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Simple (???) Problem


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Oh, I really cannot BEGIN to thank you Adam!!! You're an absolute genius and a kind one, too!


The time and effort you've put into this has helped me beyond measure and has, unquestionably, saved my sanity!!! :o


I shall be eternally grateful... and if you're really lucky (sic) I'll post up later and bore you with the end result that it was all needed for in the first place. Hahaha ;D



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Damn, damn, damn... spoke too soon. Unfortunately it transpires that all the current stuff does is re-write what's been included in the php in the first place.


i.e. if the string says:


$name1 = "name1=Jane&";


then it returns




However, the names are only there as a guideline. What I need is for users to be able to type in their own names. So, I went to modify the code, thus:


$name1 = "";


in the hope that when the blank field was written to by a user it would display their name. Sadly, though, it's not a goer.


Genuinely have to give up now, utterly defeated and very near to breaking down. So sorry for all the time you've spent on this - it just doesn't look like it's achievable but thank you very much indeed for trying.


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$names_in_form = 50; //change this number
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$out = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $names_in_form; $i++){
	$var_name = 'name_'.$i;
	if ($_POST[$var_name]) $out[] = $var_name.'='.$_POST[$var_name]; 
$out = implode('&', $out);
$h = fopen("names.txt",'w');
fwrite($h, $out);

$names = file_get_contents("names.txt");
$names1 = explode('&',$names);
$names = array(); 
foreach ($names1 as $name){
	$name = explode('=',$name);
	$names[$name[0]] = $name[1];
} else $names = array();
echo '<form method="POST" action="">',"\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $names_in_form; $i++){ 
$var_name = 'name_'.$i;
echo 'Name ', $i, ' <input type="text" name="',$var_name, '" value="',$x = array_key_exists($var_name,$names) ? $names[$var_name] : ''  ,'"><br />',"\n";
echo '
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) echo '<h2>In file write: ', $out,'</h2>';

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Thanks! I've been off the board for about 12 hours catching up on two day's sleep! But in the interim another kind soul found a fix and emailed it to me.


I'm in a meeting at the mo; so can't access it to post up but as soon as I'm back at my desk I'll sling up the fix.


It does work!!!  ;D


Thanks all... back soon...

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