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is it this function got bug?


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function generatePassword ($length,$type)
   $password = "";

  if ($type=='Character(Big Letter)'){//3
  	if($type=='Character(Small Letter)'){//2
  		if ($type=='Number'){//1
  			$possible = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; 
  // set up a counter
  $i = 0; 
  // add random characters to $password until $length is reached
  while ($i < $length) { 

    // pick a random character from the possible ones
    $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
    // we don't want this character if it's already in the password
    if (!strstr($password, $char)) { 
      $password .= $char;

  }//end of while

  // done!
  return $password;


i always hang with pages running this function...is it contain bugs?




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Ever hear of the switch operator? Those nested IF statements may be valid but are not efficient.


Anyway, I didn't run the code, but one problem I see is that you don't allow repeating characters. So, if you were to select the 'Number' type with a length greater than 10 the function would never complete.


Try this (not tested)

function generatePassword ($length, $type)
   switch ($type)
      case 'Character(Big Letter)':
      case 'Character(Small Letter)':
      case 'Number':

   //Validation needed if characters cannot be repeated
   if ($length < strlen($possible)) { $length = strlen($possible); }

   //Convert string into an array of the characters
   $charactersAry = str_split($possible);
   //Randomize the order of the characters
   //Get the first ($length) characters of the array and onvert to string
   $password = implode('', array_slice($input, 0, $length));

   return $password;

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There were a couple typos in my code above, but here it is corrected and it works perfectly fine. I included two different validations on length, be sure to comment out/remove the one you don't want to use. The function works perfectly fine for



function generatePassword ($length=6, $type='')
   switch ($type)
      case 'Character(Big Letter)':
      case 'Character(Small Letter)':
      case 'Number':


   //Use this validation if you want to reduce the length if greater than the
   //possible characters, i.e. characters must not repeat
   if ($length > strlen($possible)) { $length = strlen($possible); }

   //Use this validation if you want to allow dupluicate characters if the length
   //can be greater than the possible characters
   while ($length > strlen($possible)) { $possible = $possible . $possible; }

   //Convert string into an array of the characters
   $charactersAry = str_split($possible);
   //Randomize the order of the characters
   //Get the first ($length) characters of the array and onvert to string
   $password = implode('', array_slice($charactersAry, 0, $length));

   return $password;

echo "Big: " .generatePassword (12, 'Character(Big Letter)') . "<br>";
echo "Small: " .generatePassword (12, 'Character(Small Letter)') . "<br>";
echo "Number: " .generatePassword (12, 'Number') . "<br>";
echo "Default: " .generatePassword (12, 'xyz') . "<br>";



Possible output if using the 2nd validation technique:

Small: keitqwmnghay
Number: 909213427088
Default: y58uloQHEpwm


Note: The 'Number' example repeats some characters because the length is specified as 12, but there are only 10 digits.

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