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[SOLVED] Issue with thumbnail script. Could be server related?


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Hi Guys,


I am currently using the below Ian Selby script to generate an thumbnail from an image and save it to the server. There is noting wrong with the script as I have tested it on different servers and use it on other sites, and it works fine.


However, on a new site I am developing the thumbnail it tries to copy is just a black image. Then gives me the message...


"Warning: imagecopyresampled(): 7 is not a valid Image resource"


My php has gd enabled also. I am not gonna post the thumbnail.inc.php file with the associated functions as I know this code already works.


Like I said I think its an issue with something else. Can anyone suggest anything thats work trying? I've been 3 days at this so I have to seek some help now. Thanks.


$imagedir = "property_images/";

$timest = time();
$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];

	if($image1 != ""){
			$image1exists = 1; 
			$includesimage = '1';


		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);


		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1 = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);


		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1a = $imagedir."THUMB".$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);


		if($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'] != ""){
		echo "hello";
			list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']);
			move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);

			if($width > $height){ $istaller = "0";}
			if($width < $height){ $istaller = "1";}
			if($width == $height){ $istaller = "2";}

				$thumb = new Thumbnail($image1file);

			if($istaller == "0"){
				}elseif($istaller == "1"){
			if($height > "650"){
			$thumb2 = new Thumbnail($image1file);
				if($istaller == "0"){
					}elseif($istaller == "1"){




Just the imagecopyresampled() in thumbnail.inc.php



	$this->oldImage = $this->workingImage;
	$this->newImage = $this->workingImage;
	$this->currentDimensions['width'] = $width;
	$this->currentDimensions['height'] = $height;

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All permissions have been checked. The part quoted does work as it uploads the main image. The thumbnail seems to upload also, but it uploads as a black image.


The way the script works is it sets a black background and then copies the image over it, but it doesnt seem to be doing the copying part and fails at the function I listed for whatever reason. The same code works on other sites I done so I cant understand why I am having problems with this script.

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I did'nt get a chance to gather any error's yesterday buy just in relation to what you about "problem is related to $image1file"


I use the exact same code and file permissions on 2 other sites and the thumbnail seems to upload fine. Could this problem even be related to the GD Library on this sites server... although I dont think so.


What kind of debugging code could I try?


I am not quite sure what the below message is saying but it must be the problem that is stopping the image copying to the thumbnail


"Warning: imagecopyresampled(): 7 is not a valid Image resource"

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I inserted that code into the script and gave me this result...


bool(false) NULL END



		if($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'] != ""){

			list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']);
			$check = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);
			var_dump($check, $image1file);

			if($width > $height){ $istaller = "0";}

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Problem with the upload

this line fails..

move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);

reason..is this $image1file is not being set


add line (see comments)


	$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];
echo "Testing123:";
	if($image1 != ""){
			$image1exists = 1; 
			$includesimage = '1';


		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";

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I got a chance to insert that code there but I dont seem to be able to see the output from it as when the form is submitted with an image, it just reloads that page (as a blank page) and prints the address/ URL of the page along the top


This only happens when I include an image in the upload. I am thinking it could be to do with the way the header is set, but maybe not. I'll print the code again below to show you the lot...







$process = "";
$process = isset($_POST['process']) ? $_POST['process'] : '';

if ($process != "execute")
//not being submitted...

$county=""; $location=""; $type=""; $price="";$bedrooms="";$sale_type="";$description="";$accomodation="";

 $county = $_POST['county'];
 $location = $_POST['location'];
 $type = $_POST['type'];

 $address = $_POST['address'];
 $price = $_POST['price'];
 $bedrooms = $_POST['bedrooms'];

 $sale_type = $_POST['sale_type'];
 $description = $_POST['description'];
 $features = $_POST['features'];

 $accomodation = $_POST['accomodation'];

if($county == ""){
		$countyerror = "Please select a county.";
	}elseif($location == ""){
		$locationerror = "Please select a location.";
	}elseif($type == ""){
		$typeerror = "Please select a property type.";
	}elseif($address == ""){
		$addresserror = "Please enter an address for this property.";
	}elseif($price == ""){
		$priceerror = "Please enter a price for this property.";
	}elseif($description == ""){
		$descriptionerror = "Please enter a description for this property.";

	if($error == 1){
		//an error occured cant save...

