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recalculate for multiple clients?


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Hello all,


I am trying to write a function or functions to recalculate two price fields for multiple clients.


My price fields are:




which I want to control based on a $Cost variable (also a field I will save) and a $PriceCode variable that references a table that stores the factors for the two price fields to be changed/recalculated


this involves 2 db tables (productprice, pricecodeprice)


here is what I have so far -


# For recalculating product prices.
if ($_GET['ProductId'] && $_GET['Cost'] && $_GET['PriceCode']) {

$ProductId = $_GET['ProductId'];
$Cost			 = $_GET['Cost'];
$PriceCode = $_GET['PriceCode'];

//grab all the client types to recalculate prices for.
$q = dbQuery("SELECT ClientPriceCode FROM productprice WHERE ProductId ='$ProductId'");
$nClients = dbNumRows($q);

while($row = dbFetchAssoc($q))
 $CPC_list[] = $row['ClientPriceCode'];

 // get the factors for each client type from pricecodeprice.
   $q = dbQuery("SELECT RetailFactor, SellFactor FROM pricecodeprice WHERE ClientPriceCode IN('".join("', '", $CPC_list)."')"); 
   $row = dbFetchAssoc($q);


I'm having trouble setting up my queries to do the math I need to and then display them in an HTML table.


Any Ideas??

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ok on the current page lets say I have a product with a cost = 3.00 a retail = 6.00 and a sell = 5.95 for client R1


then I have a retail = 4.25 and a sell = 4.25 for client W1


I have a recalc btn that brings up a prompt to change the cost for this product. So I change the cost to 2.50


now I want to look up the retail factor for client R1 where the PriceCode = "A1" (this code comes from a select box on the page) and multiply the new cost by the RetailFactor (e.g. 2.50 x 2) to get the new retail price. The the same for the sell, and then repeat the process for each type of client (e.g. client R1, and W1)


so the original retail of 6.00 would be 5.00 and the sell would change etc.


Does that help clear things up??



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something like this?

if ($_GET['ProductId'] && $_GET['Cost'] && $_GET['PriceCode']) {

    $ProductId = $_GET['ProductId'];
    $Cost = $_GET['Cost'];
    $PriceCode = $_GET['PriceCode'];

    $sql = "SELECT p.ClientPriceCode, c.RetailFactor, c.SellFactor
            FROM productprice p
            INNER JOIN pricecodeprice c ON p.ClientPriceCode = c.ClientPriceCode
            WHERE p.ProductId ='$ProductId'
            ORDER BY p.ClientPriceCode";
    $res = mysql_query ($sql);

    echo "Product : $productId <br/>Cost : $Cost <br/>";
    echo '<table>
            <th>Retail Factor</th>
            <th>Retail Price</th>
            <th>Sell Factor</th>
            <th>Sell Price</th>
    while (list($cpc, $rf, $sf) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
        printf ('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%0.2f</td><td>%0.2f</td><td>%0.2f</td><td>%0.2f</td></tr>', $cpc, $rf, $Cost*$rf, $sf, $Cost*$sf);
    echo '</table>';

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thanks Barand!


only thing is that I am getting the results upside down?

if ($_GET['ProductId'] && $_GET['Cost'] && $_GET['PriceCode']) {

    $ProductId = $_GET['ProductId'];
    $Cost = $_GET['Cost'];
    $PriceCode = $_GET['PriceCode'];

    $sql = "SELECT p.ClientPriceCode, c.RetailFactor, c.SellFactor
            FROM productprice p
            INNER JOIN pricecodeprice c ON p.ClientPriceCode = c.ClientPriceCode
            WHERE p.ProductId ='$ProductId'
    AND c.PriceCode = '$PriceCode'
            ORDER BY p.ClientPriceCode";
    $res = dbQuery ($sql);

$table = '';

$table .= '
					<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
                <td colspan="4" class="mb">Prices</td>
                <td><span class="errors">*</span>Price Code</td>
                <td><span class="errors">*</span>Cost</td>
                <td><select name="PriceCode" id="PriceCode" tabindex="5" style="width:180px">';
						$sql = dbQuery("SELECT PriceCode, Name FROM pricecode ORDER BY PriceCode");
						  while($row = dbFetchAssoc($sql))
$table .= '							
                    <option value="'.$PriceCode.'">'.$PriceCode.'|'.$Name.'</option>';

  $table .= '   </select></td>
                <td><input size="7" name="Cost" type="text" id="Cost" style="text-align:right" value="'.$Cost.'"></td>
  <form name="calc">
    <a class="calc" style="cursor:pointer" onClick="recalcTotals($ProductId,$Cost,$pc);">Recalc prices</a>
    <td> </td>
  <td> </td>
  <td><span class="errors">*</span>Retail</td>
  <td><input size="7" name="PriceRetail" type="text" id="PriceRetail" style="text-align:right" value="$PriceRetail"></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td><span class="errors">*</span>Sell</td>
    <td><span class="errors">*</span>Hold</td>
while (list($cpc, $rf, $sf) = dbFetchRow($res))
 printf ('<tr><td>%s</td><td><input size="7" name="PriceRetail" value=".%0.2f"></td><td><input size="7" name="PriceSell" value="%0.2f"></td></tr>', $cpc, $Cost*$rf, $Cost*$sf);
	$table .= '</td>

echo $return_value = $table;



this puts the looped prices above the select box and my table headings ??


