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[SOLVED] read / print file to 'x' character??


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Sorry if this has been discussed before, but i can't find an answer anywhere... maybe it can't be done?


Here's my issue:


Currently, i am using a php script to write information to a text file. Upon submission of the form, the date is printed (form: yyyy.mm.dd), followed by a space, then the information entered in the form.


This txt document is then read then printed line by line on a web page.


//read data from the news file in /news_input/news.txt and prints it a line at a time

if (!($newsfile = fopen("news_input/news.txt", "r"))) {
die('Cannot open file');

while ($line = fgets($newsfile,4096)) {

//read first 10 characters of line an label as date
$date = preg_replace('/(..........).*()/','$1$2',$line);

//read all characters after date and label as content
$content = substr($line, 10);
$news = stripslashes($content);

print "<tr><td valign='top'>";
print "<font color=#000000>$date</font>";
print "<td align='left'> $news";
print "</td>";
print "</tr>";

Note that the date and the info are printed into separate cells of a table.


my question: is there a way to do something similar, only reading up to a specified character (say '~' for example), and everything before said character be labeled $date, and everything after said character to be labeled $content?


Let me know if you need more informatioin. i do not have access to a sql db, so that's out of the question (free web hosting, can't be picky...) (btw, the website this is on is http://www.wannafork.com).


If you want the source code of how i wrote the information to the file, i'll post it, too

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you are a god among men. Thanks!! i was beating my head over this one... my friend will thank you, too... (it took less time to register on this forum, post the question AND get the reply than i spent looking for this answer all day!!)


thanks again!

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Get the contents of the file first with this, (instead of fgets)


$text = file_get_contents ('filename.txt');


then explode as pocobueno suggested


$text = 'Twas brillig~and the slthy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe';    // assume this was in the file

list ($date, $content) = explode ('~', $text);

echo $date;        // -> Twas brillig
echo '<br/>';
echo $content;     // -> and the slthy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe

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Get the contents of the file first with this, (instead of fgets)


$text = file_get_contents ('filename.txt');


will this return it a line at a time?


basically, when info is entered into the txt file, it's in a specified order (date, separator, content, line break). i need to read the info a line at a time until eof.

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what are the benefits of your way over this:



//read data from the news file in /news_input/news.txt and prints it a line at a time

if (!($newsfile = fopen("news_input/news.txt", "r"))) {
die('Cannot open file');

while ($line = fgets($newsfile,4096)) {
list ($date, $content) = explode('~', $line);

print "<tr><td valign='top'>";
print "<font color=#000000>$date</font>"; //print date in left cell
print "<td align='left'> $content";               //print content in right cell
print "</td>";
print "</tr>";


sorry for the n00bish question, but i'm still somewhat new to php scripting and want to understand what works best aside from taking someone's word for it... (that's how i learn best).


Thanks again

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