$imagedir = "property_images/";

	$timest = time();

	$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];
                echo "Testing123:";

	    if($image1 != ""){
			$image1exists = 1; 
			$includesimage = '1';



		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";

                             $image1 = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

                             $image1a = $imagedir."THUMB".$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

		if($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'] != ""){

			list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']);
			move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);

			if($width > $height){ $istaller = "0";}
			if($width < $height){ $istaller = "1";}
			if($width == $height){ $istaller = "2";}

				$thumb = new Thumbnail($image1file);
			if($istaller == "0"){
				}elseif($istaller == "1"){
			if($height > "650"){
			$thumb2 = new Thumbnail($image1file);
				if($istaller == "0"){
					}elseif($istaller == "1"){

insertproperty($county, $location, $type, $address, $price, $bedrooms, $sale_type, $description, $features,  $accomodation, $image1, $image1a, $image2, $image3, $image4, $image5, $image6);

if($insertproperty == 0){
			echo $generalerror = "Error uplaoding files(s).";
			echo $generalerror = "Files Uploaded.";



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I got a chance to run that script. I just printed out the full php script on the page below so you can see the lot. When I inserted you code in the script I got...



array(6) { ["image1"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(9) "house.jpg" ["type"]=>  string(10) "image/jpeg" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(14) 

"/tmp/phpJV1JUm" ["error"]=>  int(0) ["size"]=>  int(82082) } ["image2"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  

string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image3"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  

string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image4"]=>  

array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  

int(0) } ["image5"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  

int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image6"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  

string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } } I am set:string(37) "property_images/1194103595AAhouse.jpg"




Full php page code...






$process = "";
$process = isset($_POST['process']) ? $_POST['process'] : '';

if ($process != "execute")
//not being submitted...

$county=""; $location=""; $type=""; $price="";$bedrooms="";$sale_type="";$description="";$accomodation="";

 $county = $_POST['county'];
 $location = $_POST['location'];
 $type = $_POST['type'];

 $address = $_POST['address'];
 $price = $_POST['price'];
 $bedrooms = $_POST['bedrooms'];

 $sale_type = $_POST['sale_type'];
 $description = $_POST['description'];
 $features = $_POST['features'];

 $accomodation = $_POST['accomodation'];

if($county == ""){
		$countyerror = "Please select a county.";
	}elseif($location == ""){
		$locationerror = "Please select a location.";
	}elseif($type == ""){
		$typeerror = "Please select a property type.";
	}elseif($address == ""){
		$addresserror = "Please enter an address for this property.";
	}elseif($price == ""){
		$priceerror = "Please enter a price for this property.";
	}elseif($description == ""){
		$descriptionerror = "Please enter a description for this property.";

	if($error == 1){
		//an error occured cant save...

$imagedir = "property_images/";

	$timest = time();

	$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];
                echo "Testing123:";

	    if($image1 != ""){
			$image1exists = 1; 
			$includesimage = '1';



		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";

                             $image1 = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

                             $image1a = $imagedir."THUMB".$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

		if($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'] != ""){

			list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']);
			move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);

			if($width > $height){ $istaller = "0";}
			if($width < $height){ $istaller = "1";}
			if($width == $height){ $istaller = "2";}

				$thumb = new Thumbnail($image1file);
			if($istaller == "0"){
				}elseif($istaller == "1"){
			if($height > "650"){
			$thumb2 = new Thumbnail($image1file);
				if($istaller == "0"){
					}elseif($istaller == "1"){

insertproperty($county, $location, $type, $address, $price, $bedrooms, $sale_type, $description, $features,  $accomodation, $image1, $image1a, $image2, $image3, $image4, $image5, $image6);

if($insertproperty == 0){
			echo $generalerror = "Error uplaoding files(s).";
			echo $generalerror = "Files Uploaded.";



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try this


		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";



		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = dirname(__FILE__)."/".$imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";

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I ran that and got the below result. I thumbnail still uploaded as a black 100x100 image, but the main image uploaded fine as usual.


