                if($page == "1") {
                $page_num = '1-40';
                elseif($page == "2")  {
                $page_num = '41-80';
                elseif($page == "3") {
                $page_num = '81-120';
                elseif($page == "4") {
                $page_num = '121-160';
                else {
                $page_num = '';

Pagination Code:


$limit      = 40;                
    // Sets how many results shown per page

if(empty($page)){    // Checks if the $page variable is empty (not set) 
        $page = 1;      // If it is empty, we're on page 1 

    $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);  
    $query_count = "SELECT Count(*) FROM deals WHERE $net1 MonthlyCost BETWEEN 0 AND '{$_GET['MonthlyRental']}' AND $net PhoneCost BETWEEN 0 AND '{$_GET['PhoneCost']}' AND $net2 ContractLength  BETWEEN 0 AND '{$_GET['ContractLength']}' AND FreeMins BETWEEN '{$_GET['FreeMins']}' AND 9999 AND FreeTxts BETWEEN '{$_GET['FreeTxts']}' AND 9999 AND $net3 FreeGift <> 'Offer.FreeGift' ORDER BY TotalCost ASC";     
    // Sets what we want to pull from the database 
    // count(*) is better for large databases (thanks Greg!) 
    $result_count = mysql_query($query_count) or die(mysql_error());
    // Pulls what we want from the database 

    $totalrows  = mysql_result($result_count,0,0);   
    // This counts the number of users

$query = "SELECT * FROM deals WHERE $net1 MonthlyCost BETWEEN 0 AND '{$_GET['MonthlyRental']}' AND $net PhoneCost BETWEEN 0 AND '{$_GET['PhoneCost']}' AND $net2 ContractLength  BETWEEN 0 AND '{$_GET['ContractLength']}' AND FreeMins BETWEEN '{$_GET['FreeMins']}' AND 9999 AND FreeTxts BETWEEN '{$_GET['FreeTxts']}' AND 9999 AND $net3 FreeGift <> 'Offer.FreeGift' ORDER BY TotalCost ASC LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)

                if($page == "1") {
                $page_num = '1-40';
                elseif($page == "2")  {
                $page_num = '41-80';
                elseif($page == "3") {
                $page_num = '81-120';
                elseif($page == "4") {
                $page_num = '121-160';
                else {
                $page_num = '';

echo 'Currently viewing Page ' . $page_num. ' of ' . $totalrows . ' available mobile phone deals';
echo '<table width=840>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td width=17% align=center bgcolor="#87C542"><b>Tariff</b></td>';

echo '<td width=50% align=center bgcolor="#87C542"><b>The Detail</b></td>';
echo '<td width=20% align=center bgcolor="#87C542"><b>The Price</b></td>';
echo '<td width=13% align=center bgcolor="#87C542"><b>Where To Buy</b></td>';
echo '</tr>';