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thanks again!!


I am not quite solved though. perhaps u could help a little more.


I am now have trouble saving the new values.

This is what I have tried:


	$SQL = "";
		#This allows us to save multi-records in the right spot!
		$SQL = sprintf("UPDATE productprice SET PriceSell=%s, PriceHold=%s WHERE ClientPriceCode=%s AND ProductId=%s",
						//GetSQLValueString($_POST['PriceRetail'][$n],	"decimal"),
						GetSQLValueString($_POST['PriceSell'][$n],	"decimal"),
						GetSQLValueString($_POST['PriceHold'][$n],	"decimal"),
						GetSQLValueString($_POST['ClientPriceCode'][$n], "text"),
						GetSQLValueString($ProductId,				"int"));
				//$Result = dbQuery($SQL)or die(mysql_error());							
		echo $SQL; //uncomment this and comment $Result to debug

my save


and here is the function currently:

if ($_GET['ProductId'] && $_GET['Cost'] && $_GET['PriceCode']) {

    $ProductId = $_GET['ProductId'];
    $Cost = $_GET['Cost'];
    $PriceCode = $_GET['PriceCode'];

    $sql = "SELECT p.ClientPriceCode, cp.ShortName, c.RetailFactor, c.SellFactor, c.HoldFactor
            FROM productprice p
            INNER JOIN pricecodeprice c ON p.ClientPriceCode = c.ClientPriceCode
					INNER JOIN clientpricecode cp ON p.ClientPriceCode = cp.ClientPriceCode
            WHERE p.ProductId ='$ProductId'
					AND c.PriceCode = '$PriceCode'
            ORDER BY p.ClientPriceCode";
    $res = dbQuery ($sql);
	$row = dbFetchAssoc($res);
	$PriceRetail = $Cost * $RetailFactor;

$table = '';

$table .= '
					<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
                <td colspan="4" class="mb">Prices</td>
                <td><span class="errors">*</span>Price Code</td>
                <td><span class="errors">*</span>Cost</td>
                <td><select name="PriceCode" id="PriceCode" tabindex="5" style="width:180px">';
	$sql = dbQuery("SELECT PriceCode, Name FROM pricecode ORDER BY PriceCode");
	while($row = dbFetchAssoc($sql))
	    if($row['PriceCode']== $PriceCode){
$table .= '
		<option value="'.$PriceCode.'" selected>'.$PriceCode.'|'.$row['Name'].'</option>';
$table .= '							
                    <option value="'.$row['PriceCode'].'">'.$row['PriceCode'].'|'.$row['Name'].'</option>';

  $table .= '   </select></td>
                <td><input size="7" name="Cost" type="text" id="Cost" style="text-align:right" value="'.$Cost.'"></td>
  <form name="calc">
    <a class="calc" style="cursor:pointer" onClick="recalcTotals($ProductId,$Cost,$pc);">Recalc prices</a>
    <td> </td>
  <td> </td>
  <td><span class="errors">*</span>Retail</td>
  <td><input size="7" name="PriceRetail" type="text" id="PriceRetail" style="text-align:right" value="'.$PriceRetail.'"></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td><span class="errors">*</span>Sell</td>
    <td><span class="errors">*</span>Hold</td>
    while (list($cpc, $sn, $rf, $sf, $hf) = dbFetchRow($res))
     $n = 0;
     $table .= sprintf ('<tr><td><input name="ClientPriceCode['.$n.']" type="hidden" id="ClientPriceCode" value="['.$n.']%s">%s</td><td><input size="7" name="PriceSell['.$n.']" value="%0.2f"></td><td><input size="7" name="PriceHold['.$n.']" value="%0.2f"></td></tr>', $cpc, $sn, $Cost*$sf, $Cost*$hf);
$table .= '</td>

echo $return_value = $table;



I figure my little $n counting varible is not working with the list() ??


Thanks for all your help!

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sprintf would be

     $table .= sprintf ('
            <input name="ClientPriceCode[%d]" type="hidden" id="ClientPriceCode" value="%s">%s
            <input size="7" name="PriceSell[%d]" value="%0.2f">
            <input size="7" name="PriceHold[%d]" value="%0.2f">
        </td></tr>', $n, $cpc, $cpc, $n, $Cost*$sf, $n, $Cost*$hf);



To process


foreach ($_POST['ClientPriceCode'] as $n => $cpc)
    	$SQL = sprintf("UPDATE productprice SET PriceSell=%s, PriceHold=%s WHERE ClientPriceCode=%s AND ProductId=%s",
        //GetSQLValueString($_POST['PriceRetail'][$n],	"decimal"),
        GetSQLValueString($_POST['PriceSell'][$n],	"decimal"),
        GetSQLValueString($_POST['PriceHold'][$n],	"decimal"),
        GetSQLValueString($cpc,    "text"),
        GetSQLValueString($ProductId,				"int"));


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