Testing123:array(6) { ["image1"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(9) "house.jpg" ["type"]=>  string(10) "image/jpeg" 

["tmp_name"]=>  string(14) "/tmp/phpaclUz9" ["error"]=>  int(0) ["size"]=>  int(82082) } ["image2"]=>  array(5) { 

["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } 

["image3"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) 

["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image4"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" 

["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image5"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" 

["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image6"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" 

["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } } I am set:string(71) 


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Umm... I am not quite sure whats happining now :) .. The page just seems to reload blank with noting on it accept it prints the URL/ address of the page at the top.


Below is the exact script I ran.







	$error = "";
	$image2 = "";

$process = "";
$process = isset($_POST['process']) ? $_POST['process'] : '';

$countyerror=""; $locationerror=""; $typeerror=""; $addresserror=""; $priceerror=""; $descriptionerror="";$bedroomerror="";
if ($process != "execute")
//not being submitted...

$county=""; $location=""; $type=""; $price="";$bedrooms="";$sale_type="";$description="";$accomodation="";

 $county = $_POST['county'];
 $location = $_POST['location'];
 $type = $_POST['type'];

 $address = $_POST['address'];
 $price = $_POST['price'];
 $bedrooms = $_POST['bedrooms'];

 $sale_type = $_POST['sale_type'];
 $description = $_POST['description'];
 $features = $_POST['features'];

 $prop = $_POST['prop'];

 $accomodation = $_POST['accomodation'];

if($county == ""){
		$countyerror = "Please select a county.";
	}elseif($location == ""){
		$locationerror = "Please select a location.";
	}elseif($type == ""){
		$typeerror = "Please select a property type.";
	}elseif($address == ""){
		$addresserror = "Please enter an address for this property.";
	}elseif($price == ""){
		$priceerror = "Please enter a price for this property.";
	}elseif($description == ""){
		$descriptionerror = "Please enter a description for this property.";

	if($error == 1){
		//an error occured cant save...

$imagedir = "property_images/";

	$timest = time();

	$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];
                echo "Testing123:";

	    if($image1 != ""){
			$image1exists = 1; 
			$includesimage = '1';



		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";

                             $image1 = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

                             $image1a = $imagedir."THUMB".$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

		if($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'] != ""){

			list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']);
			$check = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);
			var_dump($check, $image1file); 

			if($width > $height){ $istaller = "0";}
			if($width < $height){ $istaller = "1";}
			if($width == $height){ $istaller = "2";}

				$thumb = new Thumbnail($image1file);
			if($istaller == "0"){
				}elseif($istaller == "1"){
			if($height > "650"){
			$thumb2 = new Thumbnail($image1file);
				if($istaller == "0"){
					}elseif($istaller == "1"){

insertproperty($county, $location, $type, $address, $price, $bedrooms, $sale_type, $description, $features, $accomodation, $image1, $image1a, $image2, $image3, $image4, $image5, $image6, $prop);

if($insertproperty == 0){
			echo $generalerror = "Error uplaoding files(s).";
			echo $generalerror = "Files Uploaded.";



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Scratch that last post! I Put the below variables in the wrong place..




Ok when I added that line you said I got...