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
        $price =$row[2] / $row[17];
                $price2 =$row[1] - $row[2];
                if($row[17] == "12") {
                $net = '<font color="#000099">' . $row[17] . ' Month Contract</font>';
                else {
                $net = '<font color="#FF0000">' . $row[17] . ' Month Contract</font>';
                if($row[7] == "0.00") {
                $deal = ' - <font color="#FF0000">' . $row[8] . ' Months FREE Line Rental</font>';
                elseif($row[5] >= "0.01")  {
                $deal = ' includes £' . $row[5] . ' Cashback</b>';
                elseif($price2 == "0.00") {
                $deal = ' - <font color="#FF0000">' . $row[8] . ' Months FREE Line Rental</font>';
                elseif($row[7] < "$row[18]") {
                $deal = ' - ' . $row[8] . ' Months at £' . $row[7] . '';
                else {
                $deal = '';
                if($row[6] == "1") {
                $auto = '<font color="#FF0000">Automatic Cashback - No Redemtion Required!</font><br><br>';
                else {
                $auto = '';
                if($row[20] == "0") {
                $say2 = '';
                else {
                $say2 = '' . $row[20] . ' ' . $row[21] . ' minutes to any network ';
                if($row[22] == "0") {
                $say3 = '';
                else {
                $say3 = 'plus ' . $row[22] . ' texts per month';
                echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
                if($row[1] == "0") {
                $phone = '<b><font color="#FF0000">FREE</font> ' . $row[11] . ' ' . $row[12] . '</b>';
                else {
                $phone = '<b>' . $row[11] . ' ' . $row[12] . ' only £' . $row[1] . '</b>';
                if($row[4] == "") {
                $gift = '';
                else {
                $gift = ' with a <font color="#FF0000">FREE</font> ' . $row[4] . '';
                if($row[4] == "") {
                $giftimg = '';
                elseif($row[4] == "PAYG Handset") {
                $giftimg = '';
                else {
                $giftimg = ' <img src="images/' . $row[4] . '.jpg" alt="FREE ' . $row[4] . '" align=left>';
                if($row[22] == "0") {
                $say10 = '';
                else {
                $say10 = 'plus ' . $row[22] . ' texts per month';
                if($row[24] == "Vodafone") {
                $say4 = 'Voda ' . str_replace("£","£",$row[19] ) . '';
                elseif($row[24] == "O2") {
                $say4 = 'O2 ' . str_replace("£","£",$row[19] ) . '';
                elseif($row[24] == "Virgin") {
                $say4 = 'Virgin ' . str_replace("£","£",$row[19] ) . '';
                elseif($row[24] == "BT Mobile") {
                $say4 = 'BT Mobile ' . str_replace("£","£",$row[19] ) . '';
                else {
                $say4 = '' . str_replace("£","£",$row[19] ) . '';
                echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">';
	echo '<td align=center><img src=' . $row[25] . '><br>' . $say4 . '<br>' . $net . '<br> £' . $row[18] . ' Per Month</td>';
                echo '<td align=center>';
                if($row[23] == "") {
                $tmob = '';
                else {
                $tmob = ' T-Mobile Flext gives you an Allowance of £' . $row[23] . ' to spend how you like on minutes or texts. This could allow you to have ';
                echo'<img src="' . $row[14] . '" alt="' . $row[11] . ' ' . $row[12] . '" align=left> ' . $giftimg . ' ' . $phone . ' ' . $deal . ' ' . $gift . ' <br> ' . $auto . ' ' . $tmob . ' ' . $say2 . ' ' . $say3 . ' standard Line rental is £' . $row[18] . ' per month.</td>';
                echo '<td align=center>Average line rental after cash back will be ';
                if($row[2] == "0.00") {
                echo' <font color="#FF0000">£' . number_format($price, 2, '.', '') . '</font><br><br>Total cost of this contract: <font color="#FF0000"><b>FREE</b></font></td>';
                else {
                echo' £' . number_format($price, 2, '.', '') . '<br><br>Total cost of this contract: £' . number_format($row[2], 2, '.', '') . '</td>';
	echo '<td align=center><a target="_blank" href=http://www.yoursite.com/banners.php?op=dealsclick&ID=' . $row[0] . '><img border=0 alt="' . $row[26] . '" src=' . $row[27] . '><br><br>
        <img border=0 alt="Buy Now - ' . $row[26] . '" src=http://www.yoursite.com/mobile-phone-deals/images/buynow.gif width="80" height="20"></a></td>';
	echo '</tr>';

echo '</table>'; 



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I dont think i explained my self well enough. I want to be able to print the data like this


Showing 1 to 50 of 17798 available mobile phone deals


I already have the data coming out of the database in the right way i would just like to print where its at

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I understand that the problem im having is like below


Currently viewing 41 to 80 of 49 available mobile phone deals


Is that a formula i can put in place that will check that "80" doesnt go above the number of deals?


Apart from that its working fine, Thanks for your help so far

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just change this part


if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)



                if($page == "1") {

                $page_num = '1-40';


                elseif($page == "2")  {

                $page_num = '41-80';


                elseif($page == "3") {

                $page_num = '81-120';


                elseif($page == "4") {

                $page_num = '121-160';


                else {

                $page_num = '';



if thats not clear. what is limit of data to be displayed eg 1-20,20-40 etc..?

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Sorry I took on some of otuatail suggestion so this is my code.


$to = (($page * $limit) - $limit + 40);
$from = (($page * $limit) - $limit + 1);

echo 'Currently viewing ' . $from. ' to ' . $to. ' of ' . $totalrows . ' available mobile phone deals';



Which is working apart from the error i described.

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//$to = (($page * $limit) - $limit + 40);
$to = $page * $limit > $totalrows ? $totalrows : $page * $limit;
$from = (($page * $limit) - $limit + 1);

echo 'Currently viewing ' . $from. ' to ' . $to. ' of ' . $totalrows . ' available mobile phone deals';


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