Testing123:array(6) { ["image1"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(9) "house.jpg" ["type"]=>  string(10) "image/jpeg" 

["tmp_name"]=>  string(14) "/tmp/phpud7aBT" ["error"]=>  int(0) ["size"]=>  int(82082) } ["image2"]=>  array(5) { 

["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } 

["image3"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) 

["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image4"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) ""

["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image5"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" 

["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image6"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" 

["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } } I am set:string(37) 

"property_images/1194126236AAhouse.jpg" bool(true) string(37) "property_images/1194126236AAhouse.jpg" 

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Erm.. did you do this ?


try this


		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";



		if($image1exists == 1){

			$image1file = dirname(__FILE__)."/".$imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
			echo "I am set:";

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Tried it with that there and I got...


Thumbnail still uploaded as a black image. This is the strangest thing I've ever come across in my life!


Testing123:array(6) { ["image1"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(9) "house.jpg" ["type"]=>  string(10) "image/jpeg" 

["tmp_name"]=>  string(14) "/tmp/phpb7VdRV" ["error"]=>  int(0) ["size"]=>  int(82082) } ["image2"]=>  array(5) { 

["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } 

["image3"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) 

["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image4"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" 

["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image5"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" ["type"]=>  string(0) "" 

["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } ["image6"]=>  array(5) { ["name"]=>  string(0) "" 

["type"]=>  string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=>  string(0) "" ["error"]=>  int(4) ["size"]=>  int(0) } } I am set:string(71) 

"/home/mysite/www/dub/admin/property_images/1194138220AAhouse.jpg" bool(true) string(71) 


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i gave the code a quick clean up.. try it now





$process = "";
$process = isset($_POST['process']) ? $_POST['process'] : '';

if ($process != "execute")
//not being submitted...
$county=""; $location=""; $type=""; $price="";$bedrooms="";$sale_type="";$description="";$accomodation="";
$county = $_POST['county'];
$location = $_POST['location'];
$type = $_POST['type'];

$address = $_POST['address'];
$price = $_POST['price'];
$bedrooms = $_POST['bedrooms'];

$sale_type = $_POST['sale_type'];
$description = $_POST['description'];
$features = $_POST['features'];

$accomodation = $_POST['accomodation'];

if($county == "")
	$countyerror = "Please select a county.";
}elseif($location == ""){
	$locationerror = "Please select a location.";
}elseif($type == ""){
	$typeerror = "Please select a property type.";
}elseif($address == ""){
	$addresserror = "Please enter an address for this property.";
}elseif($price == ""){
	$priceerror = "Please enter a price for this property.";
}elseif($description == ""){
	$descriptionerror = "Please enter a description for this property.";

if($error == 1)
	//an error occured cant save...
	$imagedir = dirname(__FILE__)."/property_images/";

	$timest = time();

	$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];

    if($image1 != "")
		$image1exists = 1; 
		$includesimage = '1';


	if($image1exists == 1)
		$image1file = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
		$image1 = $imagedir.$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);
		$image1a = $imagedir."THUMB".$timest."AA".basename($_FILES['image1']['name']);

		if($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'] != "")
			list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']);
			$C = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'], $image1file);
			if(!$C) die("Upload Failed #1");
			if($width > $height){ $istaller = "0";}
			if($width < $height){ $istaller = "1";}
			if($width == $height){ $istaller = "2";}

			$thumb = new Thumbnail($image1file);
			if($istaller == "0")
			}elseif($istaller == "1"){
			if($height > "650")
				$thumb2 = new Thumbnail($image1file);
				if($istaller == "0")
				}elseif($istaller == "1"){

		insertproperty($county, $location, $type, $address, $price, $bedrooms, $sale_type, $description, $features,  $accomodation, $image1, $image1a, $image2, $image3, $image4, $image5, $image6);

		if($insertproperty == 0)
			echo $generalerror = "Error uplaoding files(s).";
			echo $generalerror = "Files Uploaded.";


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I got your code to run there. You had $image1exists=""; after it was set..


$timest = time();

	$image1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];


    if($image1 != "")
		$image1exists = 1; 
		$includesimage = '1';



The thumbnail still uploaded as a black image again. If we cant get this to work, is there any workaround or other thumbnail code you could advise in putting in its place. Its just strange that the code works on my other sites! :)

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